God Enslavement - Consuming The Divine
Self Released 2016
01 Sine Nomine Sum 01:11
02 Belial Within 03:33
03 Consuming the Divine 02:55
04 God Enslavement 03:32
05 Ritual Copulation 04:19
06 Enlightenment 04:52
07 Dysfunctional Creation 04:13
08 Katharsis Through Decapitation 04:01
09 Ungodly Opposition 02:51
10 Insatiable Hunger 04:00
11 Itineris 00:51
Vince Matthews - Vocals
Björn Köppler - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars
Kevin Olasz - Guitars
Julian Roos - Bass
Adam Jarvis - Drums
Amazing Surprized Seemingly Encountered an Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, I really thought it would completely Destroy Everything, Hails GOD ENSLAVEMENT !!! ga nyangka banget ditahun 2016 Gw dikejutkan dengan proyek Gokill dari Negara Jerman yang berkolaborasi dengan Musisi Amrik diera Modern ini tidaklah Menjadi sangat sulit, teknologi sudah tersedia, skill udah Mumpuni, dan terciptalah Masterpiece yang akan menggoncang banyak mata. belum lama terbentuk dan Gw yakin banyak yang belum mengenal nama God Enslavement, apalagi bawah sadar elo masih dijejali nama-nama pasaran yang kian membosankan. sekitar tahun 2015 an, saat Gitaris Björn Köppler berkumpul dengan sahabat lain dan tercetus untuk memulai proyek gokil. jarak tidak jadi masalah besar, tapi komunikasi bagi mereka yang penting. menampilkan gitaris Déhà, sepak terjangnya sudah diakui dibanyak band, Cowok Multitalent asli Berdarah Belgia ini fokus pada Instrumen Gitar di God Enslament, trus Lead Gitaris Kevin Olasz (Aardvarks, Deadborn, Maladie, ex-Jack Slater, ex-Act of Worship, ex-Thornostrum) paling banyak menyeduhkan solo-solo cantik-nya, lalu Bassis Julian Roos yang namanya Gw kenal sewaktu maen di band Retaliation dan masih banyak lagi, dan 2 nama terakhir mungkin sudah sangat tidak asing lagi bagi Musisi Metal Internasional, Yupz, Vocalis Vince Matthews (Criminal Element, ex-Sadistic Torment, ex-Biovore, ex-Covenance, ex-Dying Fetus, ex-Mucus Membrane) dan Drummer Enerjik Adam Jarvis (Misery Index, Pig Destroyer, ex-Criminal Element, All Will Fall, Asthma Castle, Fulgora) menjadi 2 member terakhir yang dibaptis dalam formasi Proyek God Enslavement. memainkan konsep yang lebih enjoy mereka sebut sebagai Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, God Enslavement akan memberi pengalaman menyegarkan bagaimana menikmati sajian yang saat ini mungkin sudah ditinggalkan, check aja Warna kental Criminal Element, Misery Index, Dying Fetus (era " Stop At Nothing ") dan kebanyakan Band Death/Grind New York. apakah Mood Gw sedang kebawa Feel kuat karakter Vince Matthews dan Ketukan Drum liar Adam Jarvis, sehingga gw seperti mendengar bentuk baru dan menyegarkan Band-band yang Gw sebutin tadi? dengan balutan Solo-solo Melodius yang sangat ciamik untuk memberi Terapi menyegarkan disaat Bombardir Death/Grind Agresif mengalami lepas kendali. Damn ! Debut full pertama yang melelahkan dan menguras waktu untuk mengerjakannya hingga proses mastering oleh Stefano Morabito di 16th Cellar Studio cukup menjanjikan Dream Come True untuk Debut full pertama yang dirilis secara Independent via Digital Release dan Gayuh bersambut ketika pada 20 Mei 2016, Bret Hard Records siap merilis kembali dalam format fisik-nya.
yuk kita check track pertama setelah dimulai oleh Intro " Sine Nomine Sum ", Aroma horror mencekam sudah mulai tercium lengkap dengan esensi orkestral kegelapan seketika terpecah dengan Penampilan Track bombastis pertama " Belial Within ", ketukan khas padat dan rapat Adam Jarvis membangkitkan kembali Konsep Criminal Element era " Criminally Contaminated " dan " Crime and Punishment " serta beberapa ledakan Kasar plus liar awal-awal Misery Index yang diamini dengan kharakter vokal khas Vince Matthews. sementara partisi Riff yang berduet kompak dengan 3 Gitaris tentu bukan hal tidak serius, ini Kolaborasi gitaris yang tidak cuman membuat sound band menjadi jahat, tapi juga Excited ! dan Meski berada di Daratan Eropa, kebanyakan musisi mungkin akan terbawa pengaruh, tapi tidak dengan God Enslavement, mereka malah asyik terbawa dengan Sentuhan Khas Death/Grind daratan Amrik, meski jadi tantangan berarti bagi Steve Morabito, alhasil materi " Consuming The Divine " telah memberi Kesan Extraodionary konsep yang membuat Memorable pendengarnya. Masih membawa pembawaan Karakter musikal yang meletup letup hebat dengan tempo yang cepat dan rapat Track " Consuming the Divine " akan semakin banyak melakukan Free Styling tidak bertumpu pada Warna Death/Grind saja, ada banyak Mixture Extreme musik lain yang sangat terasakan disini, meski sekilas kita sedang merasakan kembali kekejaman awal Criminal Element dan Misery Index rasanya. is currently the Natural Successor in terms of that same, Elusive Intensity, these guys in fact bear little to no Resemblence Thereto. Mungkin " God Enslavement " sedikit menginspirasi Enerji dan Agresifitas Band untuk memainkan track ini. pembawaan Power yang teratur dan susunan Aransemen yang mampu memberi tendangan lebih menyakitkan sekali, bisa elo Coba track ini. Full of Rrequisite Face-Ripping Riffs and Speed Abound there are moments of true, Grinding Kickin Ass !!! dan ga kalah mencekam lagi dengan Benturan hebat Harmonisasi yang terdengar sangat Gelap termuntahkan lebih hebat di " Ritual Copulation ", Black metal riffing rasanya mampu memberi tekanan Musikal hebat ketika God Enslavement sangat Antusias berada dibawah kekuasaannya. Pergerakan Riff Bar yang cepat dan Kompak senantiasa menjadi Partner luar biasa bagi Full Power Adam Jarvis yang ternyata juga sudah Menguasai sekali Partitur tempo-nya akan melaju. Still Manages to Realize a sound Altogether Unique and Invigorating, even Intoxicating, turning the last 20 years of Grindcore and DM Inside out and leaving the Reeking Viscera Exposed before Promptly devouring and Regurgitating everything contained therein. Melaju kencang seperti ledakan Bom yang tiada pernah akan berhenti " Enlightenment ", sayatan Riffing tajam sederhana namun cukup menjadi provokator ketukan-ketukan Gokil terlebih " Dysfunctional Creation ", pukulan maut Adam Jarvis seakan tidak mau memberi Ampun sedikitpun ! diantara terror tempo serta harmoni yang meledak gila, Gitaris Kevin Olasz masih mampu mencari ruang yang tepat untuk membubuhkan Sayatan Solo Melodius-nya, Damn ! and Simply put, I am utterly Blown away. I can't even muster the Testicular fortitude to Compose a Proper Conclusion. Mandatory. Brilliant and Grind !!!. tidak mengendur sedikitpun memberi Sengatan pada Track berikutnya " Katharsis Through Decapitation ", God Enslavement masih sangat Barbar untuk menjagal ! begitu juga dengan " Ungodly Opposition " dan " Insatiable Hunger ", bener-bener kita tidak berdaya melawan siksaan sangat keji hingga pada Fase Paling Klimaks ! really doing nothing more than filling a Vacuum left by the Disintegration of Past grind Greats, Meanwhile Falling Victim to the same trap that has ensnared most other Extreme, they spin their sub-genre wheels by playing music that serves solely to Reference the past and induce Fuckin Nostalgia.
And Fuck and Fuckin Overall, " Consuming The Divine " meski kita cukup merasakan sekali Era awal Criminal Element dan Misery Index, namun sentuhan yang lebih gelap mencekam dan Solo Melodius mampu menawarkan lagi suasana yang jauh semakin menyegarkan ! Almost 99% of this record is Blastbeats and the rest is either Thrashym Blackened, melodic or Punk Beats. They are quite Appropriate for this kind of music. Secara Komposisi, Gw sangat Menyukai banget karakter seperti yang God Enslavement Tawarkan, ketika Gw sudah merasa bosen dengan Dominasi musik yang cepat tanpa sentuhan Berbeda atau terlalu Capek dengan Skill Teknikal, Sajian Simply Death/Grind seperti ini menjadi Pengalaman mempesona dan menyegarkan. dan Kerennya, secara keseluruhan telah dikemas dengan Sangat luar biasa sekali ! and all this Album is the FUCKING CONQUEROR OF THE ALBUM ! YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW !!!
Amazing Surprized Seemingly encountered an Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, I really thought it would completely Destroy Everything, Hails ENSLAVEMENT GOD !!! I dont Believe, I really shocked by the year 2016 Amazed project from Germany in collaboration with musician USA Modern era is not Being extremely difficult, the technology is already available, skill already Mumpuni, and creates a masterpiece that will shake a lot of eyes. recently constituted and I sure many who do not know the name of God Enslavement, especially the subconscious elo still crammed with the names of the market that is increasingly boring. around 2015's, when guitarist Björn Köppler gather with other friends and blaze to start the Damned project. distance is not a big problem, but they are important for communication. featuring guitarist DEHA, his behavior was already recognized in many bands, Man Multitalent Bloody Belgium's original focus on guitar instrument in God Enslament, then Lead Guitarist Kevin Olasz (Aardvarks, Deadborn, Maladie, ex-Jack Slater, ex-Act of Worship, ex- Thornostrum) most Featured solos gorgeous it, then bassist Julian Roos whose name I know when to play at band Retaliation and many more, and two last names may have been very familiar for Musicians Metal International, Yupz, vocalist Vince Matthews (Criminal Element, ex-Sadistic Torment, ex-Biovore, ex-Covenance, ex-Dying Fetus, ex-Mucus Membrane) and Drummer Energetic Adam Jarvis (Misery Index, Pig Destroyer, ex-Criminal Element, All Will Fall, Asthma Castle , Fulgora) into two latest members are baptized in the formation of Enslavement God Project. play concept more enjoy it called Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, God Enslavement will give a refreshing experience how to enjoy a dish that today might have been abandoned, check aja Color condensed Criminal Element, Misery Index, Dying Fetus (era "Stop At Nothing" ) and most of the band Death / Grind New York. whether My Mood being kebawa Feel strong character Vince Matthews and wild Drum Beats Adam Jarvis, so i like to hear new and refreshing form bands I Says earlier? Solo-dressing with a very nice melodic solos to give a refreshing therapy when Bombard Death / Grind Aggressive experiencing out of control. Damn! Debut full first laborious and time-consuming to do it until the mastering process by Stefano Morabito at 16th Cellar Studio is promising Dream Come True for the debut full first released Independent via Digital Release and intercepted when on May 20, 2016, Bret Hard Records is ready to release back in its physical format.
let's check the first track after it began by Intro "Sine Nomine Sum", horror Aroma gripping already began to smell complete with the essence of orchestral darkness instantly disintegrate Appearance Track turgid first "Belial Within", beats typical of a substantial and Adam Jarvis revive the concept of Criminal Element era "Criminally Contaminated" and "Crime and Punishment" as well as several explosions plus wild Rough beginning of Misery Index is shared with Vince Matthews kharakter distinctive vocals. while the partition Riff duet compact with 3 Guitarist certainly not a serious not, this collaboration only guitarist who does not make a sound band be evil, but also Excited! and Although located in Mainland Europe, most musicians will probably carry over effect, but not with God Enslavement, they even fun brought by Touch Typical Death / Grind mainland USA, despite a challenge mean for Steve Morabito, as a result of material "Consuming The Divine" has given Extraodionary impression concepts that make Memorable listeners. They bring innate character of the musical erupted letup great with a fast tempo and meeting Track "Consuming the Divine" will increasingly do Free Styling does not rely on color Death / Grind course, there are many Mixture Extreme other music very unfelt here, although at first glance we is being felt again early atrocities Criminal Element and Misery Index was great. is currently the Natural Successor in terms of that same, Elusive Intensity, these guys in fact bear little to no resemblence Thereto. Maybe "God Enslavement" Energy and Aggressiveness inspire little band to play this track. Power orderly disposition and composition Arrangements are able to give more painful kicks once, can You Try this track. Full of Rrequisite Face-Ripping riffs and Speed ??Abound there are moments of true, Grinding Kickin Ass !!! and ga lose gripping clash again with great harmonization sounded very Dark vomited greater in "Ritual Copulation", Black metal riffing able to put pressure Musical tastes great when God Enslavement very enthusiastic is under his control. Riff Bar rapid movement and Compact has always been a tremendous partner for Full Power Adam Jarvis, who was also already once Scores Mastering his tempo will progress. Still Manages to Realize a sound Altogether Unique and Invigorating, even Intoxicating, turning the last 20 years of grindcore and DM Inside out and leaving the reeking Viscera Exposed promptly before devouring and Regurgitating everything contained Therein. Speeding like a bomb explosion is not ever going to stop "Enlightenment", an incision is simple but quite sharp riffing provocateur Harleys first knock-knock "Dysfunctional Creation", a death blow as Adam Jarvis would not give the slightest! terror among tempo and harmonies burst crazy, guitarist Kevin Olasz was still able to find the right space to affix his melodic Solo incision, Damn! and Simply put, I am utterly blown away. I can not even muster the Testicular fortitude to Compose a Proper Conclusion. Mandatory. Brilliant and Grind !!!. not the slightest slack gives Sting the next track "Through katharsis Decapitation", God is still very Barbar Enslavement to slaughter! as well as "Ungodly Opposition" and "Insatiable Hunger", was really we are powerless against a very cruel torture until at least Phase Climax! really doing nothing more than filling a vacuum left by the Disintegration of Past grind Greats, Meanwhile Falling Victim to the same trap that has ensnared most of Extreme, they spin Reviews their sub-genre of wheels by playing music that serves solely to Reference the past and induce fuckin Nostalgia.
And Fuckin Fuck overalls, "Consuming The Divine" although we feel strongly enough early Era Criminal Element and Misery Index, but a touch darker gripping and Solo was able to offer more melodic atmosphere far more refreshing! Almost 99% of this record is blastbeats and the rest is either Thrashym Blackened, melodic or Punk Beats. They are quite Appropriate for this kind of music. In composition, I very Liking really character as God Enslavement Offer, when I already feeling bored with the dominance of the music quickly without a touch of contrast or too Tired Technical Skill, Serving Simply Death / Grind like this to be a charming and refreshing experience. and Cool, overall it has been packed with a very remarkable! and all this album is the FUCKING CONQUEROR OF THE ALBUM ! YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW !!!
Self Released 2016
01 Sine Nomine Sum 01:11
02 Belial Within 03:33
03 Consuming the Divine 02:55
04 God Enslavement 03:32
05 Ritual Copulation 04:19
06 Enlightenment 04:52
07 Dysfunctional Creation 04:13
08 Katharsis Through Decapitation 04:01
09 Ungodly Opposition 02:51
10 Insatiable Hunger 04:00
11 Itineris 00:51
Vince Matthews - Vocals
Björn Köppler - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars
Kevin Olasz - Guitars
Julian Roos - Bass
Adam Jarvis - Drums
Amazing Surprized Seemingly Encountered an Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, I really thought it would completely Destroy Everything, Hails GOD ENSLAVEMENT !!! ga nyangka banget ditahun 2016 Gw dikejutkan dengan proyek Gokill dari Negara Jerman yang berkolaborasi dengan Musisi Amrik diera Modern ini tidaklah Menjadi sangat sulit, teknologi sudah tersedia, skill udah Mumpuni, dan terciptalah Masterpiece yang akan menggoncang banyak mata. belum lama terbentuk dan Gw yakin banyak yang belum mengenal nama God Enslavement, apalagi bawah sadar elo masih dijejali nama-nama pasaran yang kian membosankan. sekitar tahun 2015 an, saat Gitaris Björn Köppler berkumpul dengan sahabat lain dan tercetus untuk memulai proyek gokil. jarak tidak jadi masalah besar, tapi komunikasi bagi mereka yang penting. menampilkan gitaris Déhà, sepak terjangnya sudah diakui dibanyak band, Cowok Multitalent asli Berdarah Belgia ini fokus pada Instrumen Gitar di God Enslament, trus Lead Gitaris Kevin Olasz (Aardvarks, Deadborn, Maladie, ex-Jack Slater, ex-Act of Worship, ex-Thornostrum) paling banyak menyeduhkan solo-solo cantik-nya, lalu Bassis Julian Roos yang namanya Gw kenal sewaktu maen di band Retaliation dan masih banyak lagi, dan 2 nama terakhir mungkin sudah sangat tidak asing lagi bagi Musisi Metal Internasional, Yupz, Vocalis Vince Matthews (Criminal Element, ex-Sadistic Torment, ex-Biovore, ex-Covenance, ex-Dying Fetus, ex-Mucus Membrane) dan Drummer Enerjik Adam Jarvis (Misery Index, Pig Destroyer, ex-Criminal Element, All Will Fall, Asthma Castle, Fulgora) menjadi 2 member terakhir yang dibaptis dalam formasi Proyek God Enslavement. memainkan konsep yang lebih enjoy mereka sebut sebagai Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, God Enslavement akan memberi pengalaman menyegarkan bagaimana menikmati sajian yang saat ini mungkin sudah ditinggalkan, check aja Warna kental Criminal Element, Misery Index, Dying Fetus (era " Stop At Nothing ") dan kebanyakan Band Death/Grind New York. apakah Mood Gw sedang kebawa Feel kuat karakter Vince Matthews dan Ketukan Drum liar Adam Jarvis, sehingga gw seperti mendengar bentuk baru dan menyegarkan Band-band yang Gw sebutin tadi? dengan balutan Solo-solo Melodius yang sangat ciamik untuk memberi Terapi menyegarkan disaat Bombardir Death/Grind Agresif mengalami lepas kendali. Damn ! Debut full pertama yang melelahkan dan menguras waktu untuk mengerjakannya hingga proses mastering oleh Stefano Morabito di 16th Cellar Studio cukup menjanjikan Dream Come True untuk Debut full pertama yang dirilis secara Independent via Digital Release dan Gayuh bersambut ketika pada 20 Mei 2016, Bret Hard Records siap merilis kembali dalam format fisik-nya.
yuk kita check track pertama setelah dimulai oleh Intro " Sine Nomine Sum ", Aroma horror mencekam sudah mulai tercium lengkap dengan esensi orkestral kegelapan seketika terpecah dengan Penampilan Track bombastis pertama " Belial Within ", ketukan khas padat dan rapat Adam Jarvis membangkitkan kembali Konsep Criminal Element era " Criminally Contaminated " dan " Crime and Punishment " serta beberapa ledakan Kasar plus liar awal-awal Misery Index yang diamini dengan kharakter vokal khas Vince Matthews. sementara partisi Riff yang berduet kompak dengan 3 Gitaris tentu bukan hal tidak serius, ini Kolaborasi gitaris yang tidak cuman membuat sound band menjadi jahat, tapi juga Excited ! dan Meski berada di Daratan Eropa, kebanyakan musisi mungkin akan terbawa pengaruh, tapi tidak dengan God Enslavement, mereka malah asyik terbawa dengan Sentuhan Khas Death/Grind daratan Amrik, meski jadi tantangan berarti bagi Steve Morabito, alhasil materi " Consuming The Divine " telah memberi Kesan Extraodionary konsep yang membuat Memorable pendengarnya. Masih membawa pembawaan Karakter musikal yang meletup letup hebat dengan tempo yang cepat dan rapat Track " Consuming the Divine " akan semakin banyak melakukan Free Styling tidak bertumpu pada Warna Death/Grind saja, ada banyak Mixture Extreme musik lain yang sangat terasakan disini, meski sekilas kita sedang merasakan kembali kekejaman awal Criminal Element dan Misery Index rasanya. is currently the Natural Successor in terms of that same, Elusive Intensity, these guys in fact bear little to no Resemblence Thereto. Mungkin " God Enslavement " sedikit menginspirasi Enerji dan Agresifitas Band untuk memainkan track ini. pembawaan Power yang teratur dan susunan Aransemen yang mampu memberi tendangan lebih menyakitkan sekali, bisa elo Coba track ini. Full of Rrequisite Face-Ripping Riffs and Speed Abound there are moments of true, Grinding Kickin Ass !!! dan ga kalah mencekam lagi dengan Benturan hebat Harmonisasi yang terdengar sangat Gelap termuntahkan lebih hebat di " Ritual Copulation ", Black metal riffing rasanya mampu memberi tekanan Musikal hebat ketika God Enslavement sangat Antusias berada dibawah kekuasaannya. Pergerakan Riff Bar yang cepat dan Kompak senantiasa menjadi Partner luar biasa bagi Full Power Adam Jarvis yang ternyata juga sudah Menguasai sekali Partitur tempo-nya akan melaju. Still Manages to Realize a sound Altogether Unique and Invigorating, even Intoxicating, turning the last 20 years of Grindcore and DM Inside out and leaving the Reeking Viscera Exposed before Promptly devouring and Regurgitating everything contained therein. Melaju kencang seperti ledakan Bom yang tiada pernah akan berhenti " Enlightenment ", sayatan Riffing tajam sederhana namun cukup menjadi provokator ketukan-ketukan Gokil terlebih " Dysfunctional Creation ", pukulan maut Adam Jarvis seakan tidak mau memberi Ampun sedikitpun ! diantara terror tempo serta harmoni yang meledak gila, Gitaris Kevin Olasz masih mampu mencari ruang yang tepat untuk membubuhkan Sayatan Solo Melodius-nya, Damn ! and Simply put, I am utterly Blown away. I can't even muster the Testicular fortitude to Compose a Proper Conclusion. Mandatory. Brilliant and Grind !!!. tidak mengendur sedikitpun memberi Sengatan pada Track berikutnya " Katharsis Through Decapitation ", God Enslavement masih sangat Barbar untuk menjagal ! begitu juga dengan " Ungodly Opposition " dan " Insatiable Hunger ", bener-bener kita tidak berdaya melawan siksaan sangat keji hingga pada Fase Paling Klimaks ! really doing nothing more than filling a Vacuum left by the Disintegration of Past grind Greats, Meanwhile Falling Victim to the same trap that has ensnared most other Extreme, they spin their sub-genre wheels by playing music that serves solely to Reference the past and induce Fuckin Nostalgia.
And Fuck and Fuckin Overall, " Consuming The Divine " meski kita cukup merasakan sekali Era awal Criminal Element dan Misery Index, namun sentuhan yang lebih gelap mencekam dan Solo Melodius mampu menawarkan lagi suasana yang jauh semakin menyegarkan ! Almost 99% of this record is Blastbeats and the rest is either Thrashym Blackened, melodic or Punk Beats. They are quite Appropriate for this kind of music. Secara Komposisi, Gw sangat Menyukai banget karakter seperti yang God Enslavement Tawarkan, ketika Gw sudah merasa bosen dengan Dominasi musik yang cepat tanpa sentuhan Berbeda atau terlalu Capek dengan Skill Teknikal, Sajian Simply Death/Grind seperti ini menjadi Pengalaman mempesona dan menyegarkan. dan Kerennya, secara keseluruhan telah dikemas dengan Sangat luar biasa sekali ! and all this Album is the FUCKING CONQUEROR OF THE ALBUM ! YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW !!!
Amazing Surprized Seemingly encountered an Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, I really thought it would completely Destroy Everything, Hails ENSLAVEMENT GOD !!! I dont Believe, I really shocked by the year 2016 Amazed project from Germany in collaboration with musician USA Modern era is not Being extremely difficult, the technology is already available, skill already Mumpuni, and creates a masterpiece that will shake a lot of eyes. recently constituted and I sure many who do not know the name of God Enslavement, especially the subconscious elo still crammed with the names of the market that is increasingly boring. around 2015's, when guitarist Björn Köppler gather with other friends and blaze to start the Damned project. distance is not a big problem, but they are important for communication. featuring guitarist DEHA, his behavior was already recognized in many bands, Man Multitalent Bloody Belgium's original focus on guitar instrument in God Enslament, then Lead Guitarist Kevin Olasz (Aardvarks, Deadborn, Maladie, ex-Jack Slater, ex-Act of Worship, ex- Thornostrum) most Featured solos gorgeous it, then bassist Julian Roos whose name I know when to play at band Retaliation and many more, and two last names may have been very familiar for Musicians Metal International, Yupz, vocalist Vince Matthews (Criminal Element, ex-Sadistic Torment, ex-Biovore, ex-Covenance, ex-Dying Fetus, ex-Mucus Membrane) and Drummer Energetic Adam Jarvis (Misery Index, Pig Destroyer, ex-Criminal Element, All Will Fall, Asthma Castle , Fulgora) into two latest members are baptized in the formation of Enslavement God Project. play concept more enjoy it called Acherontic Old School Death-Grind, God Enslavement will give a refreshing experience how to enjoy a dish that today might have been abandoned, check aja Color condensed Criminal Element, Misery Index, Dying Fetus (era "Stop At Nothing" ) and most of the band Death / Grind New York. whether My Mood being kebawa Feel strong character Vince Matthews and wild Drum Beats Adam Jarvis, so i like to hear new and refreshing form bands I Says earlier? Solo-dressing with a very nice melodic solos to give a refreshing therapy when Bombard Death / Grind Aggressive experiencing out of control. Damn! Debut full first laborious and time-consuming to do it until the mastering process by Stefano Morabito at 16th Cellar Studio is promising Dream Come True for the debut full first released Independent via Digital Release and intercepted when on May 20, 2016, Bret Hard Records is ready to release back in its physical format.
let's check the first track after it began by Intro "Sine Nomine Sum", horror Aroma gripping already began to smell complete with the essence of orchestral darkness instantly disintegrate Appearance Track turgid first "Belial Within", beats typical of a substantial and Adam Jarvis revive the concept of Criminal Element era "Criminally Contaminated" and "Crime and Punishment" as well as several explosions plus wild Rough beginning of Misery Index is shared with Vince Matthews kharakter distinctive vocals. while the partition Riff duet compact with 3 Guitarist certainly not a serious not, this collaboration only guitarist who does not make a sound band be evil, but also Excited! and Although located in Mainland Europe, most musicians will probably carry over effect, but not with God Enslavement, they even fun brought by Touch Typical Death / Grind mainland USA, despite a challenge mean for Steve Morabito, as a result of material "Consuming The Divine" has given Extraodionary impression concepts that make Memorable listeners. They bring innate character of the musical erupted letup great with a fast tempo and meeting Track "Consuming the Divine" will increasingly do Free Styling does not rely on color Death / Grind course, there are many Mixture Extreme other music very unfelt here, although at first glance we is being felt again early atrocities Criminal Element and Misery Index was great. is currently the Natural Successor in terms of that same, Elusive Intensity, these guys in fact bear little to no resemblence Thereto. Maybe "God Enslavement" Energy and Aggressiveness inspire little band to play this track. Power orderly disposition and composition Arrangements are able to give more painful kicks once, can You Try this track. Full of Rrequisite Face-Ripping riffs and Speed ??Abound there are moments of true, Grinding Kickin Ass !!! and ga lose gripping clash again with great harmonization sounded very Dark vomited greater in "Ritual Copulation", Black metal riffing able to put pressure Musical tastes great when God Enslavement very enthusiastic is under his control. Riff Bar rapid movement and Compact has always been a tremendous partner for Full Power Adam Jarvis, who was also already once Scores Mastering his tempo will progress. Still Manages to Realize a sound Altogether Unique and Invigorating, even Intoxicating, turning the last 20 years of grindcore and DM Inside out and leaving the reeking Viscera Exposed promptly before devouring and Regurgitating everything contained Therein. Speeding like a bomb explosion is not ever going to stop "Enlightenment", an incision is simple but quite sharp riffing provocateur Harleys first knock-knock "Dysfunctional Creation", a death blow as Adam Jarvis would not give the slightest! terror among tempo and harmonies burst crazy, guitarist Kevin Olasz was still able to find the right space to affix his melodic Solo incision, Damn! and Simply put, I am utterly blown away. I can not even muster the Testicular fortitude to Compose a Proper Conclusion. Mandatory. Brilliant and Grind !!!. not the slightest slack gives Sting the next track "Through katharsis Decapitation", God is still very Barbar Enslavement to slaughter! as well as "Ungodly Opposition" and "Insatiable Hunger", was really we are powerless against a very cruel torture until at least Phase Climax! really doing nothing more than filling a vacuum left by the Disintegration of Past grind Greats, Meanwhile Falling Victim to the same trap that has ensnared most of Extreme, they spin Reviews their sub-genre of wheels by playing music that serves solely to Reference the past and induce fuckin Nostalgia.
And Fuckin Fuck overalls, "Consuming The Divine" although we feel strongly enough early Era Criminal Element and Misery Index, but a touch darker gripping and Solo was able to offer more melodic atmosphere far more refreshing! Almost 99% of this record is blastbeats and the rest is either Thrashym Blackened, melodic or Punk Beats. They are quite Appropriate for this kind of music. In composition, I very Liking really character as God Enslavement Offer, when I already feeling bored with the dominance of the music quickly without a touch of contrast or too Tired Technical Skill, Serving Simply Death / Grind like this to be a charming and refreshing experience. and Cool, overall it has been packed with a very remarkable! and all this album is the FUCKING CONQUEROR OF THE ALBUM ! YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW !!!