Devilment - II - The Mephisto Waltzes CD 2016

Devilment - II - The Mephisto Waltzes
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2016

01 JudasStein 05:21    
02 Hitchcock Blonde 04:08    
03 Under the Thunder 05:19    
04 Full Dark, No Stars 06:23    
05 Shine on Sophie Moone 06:34    
06 Life Is What You Keep from the Reaper 05:02    
07 Dea della morte 05:36    
08 Entangled in Our Pride 05:32    
09 Hell at My Back 05:43

Dani Filth - Vocals
Colin Parks - Guitars
Nick Johnson - Bass
Lauren Francis - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Matt Alston - Drums

Dani’s crew now still have Meticulously pieced together a second Blood Splattered batch of Deranged Anthems that brings vastly more colour, Intensity and lyrical Versatility to this band’s Spectral palate. menambah kembali kesibukannya, seniman Kontroversial serta Frontman dari Celeb metal Cradle Of Filth, Dani Filth punya obsesi baru lewat band baru bentukannya bareng gitaris Danny Finch (13 Candles, The Devils Music, ex-The Thinking Principle, Black Soul Choir, ex-Fields of Iaru, ex-Twisted Autumn Darkness, ex-Pain Control), en beruntung ga dikasih nama band ini menjadi " Dannyment " hehehe ... sejak kemunculannya tahun 2011, reputasi band ini langsung terangkat karena ada nama Dani Filth yang seperti menjadi Magnet kuat walau beberapa member Devilment sendiri lumayan memiliki nama di kancahnya. dan bukan menjadi urusan mutu kualitas jika labelmathe Nuclear Blast Records buru-buru meminang band ini setelah tertarik dengan materi Demo 2013. Devilment is certainly different to Cradle Of Filth and should be listened to with an open mind, which doesn't go to say that there aren't Similarities. It falls into a number of genres within metal, mainly Gothic and Groove metal but with a fair bit of Experimentation. Yeah, Dani memang masih memiliki style kuat ala dirinya seperti di Cradle Of Filth, Multiple Powerfully Vokill-nya sangat kita famous banget. dan mungkin yang menjadi " berbeda " dengan Devilment sendiri adalah Konsep musikal-nya yang lebih ke karakter Symphonic Gothic/Groove Metal, tanpa ada lonjakan emosional musik tajam meski beberapa liriknya masih membawa aroma kegelapan. ketika merilis Album pertama " The Great and Secret Show " tahun 2014, Devilment cukup meraup sukses secara komersial, sehingga memantapkan proyek ini menjadi semakin serius untuk mengerjakan album ke-2nya, namun sayang ditengah perjalanan, frontman Danny Finch harus hengkang dari formasi mengikuti jejak Drummer Simon Dawson. meski hanya menyisakan Gitaris Colin Parks, yang diketahui tidak banyak bermain diband metal sebelumnya, ternyata skill-nya tetap diandalkan sekali di Album ke-2 " II - The Mephisto Waltzes ", ditambah dengan masuknya drummer muda berbakat Matt Alston (Eastern Front, Sanctorum), Dani Filth memegang kendali penuh untuk " II - The Mephisto Waltzes ". cause you Know, It's more experimental than COF but it still has that vibe to it, the Gothic sense and Dani doesn't sing very different on this one. It's pretty much him to the core. Devilment memang tidak bisa langsung dibandingkan dengan COF meski type bernyanyi Dani masih khas tanpa perubahan, Komposisi Devilment menurut Gw lebih Catchy headbang dengan Kemewahan Puisi-puisi kegelapan yang coba melebur dalam aransemen musik Symphonic Gothic/Groove Metal. mendengarkan sekilas " II - The Mephisto Waltzes " memang selangkah lebih matang sejak " The Great and Secret Show ", terlihat sekali Gitaris Colin Parks tetep ajib dengan Jurus Riffing keren-nya bareng Fill ciamik drummer Matt Alston menjadi partner yang hebat. dengan Track awal " JudasStein ", aneka kemegahan Instrumen Keyboard melakukan Blocking kuat pada Midtempo tanpa banyak melakukan tekanan yang cepat dan Berat. The main thing that keeps this album Interesting are the guitars, they're all over the Fret-board Accompanied by some Synthesizers, dengan kata lain, Devilment mengambil part-part manis dari COF tanpa letupan Bomb Blast atau Gravity Snaring. cukup mengalir menikmati setiap lekuk tajam yang memprovokasi berubah fungsi kerja otak menjadi full enjoy headbanging ! meredam karakter meledaknya hanya dengan Dynamic come true, jadilah Aransemen ajib untuk dikonsumsi segala selera. penampilan solo perdana Gitaris Colin Parks dan Drummer Matt Alston memang Topnotch banget membuat pijakan-pijakan hidup membentuk resonansi harmoni lebih menyatu dengan Syair gelap Dani Filth. And this variety of playing styles, this ability of giving much thought on every note was something that Cradle missed, especially in the two Predecessors. Rajutan Groove metal diantara Belaian mesra Gothic elemen di " Hitchcock Blonde " sekali lagi secara kontinyu memprovokasi nuansa Musikal Devilment makin Sophisticated ! menikmati suasana semakin megah, jangan lewatin kekuatan Epic track " Under the Thunder " atau ingin mendengar Vokal cewek bernyanyi merdu? check untuk " Full Dark, No Stars ", rasakan kekuatan Female Vocal Keyboardis Lauren Francis dibeberapa Refrain. pengen mendengarkan Beat yang cepat dan Enerjik? rasanya track " Shine on Sophie Moone " cukup membuktikan pesonanya. Musical Architecture Never once do they swallow the guitars whole, nor are they rendered impotent through a combination of inactivity and lack of Prominence, dan Justru gw malah kebawa sekali kenuansa COF sekali jadinya. Dani Filth memang Gw kenal sebagai Musisi sekaligus seniman yang tak pernah kehabisan Ide Kontroversial, sehingga Dani siap menjadi Jaminan mutu kualitas komposisi No Bored and Catchy aja. buktinya sampai dimenit 33 Gw masih belum menemukan titik jenuh sebelum menyelesaikan total durasi yang Devilment persiapkan. Kombinasi Gothic elemen dengan Groove metal menarik di " Life Is What You Keep from the Reaper " ga sedetikpun Gw lewatkan. and Overall, secara keseluruhan mendengarkan 11 lagu berdurasi total 50 ini ada kepuasan terbaik menikmati sebuah karya musikal yang tersusun sangat keren dan memanjakan telinga, dan ini mengesampingkan sementara masalah selera atau asumsi yang menjadi akar Idealisme setiap orang, Gw hanya mengatakan semua ini tentang bagaimana sebuah karya itu terdengar bagus dan enak dinikmati, tidak lebih dari itu. sekali lagi, kejutan musikal luar biasa memanjakan telinga ini Gw peroleh hampir keseluruhan " II - The Mephisto Waltzes ", well cukup siapkan terlebih dahulu secangkir teh panas dan Sebungkus rokok untuk menikmati setiap keindahan ini. As a concept album, I feel it is successful. The changing moods of the songs is still Structured the same way as the others but it Actually worked in this context. jika kalian ini mengangkap karya ini masih " Murahan " berdasarkan argumen musisi, mungkin kalian terlalu serius dengan Kenyataan seorang Bigot musik. is by far the best album by the band in Second time and has turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for me with the Megalithic production values and the Hammered home Emphasis on song writing.


Dani's crew now still have meticulously pieced together a second batch of Deranged Blood splattered Anthems that brings vastly more color, Intensity and lyrical Versatility to this band's Spectral palate. add back his work, the artist Controversial and frontman of Celeb metal Cradle Of Filth, Dani Filth has a new obsession through new band bentukannya with guitarist Danny Finch (13 Candles, The Devils Music, ex-The Thinking Principle, Black Soul Choir, ex-Fields of IARU, ex-Twisted Autumn Darkness, ex-Pain Control), en lucky ga given the band's name to "Dannyment" hehehe ... since its inception in 2011, the band's reputation shot up because there are names like Dani Filth be strong despite Magnet some members Devilment itself has a name in kancahnya passable. and not a matter for the quality of quality if labelmathe Nuclear Blast Records rush to woo the band after 2013. Demo interested Devilment material is certainly different to Cradle Of Filth and should be listened to with an open mind, the which does not go to say that there are not Similarities. It falls into a number of genres within metal, mainly Gothic and Groove metal but with a fair bit of Experimentation. Yeah, Dani does still have a strong style ala themselves as Cradle Of Filth, Multiple Powerfully Vokill its highly we really famous. and perhaps being "different" with Devilment itself is its musical concept that is more to the character of Symphonic Gothic / Groove Metal, without sharp spikes emotional music though some lyrics still carry the scent of darkness. when it released the first album "The Great and Secret Show" in 2014, Devilment enough to reap commercial success, thereby strengthening the project became serious to work on the album-2nya, but unfortunately the middle of the journey, frontman Danny Finch had to leave the formations trail Drummer Simon Dawson. despite leaving only guitarist Colin Parks, who is known not much play diband metal before it, his skills remained unreliable once in 2nd album "II - The Mephisto waltzes", coupled with the influx of young drummer talented Matt Alston (Eastern Front, Sanctorum) Dani Filth is in full control to "II - The Mephisto waltzes". cause you Know, It's more experimental than COF but it still has that vibe to it, the Gothic sense and Dani does not sing very different on this one. It's pretty much him to the core. Devilment can not be directly compared with the COF although Dani is a typical type of singing without changes, Devilment composition according I more Catchy headbang with Luxury Poems of darkness that try to immerse themselves in the musical arrangements Symphonic Gothic / Groove Metal. listen at a glance "II - The Mephisto waltzes" is one step more mature since "The Great and Secret Show", seen once Guitarist Colin Parks tetep ust with its cool riffing Kick Fill with drummer Matt Alston ciamik be a great partner. with initial Track "JudasStein", miscellaneous Keyboard Instruments pomp perform strongly on midtempo Blocking without a lot of pressure and weight fast. The main thing that keeps this album Interesting are the guitars, they're all over the fret-board accompanied by some Synthesizers, in other words, Devilment take the parts of the COF sweet without Gravity Blast Bomb Blast or snaring. quite flowing enjoyed every curve that provoked sharp change function of the brain to full enjoy headbanging! muffle the explosion only with Dynamic characters come true, be Lineup ust to consume all tastes. Colin first solo appearance Guitarist and Drummer Matt Parks Topnotch Alston is really making life-stone footing form a resonant harmonies more integrated with dark poem Dani Filth. And this variety of playing styles, this ability of giving much thought on every note was something that Cradle missed, especially in the two predecessors. Groove knitted metal among Caress intimate Gothic elements in "Hitchcock Blonde" again continuously provoking musical nuances Devilment increasingly Sophisticated! enjoy the atmosphere even more magnificent, do not lewatin power of Epic track "Under the Thunder" or want to hear the girls sing melodious vocals? check for "Full Dark, No Stars", feel the power of Female Vocal keyboardist Lauren Francis in several Refrain. want to listen to Beat a quick and energetic? tastes track "Shine on Sophie Moone" enough to prove his charm. Musical Architecture Never once do they swallow the guitars whole, nor are they rendered impotent through a combination of inactivity and lack of Prominence, and precisely I instead kebawa once kenuansa COF once finished. Dani Filth is known as a musician as well I artist who never ran a controversial idea, so Dani ready to become a quality assurance and quality composition No. Catchy Bored wrote. proof until dimenit 33 I still have not found a saturation point before completing the total duration Devilment prepared. The combination of Gothic elements with metal Groove interesting in "Life Is What You Keep from Reaper" I'm not miss even a single moment. and coveralls, overall listen to 11 songs lasted a total of 50 have the best satisfaction to enjoy a musical works were composed very cool and treat the ear, and is ruled out while a matter of taste or assumptions at the root of Idealism everyone, I only said all this about how a work it sounded nice and enjoyable, not more than that. once again, outstanding musical surprises to pamper your ear gained almost the whole of this me "II - The Mephisto waltzes", well enough in advance to prepare a cup of hot tea and a pack of cigarettes to enjoy all this beauty. As a concept album, I feel it is successful. The changing moods of the songs is still structured the same way as the others but it Actually worked in this context. if you have mengangkap this work is still "cheap" based on the argument musician, maybe you're too serious with the fact a Bigot music. is by far the best album by the band in Second time and has turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for me with the Megalithic production values ​​and the Hammered home Emphasis on song writing.

Devilment - Hitchcock Blonde Official Video

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