YGODEH - Clinic of Maleficent 2016

YGODEH - Clinic of Maleficent
Self Released 2016

01 Translucent Vision of I 02:17      
02 Molecules of Containment 04:31      
03 Rehabilatated Indocrinated Propaganda (R.I.P.) 03:44      
04 Ballad Experiment 05:17      
05 Fragment 5 01:20    
06 Clinic of Maleficent 04:12      
07 Silent Scream 03:44    
08 Sole Deconstructor 04:03    
09 Fragment 4 02:37    
10 Time and Space 04:44

England Synthetic Progressive Death Metal, Well kayaknya siap terus menambah terus musisi kreatif yang tetap ingin mengotak atik Death Metal dalam bentuk mungkin ga terpikirkan oleh kita, ya meski masih terpengaruh oleh ini dan itu, setidaknya inilah Big Surprising dari proyek band yang memiliki nama Unik, YGODEH. nama yang mengandung arti sebagai puncak dari kreasi mekanik dan organik, memadukan sentuhan kuat Symphonic,  Progressive, Avant Garde dan Technical dalam kekuatan Death Metal tak terbantahkan ! dibilang gado gado metal kayaknya berlebihan jika mereka ingin tampil melucu, tapi ini debut musik serius, bagaimana band juga menyajikan tema lirik bernuansa Dark, Philosophical serta Scientific themes. mungkin jika pada awal akan kalian rasakan ketukan-ketukan ganjil dengan Komposisi Style musik yang serba berubah ubah dan tidak terduga, mungkin lama kelamaan kuping kalian akan terbiasa untuk bilang ini adalah Amazed Stuff ! Yess, the Amazing Ideas give a Huge Taste in the album. sulit jika coba Gw gambarkan perpaduan band mana aja untuk konsep ini. yang jelas debut full ke-3 ini tetap menjadi Ekstrasi matang ketika Ygodeh menaikkan level skill untuk menyuguhkan kombinasi atraktif dan Abstrak. sejak terbentuk tahun 2009, Ygodeh telah merilis EP " Dawn of the Technological Singularity " (2010) dan 2 Album penuh : The Experiment Interrupted (2013) dan Inside the Womb of Horizonless Dystopia (2014) secara Independen. tidak terlalu melarutkan kita dalam cumbu memusingkan lewat ketukan Matematika untuk labirin musik metal-nya, Siap ga siap, Ygodeh bakal bikin hiburan yang menyenangkan disaat kepala sudah terlalu pusing menikmati gempuran musik Berat yang cepat. Maybe My rating is not perfect, Obviously, I like said, this is an Exceptionally Dynamic, Epic, and Synthetically I have no other words to describe the Excellency of the Material. Give it a listen, and see for yourself what this band contains and what they can do. rasanya menikmati setiap jengkal Aransemen Album ini, konsentrasi kita akan dibiarkan melayang dan berfikir kemana arah setiap komposisi. dan dan disinilah mungkin yang Gw bilang " Unik " tersebut. Bar dan Lick Riff seperti menentukan sendiri setiap Progres yang beruntung Skill Drum Improve nya mampu mengikuti setiap tebakan part, sehingga tempo teratur jangan terlalu kalian harap akan berjalan dengan lancar, selain lingkaran labirin yang akan menghadang setiap jalan hingga tujuan. dimulai sejak Track " Molecules of Containment ", Ygodeh akan mengajak kita berpetualang dalam Eksprimental musikal yang rasanya butuh beberapa kali mendengarkan untuk memahami alur yang mereka buat, itupun masih penuh dengan Progres bikin kita Garuk garuk kepala. tapi percaya banget, Biarpun Ygodeh seperti menawarkan Simulasi yang pertama mereka tahu, terselip banyak sekali permainan yang Ciamik banget. set that Dynamic Composition and technical Part, and the way the vocals seem to be executed perfectly throughout and math so well. Yaa, Vocalis Cerberus memiliki Indera ke-5 untuk menentukan Pattern Vokalnya secara tepat. menampilkan beberapa kali ketukan tempo yang cepat dan diakhiri kembali dengan Kekacauan Harmoni di " Rehabilatated Indocrinated Propaganda (R.I.P.) ", meski kacau, namun Ygodeh tetap menampilkan kompleksitas nada yang dapat menyambung dengan Sinkron ke part selanjutnya. Pembawaan Karakter komposisi yang tenang namun cukup menghanyutkan selain banyak kejutan, pokoknya mendengarkan disini kita hanya dituntut memiliki Openminded attitude untuk mencerna sedikit demi sedikit. seperti musisi Jazz yang mempercayakan pada Feel dan Mood-nya, tidak berbeda jauh bagi Ygodeh menggunakan gesekan insting tajam dan kuat. This album does contain some unusual Combination throughout, but never strays far from the vast, Crushing Guitars and Machine-like Percussion. Personally, I'm quite thankful of this Great skill. tagi Gw, " Clinic of Maleficent " menjadi pengalaman menulis materi yang sangat menantang banget, ketika sebuah band mengaransemennya dengan sangat Sophisticate seperti ini, memang lebih sulit mencerna daripada mendengarnya setiap Lick yang ditawarkan. tidak keluar dari Sentuhan kental Metal yang berat, " Clinic of Maleficent ", sekali lagi telah menambah pengalaman baru juga untuk kalian yang demen dengan Struktur komposisi yang tidak sekedar rumit. so berani menerima tantangan keren ini??? ... a little cliche but the riffs that follow are a perfect match for the subject and have enough space within and around them to really create an Atmosphere. If some of the Musical had been given more time and space to Evolve this might not be the case, but there are too many Passages that come out of nowhere and do nothing more than display Progressive Experimentability. Technical ability aside, it's the song that Counts in the end.


England Synthetic Progressive Death Metal, Well seems ready to continue to increase continuously musicians creative still want messing tweaking Death Metal in the form may not occur to us, yes, though still affected by this and that, at least this is Big Surprising from a project band that has the name Unique, YGODEH. a name that connotes as the culmination of mechanical and organic creations, combining strong touch Symphonic, Progressive, Avant Garde and the Technical Death Metal undisputed strength! Complexity metal arguably seems excessive if they want to appear to be funny, but this is serious music debut, how the band also presents a nuanced lyrical themes Dark, Philosophical and Scientific themes. perhaps if at the beginning you will feel at odds with the knock-knock-paced music Style Composition of a changing and unpredictable, perhaps over time your ears will get used to say this is Amazed Stuff! Yess, the Amazing Ideas give a Huge Taste in the album. I difficult if trying to describe where the fusion band wrote for this concept. which obviously debut full 3rd extraction remains a ripe when Ygodeh raising the level of skill to deliver a combination of attractive and Abstract. since forming in 2009, Ygodeh has released EP "Dawn of the Technological Singularity" (2010) and 2 full Album: The Experiment Interrupted (2013) and Inside the Womb of Horizonless Dystopia (2014) as an Independent. not too dissolve us in jest dizzying passing Mathematics knock to his maze of metal music, Ready no ready, Ygodeh will make fun entertainment while the head was too hungover to enjoy music onslaught of weight fast. Maybe My rating is not perfect, Obviously, like I said, this is an Exceptionally Dynamic, Epic, and synthetically I have no other words to describe the Excellency of the Material. Give it a listen, and see for yourself what this band contains and what they can do. Lineup feels enjoyed every inch of this album, our concentration will be left to drift and think what direction each composition. and and this is where perhaps the Gw says "Unique" is. Bar and Lick Riff as determine their own every Progres lucky Drum Improv Skill her guess able to follow each part, so do not be too regular tempo you hope will go smoothly, other than a circle labyrinth that would confront each way to the destination. began Track "Molecules of Containment", Ygodeh adventure will take us in Exprimental musical tastes took a few times to listen to understand the way they create, and even then still full progress we make Scratch scratching my head. but really believe that, Ygodeh Even as it offers the first simulation they know, tucked ciamik many games that really. set that Dynamic Composition and technical Part, and the way the vocals seem to be executed perfectly throughout and math so well. Well, Vocalis Cerberus have all five senses to determine precisely vocal Pattern. displays a few times fast tempo beats and ends back in with Chaos Harmony in "Rehabilatated Indocrinated Propaganda (R.I.P.)", though chaotic, but still showing the complexity Ygodeh tones that can connect with Sync to the next part. Character traits composition quiet but quite swept aside many surprises, just listen here we are only required to have Openminded attitude to digest little by little. like a Jazz musician who rely on Feel and Mood her, do not differ much for Ygodeh using friction instincts sharp and strong. This album does some unusual Contain Combination throughout, but never strays far from the vast, Crushing Machine-like Guitars and Percussion. Personally, I'm quite thankful of this great skill. But I, "Clinic of Maleficent" into a writing experience very challenging material buildup when a band with a very Sophisticate mengaransemennya like this, it is more difficult to digest than hear it every Lick offered. not out of touch of viscous heavy metal, "Clinic of Maleficent", once again has added a new experience for you that Amendment also with a structure that not only complicated composition. so dare to accept the challenge of this cool ??? ... A little Cliche but the riffs that follow are a perfect match for the subject and have enough space within and around them to really create an Atmosphere. If some of the Musical had been given more time and space to Evolve this MIGHT not be the case, but there are too many Passages that come out of nowhere and do nothing more than display Progressive Experimentability. Technical ability aside, it's the song that counts in the end.

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