Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign 2016

Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign
Century Media Records CD 2016

01 Unchain My Soul 05:20    
02 As One We Shall Conquer 04:43      
03 Beast Above Man 04:44    
04 As I Ascend 06:18    
05 Temple of Ahriman 05:21      
06 The Eternal Eclipse 04:14    
07 To Carve Another Wound 04:44    
08 Nail Them to the Cross 04:42      
09 Where Shadows Forever Reign 05:32

Lord Ahriman - Guitars, Bass
Chaq Mol - Guitars
Dominator - Drums
Heljarmadr - Vocals

Surprisingly Calm Tones Open the Darkness ! Dark Funeral telah kembali setelah beristirahat lumayan lama sejak rilisan terakhir " Angelus Exuro pro Eternus " ditahun 2009. raksasa Black Metal populer asal Swedia yang namanya cukup menjadi demam keyakinan kebanyakan Blacker ditanah air khusus-nya setelah Marduk. And Dark Funeral keep stay away from Symphonic Bomblast, Ambient Accidents and Progressive Bulkiness. Band BM yang hampir kita ketahui selalu memiliki dominasi Warna Biru disetiap Artwork Albumnya, masih menjadi salah satu pengusung genre BM berhulu ledak tinggi akibat tekanan kuat Intonasi beat yang serba meledak-ledak cepat. salah satu Band yang sudah lama Gw kenal sejak album pertama " The Secrets of the Black Arts ", mengusung karismatik BM yang cepat dan Gelap seperti yang sudah didengungkan frontman Lord Ahriman dari tahun 1993. Corpsepaint, spike dan Darah memang tidak pernah terlepas dari Imej Band hingga saat ini. sejak " Angelus Exuro pro Eternus ", Dark Funeral terlalu disibukkan dengan aktifitas Tour dan Pribadi lainnya, sehingga praktis sempat beredar rumor jika band ini sedang mengalami perpecahan, karena hal ini sempat diperkuat dengan Frontman sekaligus Icon ke-2 Dark Funeral, Emperor Magus Caligula memutuskan untuk mengakhir karir band dengan hengkang dari Band dan tidak lama kemudian disusul oleh Bassis B-Force. sosok Emperor Magus Caligula memang memiliki Imej magis bagi Fans Dark Funeral serta Publik. sepak terjangnya yang menggantikan Posisi Blackmoon sejak Album ke-2 " Vobiscum Satanas " adalah Sihir yang semakin mencekam tatkala Dark Funeral semakin menguasai Kegelapan Musikalnya. pukulan telak bagi Lord Ahriman sendiri untuk tetap mempertahankan Eksistensi Band saat dirinya memutuskan menggunakan vocalis pengganti, Heljarmadr pada tahun 2014 jelas bukan tanpa alasan yang kuat untuk membangkitkan kembali Dark Funeral, Heljarmadr sendiri selain dianggap memiliki Karakteristik warna kuat Emperor Magus Caligula, Heljarmadr diyakini dapat membawa Dark Funeral dalam Era Baru. meski Fans dan Publik sempat Skeptis tentang keputusan ini, akhirnya Lord Ahriman memperkenalkan Progres baru-nya dengan memperkenalkan single " Nail Them to the Cross " sebagai kekuatan baru. sebuah pembuktian yang menjadi " Spekulasi " penting karir Dark Funeral kemudian dipertegas dengan melepas full album ke-6 " Where Shadows Forever Reign ". dan mengutip kembali Pernyataan Lord Ahriman sebelumnya, " Saya sudah mengatakan itu sebelumnya, tetapi beberapa pertanyaan kalian tidak terjawab, saya akan mengatakannya lagi. WE ARE BACK!!! Dan untuk membuktikan bahwa kita benar-benar kembali untuk merebut kembali takhta dan untuk semua, kita sekarang memiliki sesuatu istimewa untuk membiarkan kalian semua mendapatkan rasa dari apa yang akan datang dalam bentuk judul lagu epik karya baru kami yang sudah lama ditunggu! silahkan Duduk kembali, tempatkan speaker kalian dengan posisi maksimal dan menikmati perjalanan melalui alam kuno menjadi semakin sedih dan dingin, alam megah di mana bayangan selamanya memerintah. " yaa.. memang benar jika Dark Funeral masih seperti yang kita bayangkan sebelumnya, jika komposisi dan Karakter band tidak berubah meski letupan hebat di era " Vobiscum Satanas " hingga " Attera Totus Sanctus " kurang begitu memberi sengatan berarti, meski " Where Shadows Forever Reign " masih menjadi Materi Epic gelap dan Sangat cepat ! the nine Compositions show their force without Unveiling any kind of Experiments. menggandeng kembali Enjiner Daniel Bergstrand, owner Dugout Productions studio serta pernah kerja bareng era album " Attera Totus Sanctus ", Lord Ahriman masih duduk sebagai Produser dan bertanggung jawab penuh untuk urusan sound-nya. sementara hasil final-nya dipercayakan sepenuhnya kepada George Nerantzis yang sukses menciptakan masterpiece baru-nya Abbath dan Nightrage.  Well debut yang mungkin mendebarkan bagi Vocalis Heljarmadr ketika dipercaya menggantikan Icon penting yang pernah diisi oleh sosok Karismatik band, Emperor Magus Caligula. entah alasan bagaimana ketika Dark Funeral sengaja meletakkan Track Epic " Unchain My Soul " untuk opening album-nya tidak seperti ledakan dasyat Bomblast, karena track ini memiliki Part yang lebih Epik dan Hitam lagi sebelum menggorok leher kita dengan serbuan rapat Bomblaster, well sejauh ini mungkin kekecewaan kita tidak terbukti sepenuhnya ketika Lord Ahriman Cs masih tampil Barbar dengan Komposisi cepat. is Driven by Flattening Double bass, but its most Conspicuous feature is Constituted by the Extremely Mature melody that forms the Chorus. Placed on Position five, this temple stands in the centre of the album and I do not think that this is a coincidence. A very strong piece - its only Blemish is that it has been Previously Released. Kekuatan Screamy Insane Heljarmadr memang memiliki kekuatan dasyat tersendiri untuk kita bandingkan dengan Emperor Magus Caligula, Heljarmadr Still Delivers the Appropriate amount of Hate, Nastiness and Violence !!! .... Struktur Skematis penggilasan tanpa ampun Dark Funeral memang tidak serta merta mendominasi dengan Part yang cepat dan cepat, Ritme teratur tetap menjadi Kombinasi yang menyenangkan rasanya sebelum digempur dengan Faster part, seperti " As One We Shall Conquer ", ada banyak Atmosfir mencekam untuk kita Nikmati step by step rasanya. and Occupying at least 666% of an album - often coupled with a Certain Atmospheric Riffing-style that Pretty typical among Swedish Black/Death metal bands in general. dan rasanya akan sama dengan lagu " Beast Above Man ", perlahan lahan mengantarkan klimaks sekali. sedikit merasakan Aroma yang Gloomy, check untuk " As I Ascend " lumayan mendinginkan selama 6 menit, dan terulang lagi di " Temple of Ahriman ", kayaknya 2 track yang mengantarkan kita dalam suasana yang berbeda rasanya tapi masih belum menjatuhkan kita pada Persepsi Bored. dan Serangan Barbar yang tidak akan kita lupakan adalah " Temple of Ahriman ", Dark Funeral mulai kerasukan kembali ketika Drummer Dominator menunjukkan stamina Prima-nya. This like offers a lot of Memorable and Original riffs that, Despite their Basic Rhythmic Construction, Possess some of the most Remarkably Sorrowful and Desperate track. sementara " To Carve Another Wound " akan menunjukkan kembali betapa buas-nya lagi Atmosfir yang Dark Funeral tawarkan memang menyakitkan otak ketika mencerna. dan 2 Track Terakhir " Nail Them to the Cross " dan " Where Shadows Forever Reign " telah menyelesaikan Kabut kelam dalam kekacauan Hitam. Dinamika terstruktur bagaimana Dark Funeral masih bekerja keras mempertahankan Kualitas dengan Idealisme yang kuat. memang secara Keseluruhan " Where Shadows Forever Reign " menurut Gw masih menampilkan Penampilan Megah Dark Funeral seperti Siksaan tak tergantikan. Bagi Gw tidak menjadi masalah yang berarti bagi Fans belum terbiasa menikmati penampilan Heljarmadr seperti stigma mereka sudah terkuasai oleh Dominasi imej Emperor Magus Caligula. karena Lord Ahriman sendiri masih memangku tampu kepemimpinan Band dengan tetap mempertahankan konsep yang dia bangun sejak awal. That piece stands out because of its irresistible guitar lines, the terrific tempo changes and its multifarious compositional structure. it Seems that it is no Timeless piece of art. with Regard to this, the Album still Reach the Ultimate level of Dark Quality, with the Creepy cover Painting would deserve a 100% Rating.


Surprisingly Calm Tones Open the Darkness! Dark Funeral has returned after quite a long break since the last release "Angelus Exuro pro Eternus " in 2009. The giant Sweden Black Metal popular whose name quite a fever confidence Blacker most specifically its ground water after Marduk. Dark Funeral and keep stay away from Symphonic Bomblast, Progressive Ambient Accidents and bulkiness. BM bands we know that almost always has a predominance of blue color every album Artwork, still one of the bearers of the genre BM warheads was high due to strong pressures intonation beat fast-paced explosive. one band that has long I known since the first album "The Secrets of the Black Arts", carrying the charismatic BM fast and Dark has been touted as the frontman Lord Ahriman of 1993. corpsepaint, spike and Blood is never separated from the Image Band to date. since the "Angelus Exuro pro Eternus", Dark Funeral is too busy with activities Tour and Personal other, so practically had circulated rumors that the band is disintegrated, because it was reinforced by Frontman once Icon Dark Funeral, Emperor Magus Caligula decides to end the band's career to leave the band and shortly thereafter followed by bassist B-Force. the figure of Emperor Magus Caligula did have a magical image for Fans of Dark Funeral and Public. his behavior was that replaces Position blackmoon since 2nd album "Vobiscum Satanas" is magic increasingly tense when Dark Funeral Dark increasingly dominate the musical. a severe blow to Lord Ahriman itself to retaining the Existence Band when he decided to use the vocalist replacement, Heljarmadr in 2014 is obviously not without good reason to revive Dark Funeral, Heljarmadr itself apart considered to have the characteristics of strong colors Emperor Magus Caligula, Heljarmadr believed to bring Dark Funeral in New Era. Fans and Public although was skeptical about this decision, Lord Ahriman finally introduces its new progress by introducing single "Nail Them to the Cross" as a new force. an evidentiary be "speculation" important career Dark Funeral then reinforced with full release 6th album "Where Shadows Forever Reign". and quoting Lord Ahriman back previous statement, "I've said it before, but some of your questions are not answered, I'll say it again. WE ARE BACK !!! And to prove that we actually went back to reclaim the throne and for all, we now have something special to let you all get a taste of what's to come in the form of song titles epic new work of our long-awaited! just Sit back, place the speakers you with the maximum position and enjoy the ride through the ancient nature becomes increasingly despondent and cold , magnificent nature where the shadow forever reign. "yaa .. it is true to Dark Funeral is still as we imagined before, if the composition and character of the band has not changed despite the great burst in the era of" Vobiscum Satanas "to" Attera Totus Sanctus "was less to give sting means, although "Where Shadows Forever Reign" is still an Epic dark Matter and Very fast! the nine Compositions show Unveiling Reviews their force without any kind of Experiments. holding back Engineer Daniel Bergstrand, owner Dugout Productions studio and had been working together album era "Attera Totus Sanctus", Lord Ahriman still sitting as a Producer and take full responsibility for the affairs of his sound. while the final results of its entrusted entirely to George Nerantzis which have created a new masterpiece of his Abbath and Nightrage. Well that may be thrilling debut for vocalist Heljarmadr when appointed to replace Icon important ever be filled by the charismatic figure of the band, Emperor Magus Caligula. for some reason how when Dark Funeral accidentally put the Track Epic "Unchain My Soul" for opening the album its not like the explosion devastating Bomblast, because this track has a Part more epic and Black again before slitting our throats with a rush of meeting Bomblaster, well so far as possible we do not fully proved a disappointment when Lord Ahriman Cs still performing Barbar with quick composition. is Driven by flattening Double bass, but its most Conspicuous feature is constituted by the Extremely Mature melody that forms the Chorus. Placed on five Position, this temple stands in the center of the album and I do not think that this is a coincidence. A very strong piece - its only Blemish is that it has been Previously Released. Insane Screamy strength Heljarmadr does have its own devastating force for us compare with Emperor Magus Caligula, Heljarmadr Still Delivers the Appropriate amount of Hate, nastiness and Violence !!! Schematic structure rolling .... merciless Dark Funeral is not necessarily dominate with Part quick and fast, irregular rhythms remains a delightful combination of tastes before battered by Faster part, such as "We Shall Conquer As One", there are a lot of atmosphere tense for us Enjoy step by step tastes. and Occupying at least 666% of an album - Often coupled with a Certain Atmospheric-style riffing that Pretty typical Among Swedish Black / Death metal bands in general. and it will be the same with the song "Beast Man Above", slowly drove climax once. Gloomy little taste scents, check for "As I Ascend" passable refrigerate for 6 minutes, and repeated again in "Temple of Ahriman," I think two tracks that lead us in a different atmosphere was great but still not dropping us in the perception Bored. and barbarian attack that we will not forget is the "Temple of Ahriman", possessed by a Dark Funeral started back when Drummer Dominator showed his stamina Prima. This like offers a lot of Memorable and original riffs that, Despite Reviews their Basic Rhythmic Construction, Possess some of the most Remarkably Sorrowful and Desperate track. while "To Carve Another Wound" will show how wild his back again atmosphere that Dark Funeral brain when the offer is painful to digest. and 2 Last Track "Nail Them to the Cross" and "Where Shadows Forever Reign" has completed Black Fog dark chaos. Dark Funeral structured dynamics of how they work hard to maintain quality with strong idealism. Entire indeed "Where Shadows Forever Reign" by I still displays look like torture Magnificent Dark Funeral irreplaceable. For I not be a significant problem for fans not accustomed to enjoying performances Heljarmadr as stigma they already possessed by the dominance of the image of Emperor Magus Caligula. Lord Ahriman own because they assume the leadership Tampu Band while maintaining the concept that he got up from the beginning. That piece stands out because of its irresistible guitar lines, the terrific tempo changes and its multifarious compositional structure. it Seems that it is no Timeless piece of art. with Regard to this, the album still Reach the Ultimate level of Dark Quality, with the Creepy cover Painting would Deserve a 100% Rating.

Dark Funeral - Unchain My Soul Clip

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