Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum - Prajecyrujucy sinhuliarnaje wypramienwannie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahlynalnaha Zla skroz Sascihrannuju pryzmu Sin-Ahhi-Eriba na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakalnaha kauceha zasnawalnikau... 2016

Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum - Prajecyrujucy sinhuliarnaje wypramienwannie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahlynalnaha Zla skroz Sascihrannuju pryzmu Sin-Ahhi-Eriba na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakalnaha kauceha zasnawalnikau...
Amputated Vein Records CD 2016

01 Transhresiunaje usescie En-miendurana skroz pramianistuju deltu Wialikaha Architektara Al-Sadirah minujucy modusy casu Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, niewiadomaha wartaunika wuzlou Maa-Atef-F, da abicieli Adada... 03:57    
02 Imkniennie apantanasci hniewu Sebeka da slupou twarennia ruin Assurbanipala skroz zabaronieny sliach empiryjakrytycyzmu miedytatyunych pahlyblienniau Ciomnych Zaklinalnikau pustyni usescia Plutona... 03:06    
03 Da pytanniau ab suziralnym paznanni naradzennia trahiedyi j niauchilnasci hibeli isnaha u Wucenni Anihiliacyi, jak pra piersaeliemienty praudziwaj pryrody askietycnych praliehamienau mizhalaktycnaha.. 02:56
04 Akruzany parallielnymi cyklami biazmieznasci smierci Baal Wadalieja nakirouwaje wypaliennyja wacnicy kosmakarkasau pachawalnych piramid pa toj bok miez twarennia asliapliajucych promniau Mietatrona... 04:24    
05 Somnambulicnyja tullianni karawanau zillijonnamiesiacowych rozumazrokau zracou lrminizmu, jakija pakidajuc pojas Kojpiera, skroz hnozis ekzistencyjanalnaha immazynaryuma katakombau Ra-Hoor-Khuit... 03:13
06 Apalohija Samazniscennia u Daktrynie Wyzwaliennia Philippa Mainlandera, jak dumka jakaja biaskonca pahlybliajecca ad z'jawy da sutnasci, josc adzina dakladnaje mierkawannie ab Wysejsaj Marali... 04:21
07 Rytual pryzyunoha zaklionu usioabdymnaj enierhii Ciemry, u hipastylnaj zalie materyjalizacyi uwasablienniau Kokabaela, zaklikany zubozyc ahafalahicnyja abliccy idalau Anharaka, zwajawausych... 02:35
08 Paswiacennie adeptam Salipsizmu uwazliwym da pastuliawannia Von Hartmana ab Nieswiadomym u Z'jawach Cialiesnaha j Duchounaha Zyccia, sto skazajuc azimutalny kut Palinhienezii ad zawiersanaha... 05:05

Entah apa yang menjadi rujukan penuh bagi Atmospheric Brutal Death Metal asal Minsk, Belarus ini ketika menjatuhkan Opsi pemilihan nama band yang Fenomenal sekaligus mengundang kontroversi dengan sebuah nama yang panjang Gila gini. Busyetttt kalo ditotal bisa sampe 51 huruf yang dirangkai, susahnya lagi ini seperti bahasa Mesir Kuno, mungkinkah ini sebuah Mantra Sihir EXIMPERITUSERQETHHZEBIBSIPTUGAKKATHSULWELIARZAXULUM !!! dan coba kalian Eja baca-nya gimana... ? nama yang sangatlah unik, panjang dan susah terbaca apalagi Menghafalkannya. mungkin sebelumnya dari Mexico ada band yang menggunakan nama super panjang melelahkan untuk menyebut, PARACOCCIDIOIDOMICOSISPROCTITISSARCOMUCOSIS ! nah mungkin yang dari Belarus ini lebih memusingkan lagi pokoknya hehehe ... Sebuah sensasi atau apalah, yang pasti hanya band yang tahu persis alasan tepatnya. nama yang panjang dan Ribet pengucapannya untuk Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum beruntung cukup dipersingkat dengan menyebut nama band ini sebagai " Eximperitus " saja akhirnya, hasyekk... selain memiliki Imej karakter menarik, band ini juga mengusung konsep yang ga bisa dilewatkan begitu saja coy ! Atmospheric Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan kental Egyptian Tradisi terkemas begitu kental hampir disetiap guratan komposisi hingga lirik lagu, dan maaf Gw ga bisa menyebut setiap titel-nya secara lengkap, karena hal lebih gila lagi terjadi disini, OMG ! ni Band maunya gimana yak? bikin pusing listener-nya? Arghhh Masa bodo lah, karena Struktur komposisi BDM Keren aja yang terlalu menjadi Fokus Gw. belum cukup rasa penasaran kita dengan masalah nama atau Title track, band ini juga tidak memberikan informasi tentang Line up, namun dari beberapa Gosip yang beredar, Eximperitus masih menjadi perpanjangan Obsesi dari Technical Brutal Death Metal Posthumous Blasphemer, mengingat Gitaris Alexander Gaydukevich aka Fiendharon pernah terlibat didalamnya, tapi secara nyata belum terjadi Informasi kebenaran Konkrit. disamping itu sekilas mendengar Konsep musikal Eximperitus sendiri memang sedikit banyak mengingatkan dengan Karakteristik yang diusung oleh Posthumous Blasphemer sendiri. The Most Hardened and Steel-Gazed of the TDM scene Provide music so Brutal and Convoluted !  Kolektif intens bagaimana struktur US brutal Death Metal kental dari eranya Suffocation yang kemudian dilebur lebih mematikan dengan Ultrafast Bomblaster-nya Hate Eternal, Raeballiun dan Vader, dari pembentukan ketukan drum yang Intens dipadu dengan Great Pummeling Downstroke Dynamic Riffing yang kemudian diakhiri dengan Heavy Low Growl.  The drum Machine and its Cooperating riff sets Possess a harsh, Unyielding Rigidity, which when combined with the dry, Sun-cracked-earth production style on Display makes for an album Rather trying on both the ears and the mind. Darkened Riff yang kerap menyelipkan Kromatis nada bernuansa Etnis Mesir kuno seperti coba mengingatkan style yang diusung oleh Nile. balutan solo-solo gelap mencekam seperti sudah menjadi 1 paket yang dipersiapkan oleh Eximperitus untuk menciptakan terus atmosfir yang lebih mencekam dan Mencekam ! Selamat menikmati Dimensi berbeda paling lengkap tersuguhkan melalui Imej band yang unik dalam 8 track berdurasi hampir setengah jam, Gw jamin akan ada sesuatu yang " Berbeda " rasanya. ibarat mendengarkan sebuah Mantra sihir yang, Eximperitus mengiringinya dengan Sajian BDM Barbar serta Teknikal ! Claustrophobic, Oppressive collections of Dissonant Power chords erupt into Needling Tremolo Configurations, with a Deliberately Awkward sense of timing and Rhythm which keeps the listener off-balance and ill at ease also The only Reprieve is found in Tension-laced, Ominous Grooves that bring to mind a more fuckin Technically focused ! Eximperitus An author's individual agglutinative neologism. In it's creation there were used some Latin, Ancient Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian terms of the Chaosatanic tradition. It entirely reveals the unutterable name of the antiuniverse. When divided into fragments, it creates the magic spell of the formless Lords of the prior Darkness. and Concerning the questions ov Contemplating cognition ov tragedy inception and the inevitable Destruction ov matter in the Annihilation Doctrine like prime Elements ov true nature ov the Ascetic Prolegomena ov Intergalactic grief ov Schopenhauer’s death-proving wisdom, forging with the Apocatastasic flame ov heterodox catharsis ov the artery ov metaphysical Syllogisms into the blade ov Luciferian mind ov Acausal Voluntarism turning into Ashes the Solar Ziggurats ov the last dawn in the Forthcoming Yuga ov Nietzscheanity !


I wonder what became full reference for Atmospheric Brutal Death Metal origin Minsk, Belarus when dropping the name selection options are phenomenal band once mired in controversy with a long name demented. Damnnnn if totalized could until 51 letters strung together, this more difficult as the Ancient Egyptian language, could this be a magic spell EXIMPERITUSERQETHHZEBIBSIPTUGAKKATHSULWELIARZAXULUM !!! and try to read his Spell you how ...? a name that is unique, long and hard to read let alone memorize it. maybe earlier of Mexico there is a band that uses the name of a super long tiring to mention, PARACOCCIDIOIDOMICOSISPROCTITISSARCOMUCOSIS! nah probably that of Belarus is more confusing again anyway hehehe ... A sensation or something, that would have been just a band that knows exactly the reason exactly. long and complicated names pronunciation for Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum shortened lucky enough to mention the name of this band as "Eximperitus" Just finally, Surprise ... besides having an interesting character image, the band also brings the concept that can not pass up coy! Atmospheric Brutal Death Metal with a touch of creamy Egyptian Tradition packed so thick on almost every stroke compositions to song lyrics, and I'm sorry can not call any of his titles in full, because it even crazier happens here, OMG! Band ni wants how yak? His headache listener? Arghhh fuckinhell, because the composition of the cool structure of BDM wrote that too becomes my Focus. not enough our curiosity with the problem of the name or the title track, the band also does not provide information about the line-up, but from some Rumour, Eximperitus still be an extension obsession of Technical Brutal Death Metal posthumous Blasphemer, given Guitarist Alexander Gaydukevich aka Fiendharon been involved in it, but obviously has not happened Information Concrete truth. besides that glimpse hear Eximperitus musical concept itself is a bit much reminiscent of the characteristics promoted by Blasphemer posthumous own. The Most Hardened and Steel-gazed of the TDM Provide music scene so brutal and convoluted! Collective intense how the structure of the US brutal Death Metal thick of the era Suffocation is then smelted more deadly by Ultrafast Bomblaster its Hate Eternal, Raeballiun and Vader, of forming drum beats Intense combined with Great pummeling downstroke Dynamic riffing which is then topped off with Heavy Low Growl. The drum Machine and its Cooperating riff sets Possess a harsh, Unyielding Rigidity, the which when combined with the dry, Sun-cracked-earth style production on Display makes for an album Rather trying on both the ears and the mind. Darkened Riff who often slipped chromatic nuanced tones Ethnic ancient Egypt as trying to remind the style that was carried by the Nile. solo-solo bandage was such a terrifying dark 1 package prepared by Eximperitus continue to create an atmosphere more tense and Smelled! Enjoy the most complete different dimension through image tersuguhkan unique band in the 8 track lasted nearly half an hour, I guarantee there will be something that is "Different" was great. like listening to a magic spell that, Eximperitus dish accompanied with Barbar and Technical BDM! Claustrophobic, oppressive collections of Dissonant Power chords erupt into needling Tremolo Configurations, with a Deliberately Awkward sense of timing and rhythm the which keeps the listener off-balance and ill at ease Also the only Reprieve is found in Tension-laced, Ominous Grooves that bring to Technically fuckin mind a more focused! An author's individual Eximperitus agglutinative neologism. In it's creation there were used some Latin, Ancient Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian terms of the Chaosatanic tradition. It entirely reveals the unutterable name of the antiuniverse. When divided into fragments, it creates the magic spell of the formless Lords of the prior Darkness. and Concerning the questions ov Contemplating cognition ov tragedy inception and the Inevitable Destruction ov matter in the Annihilation Doctrine like prime Elements ov true nature ov the Ascetic Prolegomena ov Intergalactic grief ov Schopenhauer's death-proving wisdom, forging with the Apocatastasic flame ov heterodox catharsis ov the ov metaphysical Syllogisms artery into the blade ov ov Acausal Voluntarism Luciferian mind turning into the Solar Ziggurats Ashes ov the last dawn in the the forthcoming Yuga Nietzscheanity ov!

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