Illdisposed - Grey Sky Over Black Town 2016

Illdisposed - Grey Sky Over Black Town
Massacre Records CD 2016

01 Again 03:56    
02 Your Darkest Son 04:24    
03 In Light of the Moon 04:24    
04 I Tried to Live 05:01    
05 The After All 03:48    
06 My Flesh Is Sealed 04:35    
07 You're an Angel of the Light 04:23    
08 Setting Sail 04:04    
09 I'm Not One 04:21    
10 From the Rain 04:14

Bo Summer - Vocals
Jakob "Batten" Hansen - Guitars
Smukke Ken - Guitars
Kussen - Bass
Rasmus Schmidt - Drums

Hello, tentu kalian masih ingat dengan salah satu Dedengkot dan Pioner Death Metal-nya Denmark Scene ILLDISPOSED yang pada awal perjalanannya memang sering disebut sebagai band Kontroversial dengan Aksi Vandalisme-nya. terbentuk sejak tahun 1991, band yang saat ini masih meninggalkan Frontman Vocalis Bo Summer sebagai Member orisinil terakhir-nya setelah beberapa kali bongkar pasang formasi. masih ingat betul bagaimana mereka menawarkan Death Metal liar era debut pertama tahun 1993 " Four Depressive Seasons ", album yang menjadi Mata sejarah band ketika 3 label berpengaruh kala itu, Progress Red Labels, Diehard Music dan Nuclear Blast Records merilis ulang debut ini dengan Artwork yang berbeda telah menunjukkan Taring tajam awal Illdisposed memang diperhitungkan sekali. in all Honesty this period of time will be Remembered with many other Classics DM and Sadly “ Four Depressive Seasons ” doesn’t quite Measure up to them. It is however only the Beginning for Illdisposed Career. hingga sampai Album ke 3 " There's Something Rotten in the State of Denmark " tahun 1997, Illdosposed berhasil membangun Scene Death Metal Denmark dengan Attitude yang selalu mengundang Kontroversi, namun harus menerima kenyataan jika Fans mulai meninggalkan mereka sejak album " Retro ", materi yang dianggap banyak kalangan cukup mengecewakan fans. kemudian diperparah dengan materi " Kokaiinum ", Illdisposed seperti liar tak terkendali dibawah banyak tekanan serta Eksperimentalisasi beberapa Member baru. entah mengapa pula setelah itu Illdisposed seakan menjadi semakin tidak peduli dengan respon & persepsi yang datang, terbukti untuk beberapa Discografy berikutnya, Illdisposed terhitung semakin Produktif dan Rajin menelorkan album setiap tahunnya. dan pada album terakhirnya " With the Lost Souls on Our Side " tahun 2014, Bo Summer mulai menunjukkan Kerinduannya untuk menampilkan kembali karakter lawas meski tidak sepenuhnya terasa utuh ketika Gw merasakan Gaya liar mereka era " Four Depressive Seasons ", setidaknya Bo Summer sudah memiliki tekad kuat untuk dapat segera membuktikannya. akhirnya materi baru " Grey Sky Over Black Town " akan sedikit membawa era betapa galaknya performa Illdisposed dengan Enerji meraung Bo Summer yang tidak pernah Kendor. ditambah semangat Muda baru dari Drummer Rasmus Schmidt yang menggantikan Kim Langkjaer Jensen, rasanya cukup menyuntikkan darah keinginan terpendam Band. Rasmus yang pernah magang di band populer Denmark seperti Corpus Mortale sudah menjadi Rekomendasi Illdisposed menggunakan Kekuatannya. Illdisposed pun tidak mau melepas kepercayaannya untuk terus menjalin kerjasama dengan Enjiner dan Produser Tue Madsen yang juga pemilik Studio Rekaman Antfarm Studio tetap diyakini masih memberi sound dan pesona Sound Illdiposed sejak album " 1-800 Vindication ". meski sempat ada perasaan Skeptis untuk mencoba menikmati kembali Illdisposed yang udah beberapa Tahun sempat Gw Skip album-album barunya, " Grey Sky Over Black Town " mengundang ketertarikan pada awal dirilis. apalagi ketika coba mendengar track awal " Again ", yang pada awal part masih menggema aransemen Death Metal standard yang entah mengapa tiada angin dan Hujan, tiba-tiba Bomblaster part coba menyerang Gw dengan cepat, Oh Shit !!! meski tidak sepenuhnya bakal menjadi Komposisi yang mendominasi, pergesekan Melodic Part gelap cukup menjadi Sajian tak terbantahkan. beberapa Breakdown serta Gloomy tempo masih menjadi Karakteristik utama. Sayatan Dark Riffing-nya sempat beberapa kali memberi persepsi sentuhan Blackened yang kental. Penampilan Vokal Bo Summer masih prima bertenaga dengan Heavy Low Growl, meraung Enerjik seperti siap mengganyang ! tapi entah mengapa jika Illdisposed kurang menampilkan Sisi Liar-nya kembali, meski beberapa Kali Ledakan Bomblaster terjadi, mendengarkan Komposisi-nya seperti mendengarkan Era barunya Kataklysm yang melodius, ya tidak dipungkiri hampir pada 25 tahun karir-nya, Illdisposed hanya ingin tetap berkarir dengan Eksistensi. Track seperti " I Tried to Live " mungkin adalah luapan konvensional yang Illdisposed suguhkan sebagai Tradisi musik cadas dengan mengajak Audience tetap menikmati setiap aransemennya. Shifting Quite easily between slow and fast Passages, and including some Truly Memorable moments (like the Classic moment when the crushing music stops for a second and you can hear a Perverse evil laughter and then Immediately the band tunes in again with more Pummeling death metal) and worthwhile Riffs. karena beberapa track sempat mengganggu konsentrasi Gw hingga merasakan Ngantuk tak tertahankan, akhirnya beberapa sempat Gw Skip, Track seperti " My Flesh Is Sealed " seperti memasang Perangkap Membosankan dengan Atmosfir DM meski pada akhirnya Komposisi digeber secara cepat dan rapat. untuk " Setting Sail " sendiri cukup memberi sengatan kecil dan sayang ending Lick-nya lebih cenderung dengan part yang adem ayem. hingga pada Menit terakhir materi di 43 menit, sama sekali tidak terjadi Ledakan signifikan coba mengubah Mindset. dan sayang memang jika pada akhirnya Gw kurang menemukan sesuatu yang Mengejutkan, hingga timbul penyimpulan sepihak Otak Gw bilang kalo Illdisposed mungkin sudah terlalu " lelah " merealisasikan hampir semua keinginan Fans untuk dapat menikmati kembali kembalinya Era " Four Depressive Seasons ". menurut Gw, " Grey Sky Over Black Town " masih menjadi Masa " tenang " Illdisposed. The Ability to Really Groove-laden DM with Nice hooks, without falling foul of their fan base has been a long-term goal and Finally they’ve Nailed it. and one that sees the band evolve into the more Beast they’ve always Threatened to become Fully Deserved!!


Hello, would you still remember one of the founding figures and Pioner its Danish Death Metal Scene ILLDISPOSED that at the beginning of the journey is often referred to as the controversial band with his Vandalism Action. formed since 1991, the band is still left Frontman vocalist Bo Summer as original Member of his last after some disassembly formation. vividly recall how they offer Death Metal wild era debut in 1993 "Four Depressive Seasons", the album that Mata band's history when three label influential at the time, Progress Red Labels, Diehard Music and Nuclear Blast Records re-released this debut with Artwork is different has shown initial sharp fangs Illdisposed indeed taken into account at all. Honesty in all this period of time will be Remembered with many of Classics DM and Sadly "Four Depressive Seasons" does not quite Measure up to them. It is however only the Beginning for Illdisposed Career. up until the album into three "There's Something Rotten in the State of Denmark" in 1997, Illdosposed managed to build Scene Death Metal Denmark with Attitude always invite controversy, but must accept the fact if the fans start to leave them since the album "Retro", material deemed many people quite disappointing fans. then compounded with the matter "Kokaiinum", Illdisposed as wildly out of control under a lot of pressure as well as some new Member Eksperimentalisasi. somehow anyway after that Illdisposed seemed to be less concerned with the response and perception came, proved for the next few Discografy, Illdisposed counted more productive and Diligent produced the album annually. and on his last album "With The Lost Souls on Our Side" in 2014, Bo Summer began to show His desire to bring back older characters, though not entirely feel intact when I feel their wild style era of "Four Depressive Seasons", at least Bo Summer own determination strong to be able to immediately prove it. finally new material "Grey Sky Over Black Town" will bring the era of how galaknya bit performance with Energy Illdisposed blaring Bo Summer that never Saggy. Young added new spirit of drummer Rasmus Schmidt, who replaces Kim Langkjaer Jensen, it was enough to inject blood latent desire Band. Rasmus were interned in the popular Danish bands such as Corpus mortale already a recommendation Illdisposed use strength. Illdisposed did not want to release his trust to continue to work closely with the Engineer and producer Tue Madsen who is also the owner of Studio Recording Antfarm Studio still believed to still give sound and charm Sound Illdiposed since the album "1-800 Vindication". despite no feeling skeptical to try to enjoy back Illdisposed that already several years had I Skip album new album, "Grey Sky Over Black Town" inviting interest in the initial release. especially when trying to hear the initial track "Again", which in the early part still reverberating Death Metal standard arrangement that somehow there is no wind and rains, suddenly Bomblaster part I try to attack quickly, Oh Shit !!! though not entirely going to be a composition that dominates, Melodic Part friction becomes dark enough irrefutable dish. some Breakdown and Gloomy tempo is still a major characteristic. Dark riffing her incision had several times to give the perception of touch Blackened thick. Bo Vocal Performance Summer is prime powered by Heavy Low Growl, roar energetic as ready devour! but somehow if Illdisposed less featuring the Wild Side of his back, although some time blast Bomblaster happens, listen Composition her like listening Era new Kataklysm melodic, yes there is no doubt about the 25 year career of his, Illdisposed just want to keep a career with Existence , Tracks such as "I Tried to Live" may be a conventional overflow Illdisposed suguhkan as rock music tradition by inviting the audience to continue to enjoy all the arrangements. Shifting Quite Easily between slow and fast Passages, and Including some Truly Memorable moments (like the Classic moment when the crushing music stops for a second and you can hear a Perverse evil laughter and then Immediately the band tunes in again with more pummeling death metal) and worthwhile riffs. because some of the tracks could distract Sleepy I to feel unbearable, finally some time to me Skip Track, such as "My Flesh Is Sealed" such as installing traps Boring with DM Atmospheric Composition although in the end lauched quickly and tightly. to "Setting Sail" itself enough to give a small shock and pity Lick ending its more likely the parts that cool and calm. until the last minute material in 43 minutes, did not occur significantly blast trying to change the mindset. and pity indeed if ultimately less I find something surprising, until the resulting inference unilateral brain I say if Illdisposed may be too "tired" to realize almost any Fans desire to be able to enjoy back the return of Era "Four Depressive Seasons". by me, "Grey Sky Over Black Town" is still a period of "calm" Illdisposed. The Ability to Really Groove-laden DM with Nice hooks, without falling foul of Reviews their fan base has been a long-term goal and Finally they've Nailed it. and one that sees the band evolve into the more Beast they've always Threatened to Become Fully Deserved !!

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