Gory - Lobotomize in Unscrupulous Murder EP 2019

Gory - Lobotomize in Unscrupulous Murder
Proguttural Productions EP 2019

01 Onset Of Misery 02:14    
02 Psychosis Inflammation 03:47    
03 Lustful Persecution 03:18    
04 Consuming Human Flesh 03:39    
05 Influence of Hatred Pervasive Soul 03:09

Yudha - Vocals
Aufan - Guitars

Parevolution .... lumbung berbahaya saat ini dari Pare scene, Pare adalah kecamatan di Kabupaten Kediri, Provinsi Jawa Timur yang extreme music movement-nya sangat pesat sejak Gw kenal beberapa tahun yang lalu, bisa kita buktikan Scene kecil berbahaya ini punya monster seperti Demented Heart, Detested, Pukat Harimau, Depraved Murder, Invigorate, etc dan hari ini masih dari family Parevolution ada GORY ! duo Brutal Death metal pemuja segala bentuk kekerasan musikal. perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah sangat maju, jadi tidak ada kata menyerah bagi Yudha dan Aufan untuk melancarkan agresi musikal barbarnya lewat bantuan Machine Drum. and I am looking for a generally disgusting and horrifyingly brutal sound complimented with insane Barbarity and breakdowns that make me want to punch the shit out of someone, i found now in the name of GORY, another kickass BDM band, in terms of Brutality and Energy !!! secara musikal dan komposisi memang tidak ada yang baru, namun apa yang disuguhkan Gory siap bikin mata kalian terjaga dari marabahaya gempa bumi lokal di kamar hehehe ... While I find the musician's performances and songwriting to be stereotype, that isn't to say that these guys suck at what they do. They are all very talented musicians, and I'm sure they have the potential to make better music, they just didn't do a good job at putting this album together in such a way that I like it. Gw bisa menggambarkan dari sudut pandang Pribadi untuk konsepsional yang Gory tawarkan bagi kalian penyuka kawin silang barbar Gorgasm, Cephalotripsy, Disgorge, Guttural Secrete ato Condemned. The real thing keeping you interested in this whole charade, however, is the songwriting. It's simplistic, yeah, but it's catchy and memorable, instead of just blasting wherever the band wants to. dan debut serius ini sengaja dipercayakan kepada 2 orang yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda dalam mengolah hasil lagu menuju final, sehingga ini adalah perpaduan brutalitas yang lebih menambah poin plus Gory, bagaimana biji peler kalian disini akan dikoyak dan digergaji tanpa ampun. yuk kita bedah pesta kecil paling berlumur darah ini .... Every once in a while an material comes along and just absolutely decimates it's competition. This is one of those materials, it really needs to be heard to be believed.

Although BDM has big flaws that I can acknowledge, I'm attracted to this genre for reasons I don't entirely understand. This genre of music usually gets bashed for it's Repetition and utter beast Simplicity. ritual yang sudah menjadi tradisi diawal setlist, ya instrumental Intro " Onset Of Misery " pasti Gory mainkan diawal perform sebagai checksound dan foreplay sebelum sajian utama disuguhkan hangat hangat kuku, coz tanpa ini, Gw jamin kalian ga akan pernah siap menerima penyiksaan intens di " Psychosis Inflammation ", debut barbar yang menandakan pesta buas telah dimulai. komposisinya memang tidak banyak melakukan lompatan jauh dengan skill dan fill yang menguras, karena penyajian riff-nya terhitung simple namun berperan seperti mesin gergaji ke leher kalian, namun kental banget menyelipkan provokasi pengurasan enerji bagi mosh crowd. the guitars riff are simplistic, as one would expect on other BDM band. Every single song has a riff that's memorable, so easy to speak, and very fun to listen to. They can be fast and heavy at times, dengan typical Deep Guttural Vokill Yudha adalah pelengkap sempurna untuk Gory selalu terkesan jahat dan barbar. pemilihan karakter Sound memang disesuaikan dengan typical konsep yang mereka mainkan, sehingga seperti yang Gw bilang sebelumnya, ini masih terasa familiar dengan imej sebelumnya. " Lustful Persecution ", beruntung mungkin jika Gory bisa memiliki drummer manusia untuk menyajikan kebiadaban ini, karena (saat ini) tenaga mesin mungkin dianggap lebih bisa menyempurnakannya, walau tidak dipungkiri juga hari ini meski di record oleh drummer beneran, tapi pada proses edit dan Mixing masih terlalu mempercayakan sepenuhnya pada teknologi, alhasil masih tidak begitu akurat karakter organiknya. selain mendominasi kecepatan penuh tanpa rem pengaman, Gory juga masih beberapa kali memadukan Medium tempo seperti Slam groovy ajojing untuk melengkapi cool Taste BDM. penulisan aransemen yang sangat matang dan serba diperhitungkan, sehingga Masterpiece ini tetap menjadi terbaik di kelas-nya. it's almost remarkable how " Lobotomize in Unscrupulous Murder " seems like a pretty direct continuation of  a few difference aesthetic choices that help to better place it in the modern BDM context, a scene that's become thick with " Slam' BDM acts and other extensions of the 90's sound. masih seperti pembantaian musikal mengerikan, " Consuming Human Flesh ", pesona barbar nya dari part awal asli sadis banget !!! Lightning fast riffs insane/vicious enough to make Quakers feast on their young, pinch harmonics as devastating as a trachea crushing sucker punch from Mike Tyson, slams heavy enough to make Godzilla shit himself. serta ga kalah kejam lagi adalah track penghabisan di setlist-nya, " Influence of Hatred Pervasive Soul ", This is the kind of material that comes out and destroys any pitiful semblance of standards or " classics ", the kind of album that is Simultaneously an affirmation of everything right & true about BDM and a bold, daring modern masterpiece that manages to outclass just about anything you can pit it against and As far as BDM goes, that one had it all. Obviously Insanely guttural burping, Chainsaw grooves and a pummeling rhythm section made for ultimately catchy but musically forgettable bout of neck-kinks. What made it the material memorable was the lyrical content and artwork.

I can't really rate this standard, the band have successfully made a more Intense BDM album. yang secara keseluruhan materi ini bisa Gw katakan kategori mengerikan dari berbagai sisi, dari kemasan sound yang asli diperhitungkan, aransemen yang extra matang, dan kemasan yang lebih memanjakan sekali. 16 menit yang sangat menegangkan plus mencengangkan ini tersaji begitu maksimal sekali di debut EP " Lobotomize in Unscrupulous Murder ", meski ga terindikasi something bored, materi ini paling Gw rekomendasikan sekali for the true BDM Freak ! spesial banget buat kalian penyuka kawin silang gaya barbar Gorgasm, Cephalotripsy, Disgorge, Guttural Secrete ato Condemned yang dikomposisi saji lebih kejam lagi. So the band went from genuinely Brutal to trite and pandering. Despite this, the album does have one redeeming quality. If you enjoy lifting weights or anything of that ilk like I do, this'll get you pumping iron. For everyone, it'll only have you pumping the "next" button. Make no mistake, Gory are about as extreme as metal gets, and that hasn't changed here, but when you make an album an album that is almost identical to its already average predecessor, and then go ahead and tone down the rest of the content, you're gonna Brutally faceplant into irrelevance, YOU MUST HAVE NOW !!!

* Songwriting: 8
* Originality: 7
* Memorability: 8
* Production: 9

Check Mini Teaser Made by LICMEDIA

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