Predicate Not Defined - Cosmosis Indulgence CD 2016

Predicate Not Defined - Cosmosis Indulgence
Self Release CD 2016

01 Intro 00:57    
02 Juvenile 04:08    
03 Retrospection 04:41    
04 Physic 04:30    
05 Judgemental Illusion 02:57    
06 Thermo Dynamics 04:41    
07 Collision cause 03:10    
08 Malay Vivarium 03:43    
09 Bima Sakti 04:53    
10 Chemical Digestron 03:23    
11 Hidrogen 04:27    
12 Magnificent 04:32    
13 Essentric 03:34    
14 The Mustar Anthem 04:29

Azwi - Guitars/Vocals
Damaq - Guitars
Is - Bass
Fazi - Drums

Memainkan Komposisi musik berbeda demi mencari sebuah tantangan mengasah skill dan lebih openminded dengan Idealisme bermusik adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan ketika kita sudah dihadapkan dengan Ending mood yang dibangun oleh stereotype. tentu mencoba menikmati dan mencerna perlahan menjadi hal paling menyegarkan bagi semua penikmat musik, karena kita tidak akan selalu dihadapkan dengan jenis musik yang sama, Well ketika Imajinasi sudah semakin berkembang, tentu sajian hiburan kita otomatis menginginkan peningkatan selera atau apalah namanya. sebenarnya ada banyak musisi idealis dengan karya mengagumkan jika mereka tidak selalu harus berdamai dengan selera mainstream atau Booming genre, ada kalanya mereka akan mencoba keluar dari zona nyaman dengan mencoba sesuatu yang baru. membicarakan tentang Openminded genre, seperti Progressive atau Experimen tentu tidak semua penikmat musik akan memprioritaskan sebuah Opsi baku, yah namanya juga manusia, berbeda pandangan dan Pendapat ketika menikmati karya musik masih menjadi fenomena lumrah menurut Gw. sebagai penikmat segala jenis musik, lagi-lagi Gw dihadapkan lagi tantangan dalam sebuah sajian Progressive & Experimental dalam konsep dasar sebagai Metal ! apalagi yang satu ini mencoba memadukan lebih kompleks lagi lewat sentuhan Fusion, dari Pulau Pinang, Malasya ada 1 nama menarik, PREDICATE NOT DEFINED (PND) yang eksis sejak tahun 2001 membawa konseptual asyik. bukan nama baru memang, apalagi bulan juli 2011 PND dalam Indonesian Tournya menyambangi kota Jakarta & Bekasi, sederet Demo, EP, dan Album sudah menghias discografi karir band. terhitung kerap terjadi bongkar pasang formasi dan Konsep, member terakhir yang mengundurkan diri adalah Female vocalis Hilda, and Show must Goes on, PND kini memutuskan berjalan ber-4. setelah menjadi penantian lumayan melelahkan sejak album terakhir " Fear, Forgotten and Regret " tahun 2010, PND sempat merilis 2 Single, dan setelah menggodok materi sejak tahun 2011 hingga 2013 tiba saatnya bagi PND untuk mengabadikannya dalam sebuah Full album ke-3 " Cosmosis Indulgence " yang dirilis secara Independen. kerinduan panjang yang mereka tebus dengan 14 track asyik spesial bagi kalian fans Progressive & Experimental metal. It's everything: Heavy and Soft, emotional and Playful, Atmospheric and Catchy, serious and tongue-in-cheek with still characterized by the Incorporation of innovative, eclectic elements, large-scale experimentation and the use of non-standard and Unconventional sounds, instruments, song structures, playing styles, and multiple vocal techniques. mengalami pendewasaan musikal, satu persatu akan cukup terasakan dimateri " Cosmosis Indulgence ", yang jelas hiburan menyegarkan saat mood kita terlalu di Bombardir Stereotype konsep pasaran, PND semoga tetap bisa menjadi solusi menyenangkan. cause this album imitates stillness and an ever-widening expansion of the pupils, as the listener extreme music takes in more and more luxuriant detail. Let's check this out !

Avant Garde " Intro " selama 57 detik cukup memberi atmosfir mendebarkan ketika menunggu hampir 6 tahun sejak Band tidak memproduksi kembali materi baru dikejutkan langsung dengan track " Juvenile ", dimulailah perjalanan menelusuri lorong dimensi yang PND ciptakan dalam lingkup labirin yang tidak mudah ditebak progres komposisinya, ya kita hanya dibuat duduk terdiam menikmati santai setiap lick dan Bar Unik dan Aneh tanpa melepas kekuatan dasar metal-nya. denger bagaimana Fill drum bekerja semakin keras menantang setiap progres riff-nya yang kemudian beberapa karakter vokal memberi sentuhan daftar panjang Imaji musisi. jika Gw menebaknya terlalu sulit ketika perpaduan multi konsep dan karakter di Blend menjadi satu disini. trademark Technique of his that makes everything sound immensely Spacious and lush, with a million different things happening at once, though importantly without completely losing its urgency. sepertinya PND mencoba lebih mengalir dengan Mood yang diekspresikan lewat fill lengkap dengan ketukan Ganjil. ada nuansa Devin Townsend Project, Opeth, Fantomas, Arsis, Gordian Knot, The Gathering, In The Wood, Death, Rotting Christ, In Flames dan masih banyak lagi, Komplit dan Komplek kalo Gw sebutin semuanya. dengan penyajian sound lebih dalam dan berat, beberapa Sentuhan Djent beberapa kali dikulik menarik diantara elemen Death, Folk, Melodic dan Artrock. though the intensity is whipped up in the middle of that song with a little more technicality, juddering drums, and a sudden outburst of vocal frustration which overwhelms with its size and scope rather than its definition, creating that slow-motion feeling and awesome untouchability. " Retrospection ", mungkin akan membuat kalian makin mengernyitkan dahi menikmati makin komplek-nya eksperimen PND. hamparan luas ekspresi musikal tanpa sekat pembatas menjadi luapan emosional. the music arrengement seems equally adept at Expressing itself through Dark, Cold, Avant-garde and more open, textural compositions as through this mode of Straightforward verse-chorus Melodic songs. rasanya Mood ini sedang dipermainkan habis habisan dengan Komposisi unik menantang, dan kita cukup duduk manis menikmati setiap progresnya. elemen yang terasa gelap mencekam lumayan ditancapkan dalam harmoni resonansi yang PND pancarkan. memang Multi vokal dilakukan disini, dari Growl, Screetch hingga Emo Avant Garde. setiap pergeseran Bar dan Lick, PND memang selalu ingin tampil makin berbeda dari setiap track-nya, " Judgemental Illusion ", ketukan OSDM ala Obituary juga old Death menjadi part awal yang perlahan mengisi skema aransemen, dan seperti biasa selalu diakhiri dengan Fill-fill menarik dan sentuhan Solo Melodius. mari merasakan kembali eksperimen menarik di " Thermo Dynamics ", perubahan cukup mendasar dari akustik dan Distorsi musik yang coba melunak menjadi Komposisi yang Artrock banget dengan karakter clean vokal menyentuh. make sure you pay attention about a minute from the end of the song, where you will hear what is probably the highest note we have yet, It is truly a thing of Agonized Beauty. pengen denger yang lebih agresif, jangan lewatin untuk " Collision cause ", Aroma Thrash Riff yang berat sangat mendominasi dari sentuhan lembut dan mencabik, kalo mendengar Dark Melodic Riff-nya cukup mengingatkan ketika mendengar kembali " Non Serviam " nya Rotting Christ seperti yang juga terjadi di track " Malay Vivarium ". tekanan kuat Thrash Element masih bersarang hebat pada menit menit ini, cukuplah memberi refreshing setelah gempuran Experimen-nya, dan jangan lewatin pada menit ke 01:51 di " Malay Vivarium ", PND bakal memberi sentuhan Fusion dengan warna kuat Malasyan Tradisional Twist Tunes seperti bernuansa Keroncong gitu hehehe... which Exhibits pure Retrenchment into classic tune song structures and Irony-free Melodic emoting. memutar haluan kembali memainkan eksperimen musik menantang ketika mendengarkan " Bima Sakti ", penyajian nice riffing yang begitu menyentuh titik sadar bangkitnya enerji dari segala sisi, never strays into wanky regions or any sort of territory that Modern metal usually does, but this isn't your bog-standard metal record. In fact, it's only a metal record by its guitar tone, occasional harsh vocals, and the production. menyambung kegaharan selanjutnya " Chemical Digestron ", masih mendengarkan Atraksi Fill menarik beberapa Riff yang makin menambah unik aransemen dengan eksperimen harmonisasi meski berjalan harus tidak selaras namun bermuara pada permainan komposisi serba kompleks. sayang, menurut Gw beberapa penampilan Clean vocal Emo-nya membiarkan intensitas komposisi harus terdengar Melenceng, seharusnya karakter Low growl nya harus lebih mampu membendung Pattern. membaca skema setlist-nya, mulai dari awal yang membakar kemudian turun perlahan memberi cooling down kemudian berlanjut menggilas. Aroma gelap mencekam " Hidrogen " lumayan menggiring persepsi nuansa Melodic Black Metal tengah merasuki PND. I'd say the mix is more level and consistent in general, though this Characteristic also contributes to the noted lack of depth and contrast. One of the foci that drew me back to the album time and time again, forging my gradual Appreciation, were the vocals. tensi sajian yang entah sampai kapan akan mengakhiri perjalanan antar dimensi yang mereka ciptakan ini, " Magnificent " semakin membuat kita tidak ingin kembali cepat cepat saat berada dalam resonansi dimensi semu PND. selanjutnya " Essentric " dan Final Tracklist " The Mustar Anthem " tanpa kerasa harus segera menyelesaikan durasi hampir 55 menit sebelum pendengar menjadi semakin hilang kendali tersesat dalam lingkaran Labirin dinamika komposisi dan sesekali masih dibuat tersenyum kecil. The sound is a little thicker and more bottom-heavy than one would expect, though the muddy guitar sound is likely a result of the limited time they had as opposed to any direct desire. The riffs are absolutely haunting, being very Memorable and easy to follow, even during the faster parts. The lead solos do well to add depth to the songs, also. The sound is powerful and Crushing, yet epic and flowing. There is an intensity and passion that borders on pure madness, found here.

In the end, despite whatever shortcomings the band were dissatisfied with, " Cosmosis Indulgence " tetap menjadi Perjalanan musikal tanpa kompromi penuh dengan dinamika dan Eksperimen, membiarkan Ekspresi mereka tergambarkan konkrit hampir disetiap sentuhannya, mungkin akan menambah esensi yang mereka bentuk hari ini. Produksi sound yang terdengar lumayan Clean walau Sound Gitar masih agak mendem minus Distorsi, sedikit catatan kecil untuk kualitas vokal yang harus ditingkatkan lagi powernya. namun bagi PND cukuplah mempertajam karakter aransemen semakin hidup, yess, it's PND Sound ! menambahkan kesan unik hingga nuansa Gokill, atau mereka hanya ingin mendengar audience lebih terhibur dengan sajian konvensional terkemas lebih beringas lewat feel tajam. pengemasan Produksi yang digarap sangat profesional meski secara Independen, PND menunjukkan keseriusan pada karakteristiknya yang semakin Dewasa. Hmmm... menyukai komposisi yang lebih menantang lebih dari Hiburan menyegarkan? PND akan menjadi sajian Segala rasa dari Cita rasa musik cadas dapat terbungkus manis dan Mengiris, percayalah .....Though the more Experimental themes are Developed through the Instrumentation, every Fill are the most intense part of the Experience since PND so emotional and about some very rewarding lyric topics. Though PND can some times become overly Sentimental on Every part, " Cosmosis Indulgence " serves only to reward the listener with some of the best, and perhaps more mainstream, Progressive/Experimental metal.


Playing a different musical composition in search of a challenge and more openminded hone skills with musical idealism is something fun when we're faced with mood Ending built by stereotypes. certainly try to enjoy and digest slowly becoming the most refreshing thing for all music lovers, because we will always be faced with the same kind of music, Well when imagination is growing, of course entertainment offerings we automatically want to increase appetite or whatever his name. in fact there are many idealistic musician with the wonderful work if they do not always have to come to terms with mainstream tastes or booming genre, there are times when they will try to get out of your comfort zone to try something new. Openminded talking about the genre, such as Progressive or Experiment certainly not all music lovers will prioritize a raw options, well his name is also human, and Opinions differed as to enjoy a piece of music is still a common phenomenon in me. as a connoisseur of all kinds of music, again I faced more challenges in a dish Progressive & Experimental in the basic concepts as Metal! let alone this one tried to integrate more complex through the touch Fusion, from Pulau Pinang, Malasya there is one interesting name, PREDICATE NOT DEFINED (PND) which existed since 2001 to bring conceptual fun. not a new name indeed, especially in July 2011 PND in the tour visited the Indonesian city of Jakarta and Bekasi, a series of demo, EP and album already decorate discografi band's career. countless frequent disassembly and concept formation, the last member to resign was Hilda Female Vocalist, and Show must Goes on, the PND has now decided to run air-four. after becoming the wait tolerable tiring since the last album "Fear, Forgotten and Regret" In 2010, PND had released two singles, and after brewing materials from 2011 to 2013 it was time for the PND to capture in a full 3rd album "Cosmosis Indulgence" released by the Independent. Long longing they redeem by 14 special track for you guys fans engrossed Progressive & Experimental metal. It's everything: Heavy and Soft, emotional and Playful, Atmospheric and Catchy, serious and tongue-in-cheek with still Characterized by the Incorporation of innovative, eclectic elements, large-scale experimentation and the use of non-standard and Unconventional sounds, instruments , song structures, playing styles, and multiple vocal techniques. maturing musical experience, the one that is quite unfelt dimateri "Cosmosis Indulgence", which clearly refreshing entertainment when the mood we are in Stereotype Bombard market concept, PND may still could be a nice solution. cause this album imitates stillness and an ever-widening expansion of the pupils, as the listener extreme music takes in more and more luxuriant detail. Let's check this out!

Avant Garde "Intro" for 57 seconds to give enough atmosphere thrilling when waiting almost 6 years since the band does not reproduce the new material were struck immediately by the track "Juvenile", began the journey down the aisle dimensions PND created within the scope of the labyrinth that is not easily guessed progress composition, yes we just made sat quietly enjoyed relaxing each lick and Bar Unique and Quirky without removing the base metal of his strength. Fill hear how the drum work harder and harder to challenge every progress of the riff and then some vocals give a touch Imaji long list of musicians. if it is too difficult I guessed when a mix of multi-concept and characters in Blend into one here. Technique of his trademark that makes everything sound immensely Spacious and lush, with a million different things happening at once, though importantly without completely losing its urgency. PND seemed to try more flowing with mood expressed through complete fill with tap Odd. No shades of Devin Townsend Project, Opeth, Fantomas, Arsis, Gordian Knot, The Gathering, In The Wood, Death, Rotting Christ, In Flames and more, Complete and complex if I say everything. with the presentation of sound deeper and heavier, some touches Djent several times dikulik attractive among elements of Death, Folk, Melodic and Artrock. though the intensity is whipped up in the middle of that song with a little more technicality, juddering drums, and a sudden outburst of vocal frustration the which overwhelms with its size and scope rather than its definition, creating that slow-motion feeling and awesome untouchability. "Retrospection", might make you increasingly frowned enjoy its increasingly complex experiments PND. the broad expanse of musical expression without bulkhead divider into emotional outbursts. the music arrengement seems equally adept at expressing itself through Dark, Cold, Avant-garde and more open, textural Compositions as through this mode of Straightforward verse-chorus Melodic songs. Mood taste is being played heavily by the composition uniquely challenging, and we just sit enjoyed every progress. element that feels dark eerie resonance passable plugged in the PND radiate harmony. indeed Multi vocals done here, of Growl, Screetch up Emo Avant Garde. every shift Bar and Lick, PND has always wanted to appear more distinct from each track her, "judgmental Illusion", a knock OSDM ala Obituary too old Death becomes part start slowly filling scheme arrangements, and as usual always ends with Fill-fill attractive and Solo melodic touch. Let felt again an interesting experiment in "Thermo Dynamics", a rather fundamental change of acoustic and musical distortion that try softened into a composition that Artrock really with clean vocals touching characters. Make sure you pay attention about a minute from the end of the song, where you will hear what is probably the highest note we have yet, It is truly a thing of Agonized Beauty. want to hear more aggressive, do not lewatin for "Collision cause", Aroma Thrash riff heavy dominates from soft touch and tear, if heard Dark Melodic Riff was quite reminiscent of when I hear back "Non serviam his" Rotting Christ as it happened on track "Malay Vivarium". Strong pressure was great Thrash Element is still lodged in minutes minutes, suffice to give refreshing after its onslaught Experiment, and do lewatin at minute 1:51 in the "Malay Vivarium", PND will give a touch Fusion with strong color Malasyan Twist Traditional Tunes like shades so kroncong hehehe ... which Exhibits pure retrenchment tune into classic song structures and Irony-free Melodic emoting. turning around again play a challenging experimental music when listening to "Milky Way", presentation nice riffing so touching point of the rise of conscious energy from all sides, never strays into wanky regions or any sort of territory that Modern metal usually does, but this is not your bog-standard metal record. In fact, it's only a record by its metal guitar tone, occasional harsh vocals, and the production. kegaharan connect hereinafter "Chemical Digestron", they listen to attract some Riff Fill Things to add to his unique arrangements with the harmonization despite running experiments should not be aligned, but boils down to the all-round game complex composition. Unfortunately, according to some appearances Clean his vocal Emo let the intensity of the composition should sound off the mark, supposed Low growl his character should be able to stem the Pattern. read his setlist scheme, starting from the beginning of the burn and then come down slowly gave cooling down then continue grinding. Aroma dark eerie "Hydrogen" herding passable shades perception Melodic Black Metal central permeate PND. I'd say the mix is ​​more level and consistent in general, though this Characteristic Noted Also contributes to the lack of depth and contrast. One of the foci that drew me back to the album time and time again, forging my gradual Appreciation, were the vocals. tension dish that knows until when will put an end to travel between dimensions that they created, "Magnificent" makes us not want to return quickly quickly when in pseudo-dimensional resonance PND. hereinafter "Essentric" and Final Tracklist "The Mustard Anthem" without fixed and must immediately resolve the duration of almost 55 minutes before the listener becomes increasingly lose control lost in the Maze circle composition dynamics and occasionally still made a small smile. The sound is a little Thicker and more bottom-heavy than one would expect, though the muddy guitar sound is likely a result of the limited time they had as opposed to any direct desire. The riffs are absolutely haunting, being very Memorable and easy to follow, even during the faster parts. The lead solos do well to add depth to the songs, also. The sound is powerful and Crushing, yet epic and flowing. There is an intensity and passion that borders on pure madness, found here.

In the end, despite whatever shortcomings the band were dissatisfied with, "Cosmosis Indulgence" remains an uncompromising musical journey filled with dynamics and experiment, let Expression them concretely illustrated almost every touch, probably will add the essence of which they form today. Production sound which sounded pretty Clean although still somewhat mendem Sound Guitar Distortion minuses, a little note for vocal quality should be improved more power. but for the PND is enough to sharpen the characters more alive arrangement, yess, it's PND Sound! add a unique feel to the shades Gokill, or they just want to hear the audience is entertained with conventional grain packed more violent through sharp feel. The production packaging that worked very professional although the Independent, the PND shows the seriousness of the characteristics increasingly Adults. Hmmm ... like the composition more challenging over Entertainment refreshing? PND will be serving Everything taste of taste of rock music can be wrapped in a sweet and Slicing, trust me ..... Though the themes are more Experimental Developed through the Instrumentation, every Fill are the most intense part of the Experience since PND so emotional and about some very rewarding lyric topics. Though PND can some times Become overly sentimental on Every part, "Cosmosis Indulgence" serves only to reward the listener with some of the best, and perhaps more mainstream, Progressive / Experimental metal.


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