In Flames - Battles CD 2016

In Flames - Battles
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2016

01 Drained 04:06    
02 The End 03:58    
03 Like Sand 03:43    
04 The Truth 03:04    
05 In My Room 03:25    
06 Before I Fall 03:27    
07 Through My Eyes 03:50    
08 Battles 02:58    
09 Here Until Forever 04:19    
10 Underneath My Skin 03:30      
11 Wallflower 07:06    
12 Save Me 04:12

Anders Fridén - Vocals
Björn Gelotte - Guitars
Niclas Engelin - Guitars
Peter Iwers - Bass
Joe Rickard - Drums

Merepresentasikan kedewasaan secara musikal tidak selalu ditunjukkan dengan Skill atau Improving yang tinggi, karena persepsi demikian hanya kita temukan untuk beberapa band yang lebih OverShowing saja, dan menurut Gw itu juga bukan batas jaminan suatu waktu mereka akan melakukan hal yang sedemikian rupa. menjadi salah satu fans fanatik Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal pioner IN FLAMES, jujur boleh Gw katakan materi " Lunar Strain, The Jester Race, Whoracle hingga Colony " memang Masterpiece terbaik sepanjang masa dan memberi pengaruh besar dalam perkembangan Melodic Death Metal yang mereka usung sejak 1990, Swedia memang punya nama besar Dark Tranquillity dan At the Gates untuk genre ini, namun mata dunia telah menobatkan In Flames memang sebagai salah satu Pioner Penting-nya setelah 2 nama itu. mulai menunjukkan perubahan Aransemen style memasuki materi " Clayman " fans masih terhipnotis seperti biasa walau tanpa sadar kemudian " Soundtrack to Your Escape " menjadi style mengejutkan bagi Old Fans namun juga menggemberikan bagi New Fans, dengan warna yang lebih kental kearah Melodic Groove Metal/Alternative Rock, In Flames memang sudah tidak dapat disebut pengusung murni MDM, meski 2 jawara (Dark Tranquillity dan At the Gates) masih tidak bisa move on dengan Idealisnya, In Flames mencoba merambah lebih jauh serta beberapa kali dituduh selling out dengan Pasar. kekecewaan juga melanda Gw sejak mendengarkan materi " A Sense of Purpose ", Gw hampir meninggalkan karya-karya baru In Flames. meski sekarang In Flames lebih matang dan dewasa dalam segi Musikal, namun sulit rasanya bagi mereka merebut kembali simpati para Old Fans harus menyukai komposisi baru In Flames. namun entah mengapa tiba-tiba Gw ingin mencicipi kembali karya baru mereka disini setelah mendengar dan melihat 2 Video clip lagu " The End " dan " The Truth ". ditambah rasa penasaran Gw dengan penampilan drummer baru Joe Rickard yang menggantikan Posisi Daniel Svensson. menjadi pertaruhan besar ketika In Flames sepakat menggunakan skill-nya di album baru ini, yang jelas ada banyak pergeseran komposisi sejak mendengar track pertama " Drained ", warna Groove dan Alternative Rock memang dirasa sangat kental, saat ini dibungkus dengan fill permainan drum yang lebih progresif. ketukan renyah drummer Joe Rickard memang sudah diperhitungkan akan memberi sentuhan untuk beberapa perubahan tempo In Flames bagi Anders Fridén Cs. Yess, Gw memang telah menjadi penggemar dari semua fase Band ini setelah melalui waktu lama meski kurang benar-benar menikmati tiga album terakhir karena mereka memiliki konsekuen, diversifikasi dan energi track yang selalu menawarkan sesuatu yang baru. The band offers catchy Electronic Alternative rock with Minor MDM elements but a true Evolution compared to the last effort that felt more Courageous is missing here. kekuatan Vokal Anders Fridén yang semakin total mengilhami power pattern-nya tetap yang terbaik begitu pula duet Björn Gelotte dan Niclas Engelin masih tetap diandalkan sebagai teamwork maksimal. ketika mendengar lagu " The End " ada poin lebih disini ketika In Flames menjadikan track ini seperti dimensional delusi kecil coba disajikan lewat backing vocal anthemic di refrain part. The Saccharine clean vocals and the juvenile Anthemic backing vocals only add to the Controversy. kekuatan distorsi yang menurut Gw semakin melemah menjadi lebih jinak mungkin akan dapat dicerna penggemar musik lintas genre. meski terlalu jauh beradaptasi dengan setiap elemen, In Flames masih menunjukkan sebuah mahakarya terbaik. It fits that this message is Delivered in the band’s most Commercial track ever. makin coba melebur semakin jauh dengan Identitas hari ini, " Like Sand " bagi fans MDM akan merasakan kekecewaan dengan komposisi seperti ini, walau tidak bagi Openminded fans. mengulang keasyikan tersendiri In Flames untuk menyuguhkan kembali rangkaian Komposisi seperti " The End ", kayaknya " The Truth " bisa menjadi kontroversi baru, tapi jujur, Gw sebagai fans dan penikmat akan segala jenis musik, Track ini akan menghanyutkan lebih jauh tentang keindahan Harmonisasi meski dipoles dengan Sound yang distortif dan berat, tetap melodius menjadi karakteristik tak terlepaskan sebagai Identitas awal In Flames. well, jika kalian ingin menikmati sajian Melodius metal tapi dengan segala kelembutan, beberapa track berikutnya akan menjadi Momen terbaik disegala suasana, kecuali lagu " Through My Eyes ", In Flames masih menunjukkan kekuatan murni-nya seperti diawal karir dengan konsis memainkan pesona MDM masih bernyali era " Come Clarity ", And yet, the issue with these better moments is that they just sound Tediously safe in contrast to what we know the band is truly Capable of. pengen yang lebih bernuansa melodius kental? mungkin part awal lagu " Here Until Forever " bisa menjadi rujukan kecil In Flames masih punya kejutan melodis, meski part selanjutnya cukup memberi tensi mengecewakan. selama hampir 48 Menitan, rasanya kita masih menjadi uji coba eksperimen kecil In Flames. penyajian Skema aransemen yang harus perlahan dicerna untuk menikmati setiap esensi-nya dan yang jelas Mood kuat agar bisa menterjemahkan setiap kerangka lagu walau akhirnya lumayan enak menjadi teman sepi dan santai beristrirahat. kerjasama pertama bareng Produser Mike Plotnikoff (Scorpions, Fear Factory, Saxon hingga Devin Townsend) kemungkinan akan disebut sebagai faktor bergeser lebih jauhnya materi baru In Flames. produksi Album ini tentu juga menguras kocek Nuclear Blast Records dengan biaya Produksi tinggi. it's more like the band is just angsty and annoyed. You never get the kind of emotional Catharsis I think the band wanted you to, and the constant Irritation from every sonic element of this album is Excruciating to listen to. dan sampai pada akhirnya Gw cuman bisa mengatakan sebenarnya, Bagaimana musisi Se-veteran In Flames bisa tampil begitu buta untuk devolusi mereka sendiri yang tragis membingungkan.


Representing musically maturity is not always indicated by Skill or Improving high, because we find this perception is only for a few more OverShowing band alone, and by me was also not guarantee a time limit they will do things in such a way. became one of the fanatic fans Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal pioneers IN FLAMES, honest may I said the material "Lunar Strain, The Jester Race, Whoracle to Colony" does Masterpiece best of all time and the biggest influence in the development of Melodic Death Metal that they proclaimed since 1990, Sweden does have a big name Dark Tranquillity and At the Gates of this genre, but the eyes of the world have been named the In Flames is one of its important Pioner after 2 names. began to show changes Arrangement style into the matter "Clayman" fans still hypnotized as usual even if unknowingly then "Soundtrack to Your Escape" into a style surprise to Old Fans, but also menggemberikan for New Fans, with a color that is more viscous towards Melodic Groove Metal / Alternative Rock , in Flames is already bearers can not be called pure MDM, although two winners (Dark Tranquillity and at the Gates) still can not move on with his idealist, in Flames try venturing further afield as well as several times accused of selling out to the market. disappointment also hit since I listening to the material "A Sense of Purpose", I almost left the works of the new In Flames. In Flames although it is now more mature and adult in musical terms, but it's hard for them to retake the sympathy of the Old Fans should love the new composition of In Flames. but somehow suddenly back I want to taste their new work here after hearing and seeing 2 Video clip song "The End" and "The Truth". I curiosity coupled with the appearance of new drummer Joe Rickard which replaces the position of Daniel Svensson. be a big gamble when In Flames agreed to use his skills in this new album, clearly there are many shifts in the composition since hearing the first track "Drained", color Groove and Alternative Rock was deemed highly viscous, now covered with fill drumming more progressive , crunchy beats drummer Joe Rickard had been calculated to give a touch to some tempo changes for Anders Friden In Flames Cs. Yess, I indeed have been a fan of all phases of this band after a long time though less thoroughly enjoyed the last three albums because they have consistent, diversification and energy tracks that always offers something new. The band offers catchy Electronic Alternative rock with elements Minor but a true MDM Evolution Compared to the last effort that felt more Courageous is missing here. Vocal strength Anders Friden increasingly total power inspires its pattern remains the best so did the duo Björn Gelotte and Niclas Engelin still be relied upon as teamwork maximum. when I heard the song "The End" is no more points here as In Flames make this track as little delusional dimensional tried presented through anthemic backing vocals in the chorus part. The saccharine clean vocals and the juvenile anthemic backing vocals only add to the Controversy. the strength of distortion by me weakened into a more benign may be indigestible music fans across genres. although too much adapt to any element, In Flames still showed a best masterpiece. It fits that this message is Delivered in the band's most Commercial track ever. increasingly trying to merge are getting away with Identity today, "Like Sand" for MDM fans will feel disappointment with this composition, though not for Openminded fans. repeating its own preoccupations In Flames to deliver back a series of compositions such as "The End", I think "The Truth" could be a new controversy, but honestly, I'm fans and connoisseurs will all types of music, this track will be washed out more about the beauty of Harmonization despite a polished with Sound distortive and heavy, melodic become characteristic remains inseparable as early Identity in Flames. well, if you want to enjoy a dish of melodic metal but with all the tenderness, some of the next track will be the best moment in all situations, except for the song "Through My Eyes", In Flames still shows pure power of his like the beginning of a career with konsis plays charm MDM is still timid the era of "Come Clarity" And yet, the issue with better Reviews These moments is that they just sound tediously safe in contrast to what we know the band is truly Capable of. want more nuanced melodic lumpy? perhaps part beginning of the song "Here Until Forever" can be a little referral In Flames still have a melodic surprises, although part then just give tension disappointing. for nearly 48 menitan, it seems we are still a small experimental trials In Flames. Schematic representation arrangements should be slowly digested to enjoy every essence of his clear and strong moods in order to translate each template song is pretty good though eventually became friends quiet and relaxing beristrirahat. The first collaboration with producer Mike Plotnikoff (Scorpions, Fear Factory, Saxon until Devin Townsend) is likely to be referred to as a factor shift more new material away In Flames. The album production would also drain the pocket Nuclear Blast Records with high production costs. it's more like the band is just angsty and annoyed. You never get the kind of emotional Catharsis I think the band wanted you to, and the constant Irritation from every sonic element of this album is Excruciating to listen to. and until the end I can only tell the truth, How musician Se-veterans In Flames could appear so blind to their own tragic devolution confusing.

In Flames - The End ' Official Video

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