Mortal Decay - The Blueprint for Blood Spatter CD 2013

Mortal Decay - The Blueprint for Blood Spatter
Comatose Music CD 2013

01 Anatomy Turned Chaotic Puzzle 03:44    
02 Ocular Haze 03:13    
03 Blueprint 02:53    
04 Mourning Euphoria 03:42    
05 Chloroform Induced Trance 03:41    
06 Nocuous Compulsions 03:53    
07 Deviant 02:23    
08 Jugular Gurgle 03:33    
09 Altruistic Masochism 04:29

Anthony Ipri - Drums
John Hartman - Guitars
Joe Gordon - Guitars
Monty Mukerji - Bass
Danny Nelson - Vocals

is one of the more interestingly abstract death metal albums I've heard; where Mortal Decay could go with something simple and easy, they always take the high road, getting to where you want to go in the most roundabout, perplexing way possible. For an album that's mostly about autopsies, that's a big accomplishment! Yeahhh .... MORTAL DECAY HAS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!! ... Memang menjadi penantian yang lumayan panjang bagi salah satu Band Brutal Death Metal dengan Teknikal elemen terbaik New Jersey sejak absen pasca album terakhir " Cadaver Art " tahun 2005, band ini kembali mengobati Kerinduan para Fans Musik Death Metal Dinamis. tentunya gw akan sedikit mengenang kembali bagaimana debut album full Pertama " Sickening Erotic Fanaticism " tahun 1997 cukup menggempar kala itu, dimana band ini sudah mencoba menawarkan sentuhan Mematikan yang merupakan perpaduan gaya Kuat Old School Suffocation serta Cannibal Corpse dengan taste dinamis lagi melalui sentuhan yang Progressive, Teknikal dan Jazzy tertuang kental dalam adonan typical musik yang mereka ciptakan yang kemudian begitu mempengaruhi Movement Death Metal generasi berikutnya. Mortal Decay are one of those perplexing brutal death bands similar to Saprogenic in aim in that they attempt to meld modern standards of brutality with a more oldschool style of death metal songwriting. Sejak memutuskan Meninggalkan band ini, kehadiran Drummer Anthony Ipri yang menjadi Member Asli bersama 2 Gitaris, John Hartman dan Joe Gordon adalah kekuatan Dasyat Sebenarnya untuk karakteristik Musikal Mortal Decay sejak band ini dibentuk tahun 1991. tahun 2005, Anthony hengkang dan digantikan oleh Drummer Justin DiPinto di album Terakhir " Cadaver Art " kurang begitu berhasil menciptakan karakter bermain Band yang sebenarnya, sehingga seperti sedang terpuruk band ini seperti vakum ditelan waktu saja. banyaknya desakan dari Fans, akhirnya band ini kembali reunian dengan kembalinya Drummer Anthony Tahun 2010 disaat Semangat Band ini mulai tertata lagi, karena tidak bisa membawa beberapa member lama, akhirnya Mortal Decay Mengajak serta teman band setongkrongan, Malignancy, ada Vokalis Danny Nelson dan Bassis Monty Mukerji untuk melengkapi Formasi terbaru Mortal Decay saat ini menjadi yang paling mengerikan ! saat Boss Comatose Music juga Gitaris band brutal Lust Of Decay, Steve Green mengirimkan Press release-nya tentang Come Back-nya Mortal Decay yang bernaung dibawah Roster-nya, Gw semakin menjadi penasaran banget akan materi terbaru mereka apalagi Drummer Anthony dikhabarkan memperkuat barisan ini lagi. Album yang secara resmi dilepas pada 26 November nanti, begitu mendapat advance copy resmi-nya buru2 aja deh gw review hehehe .... " Anatomy Turned Chaotic Puzzle " mulai membuka awal kerinduan Gw dengan sedikit Intro pada part awal yang kemudian secara mengejutkan, Mortal Decay menghantam pada detik ke 58 dengan serangan Musikal Variatif yang langsung mengingatkan kembali akan kekejaman era " Sickening Erotic Fanaticism " dipadukan dengan " Forensick " material, there are no 'normal' riffs- everything has been twisted with a bend, a bit of vibrato, or some other offputting technical flair. This isn't helped by the more modern sense of brutality, with all its stop-start rhythms, suddenly and perpetually changing song structures ala Malignancy, and deranged sense of melody. Bagaimana Pukulan Hammerattacking Anthony Ipri masih memiliki Power dan Stamina dasyat untuk menciptakan karakter Mortal Decay yang sempat hilang era Album " Cadaver Art ", masih dengan penampilan Free style bersentuhan dengan beberapa Acid Jazz Stylize ! Anthony memang Partner Liar Gitaris John Hartman dan Joe Gordon yang selalu hadir dengan Riff dan Lick mengejutkannya. Even the production is sickly and morbid, with sardonic, taunting guitar tones and sludgy, ichorous drums. dan masih Gw ingat dalam sebuah wawancara-nya dengan Gw beberapa tahun lalu dengan Gitaris Joe Gordon, jika Konsep dasar saat Mortal Decay menulis lagu adalah " Mengalir " saja menurut mood saat melakukan Rehearsal Studio, sehingga typical bermain band ini memang " Natural " banget ! lalu " Ocular Haze ", masih menjadi Komposisi Mengerikan Berikutnya, dimana Eksplorasi dan Sophisticated Talent Musisi semakin lebih terasa Memanas dengan Permainan serba mengejutkan melalui Freak Bar yang sulit ditebak Progres selanjutnya. Karakter Low Grunted Growling Danny Nelson masih membawa karakter Kuat-nya seperti di Malignancy, permaina Bassis Monty Mukerji lumayan mengimbangi Gaya Free Style Jazzy Anthony dengan Betotan Kencang Tapping-nya, Tat tat tat  !!! dan "Ocular ... " ini akan menguras Konsentrasi kita untuk menikmati Komposisi musik yang rumit. akan sedikit terasakan mungkin aroma Suffocation era " Pierced From Within " memasuki Track " Blueprint, karakteristik Old School yang kental memang akan menjadi Hidangan Utama-nya, penuh dengan hentakan yang mantap namun tidak didominasi dengan Fast part, lebih dengan sentuhan Kuat Gaya New York Style In The Vein Suffocation ! " Mourning Euphoria " akan semakin membakar adrenalin kita untuk menikmati sajian mematikan berikutnya. Teknikal Riffing yang Kental US Style-nya memang sangat terasa disini. Seperti juga merasakan kembali kedasyatan " Pierced From Within " yang tidak pernah diulang kembali oleh The Mighty Suffocation, sepertinya materi " The Blueprint for Blood Spatter " akan menjadi Pelepas dahaga saja ditengah Padang Pasir cieeeeee .... apalagi suguhan " Chloroform Induced Trance ", the sheer number of riffs, the busy as hell drums that never met a blast beat that it didn’t want to hang onto for a good minute and a half. The perfect culmination of all these elements of technical prowess and structural adventurism is observed !!! Mo lebih merasakan Tantangan Musikal lainnya yang lebih menendang, coba " Nocuous Compulsions ", dimana emosional bermusik masing2 member-nya sedang dipertarungkan Habis2 an disini dengan karakterter-nya masing. which literally lives up to its name and presents a series of ingenious musical ideas all thrown together in such a matter that it challenges most of what has been done in the style. Although as a whole I tend to be partial to the demos, this particular song surpasses anything the band has done and likely will do. Though it might be a bit much to begin comparing this to more household names like Suffocation in terms of quality, this is definitely up there in terms of old school death metal albums that should be picked up. " Deviant " seperti tidak mengenal Menyerah dengan lelah mengacak Obsesi serta Talenta skill mereka untuk tetap ditumpahkan dalam komposisi yang mengerikan berikutnya. ini memang sebuah materi yang sangat matang untuk kita rasakan setelah Tahun 2005, ada banyak Polesan Matang mematikan yang patut menjadi siksaan mengerikan di album ini, bener2 sangat matang komposisi-nya. " Jugular Gurgle " mendominasi dengan Part2 super cepat semakin menjadi suguhan biadab untuk otak2 lemah sekalipun. The melodies that emerge are all found in the riffs, most of them are either heavily chromatic or middle eastern influenced. dan menutup penyiksaan Sempurna Album ini, " Altruistic Masochism " menjadi suguhan yang tetap mengundang decak kagum akan komposisi brilian dari sang Jawara New Jersey ini. Meskipun kesan kuat yang gw tangkap di album kali ini adalah " Pierced From Within " nya Suffocation banget, namun bisa jadi ini adalah komposisi yang lebih liar lagi untuk Suffocation harus mampu menandingi Skill Liar-nya. Menakjubkan memang persembangan album sinting ini buat kalian penikmat musik dinamis. Penantian panjang selama 8 Tahun terbayarkan mahal dimateri kali ini. For over twenty years Mortal Decay has astonished the death metal community with their very unique style of technical and innovative song writing that sets them apart from others. Now this South Jersey powerhouse are poised to release their first album in over eight years! ‘The Blueprint for Blood Spatter’ is a punishing release full of substance and musical composition that exceeds the standard without any limits. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is one of the more abstract Interestingly death metal albums I've heard ; Nowhere Mortal Decay could go with something simple and easy , they always take the high road, getting to where you want to go in the most roundabout , perplexing way possible . For an album that's mostly about autopsies , that's a big accomplishment ! Yeahhh .... MORTAL DECAY HAS BACK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ... It's a fairly long wait for one of the band Brutal Technical Death Metal with the best elements of New Jersey since missing post last album " Cadaver Art " in 2005 , the band re- treat the fans longing Dynamic Death Metal Music . of course i would slightly recalling how his debut first full album " Sickening Erotic Fanaticism " 1997 menggempar enough at the time, where the band has tried to offer a touch of style that is a blend Deadly Strong Old School Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse with dynamic taste again through Progressive touch , Technical and Jazzy contained in a thick batter typical music they created that then so influence the next generation of Death Metal Movement . Mortal Decay are one of those perplexing brutal death bands similar to Saprogenic in aim in that they attempt to meld modern standards of brutality with a more oldschool death metal style of songwriting . Since leaving the band decided , the presence of drummer Anthony IPRI is a Genuine Member with 2 guitarists , John Hartman and Joe Gordon is a terrible truth to power characteristics Musical Mortal Decay since the band formed in 1991. In 2005 , Anthony resigned and was replaced by drummer Justin dipinto at Last album " Cadaver Art " less successful creating an actual band playing the character , so it's like going down the band as vacuum swallowed time . much pressure from fans , the band eventually returned with the return of drummer Anthony reunion in 2010 when the band began disordered spirit again , because it can not bring some old members , and finally Mortal Decay Invite friends setongkrongan band , Malignancy , there Vocalist Danny Nelson and bassist Monty Mukerji latest to complete the formation of Mortal Decay is currently the most horrible ! Boss Comatose Music as well as guitarist brutal Lust Of Decay , Steve Green sends its press release about his Come Back Mortal Decay shelter under its Roster , Gw increasingly become really curious about their new material will be especially Drummer Anthony dikhabarkan strengthen this lineup again . The album was officially released on the 26th November, so get advance copy of his official buru2 review gw aja deh hehehe .... " Turned Chaotic Anatomy Puzzle " began to open early longing Gw with little intro at the beginning of the later part surprisingly , Mortal Decay hit the second to 58 with a direct attack Variatif Musical recalling the era atrocities " Sickening Erotic Fanaticism " combined with " Forensick " material , there are no ' normal ' riffs - everything has been twisted with a bend , a bit of vibrato , or some other technical offputting flair . This is not helped by the more modern sense of brutality , with all its stop-start rhythms , Suddenly and perpetually changing song structures ala Malignancy , and Deranged sense of melody . How to blow Hammerattacking IPRI Anthony Power and Stamina still have terrible Mortal Decay to create a character who was lost era album " Cadaver Art " , still with the appearance of free style in contact with some Acid Jazz Stylize ! Anthony is Partner Wild Guitarist John Hartman and Joe Gordon were always present with Riff and Lick surprise . Even the production is sickly and morbid , with Sardonic , taunting tones and sludgy guitar , drums ichorous . Gw and still remember her in an interview with Gw few years ago with guitarist Joe Gordon , if the basic concept when Mortal Decay writing songs is "Flow " course according to the mood during Rehearsal Studio , so this is indeed typical band playing " Natural " really ! and " Ocular Haze " , is a composition Terrible Next , where exploration and Sophisticated Talent Musicians increasingly more pronounced Gaming Heats up with surprising paced through the Freak Bar is difficult to predict the next Progress . Low grunted Growling character Danny Nelson still brings his strength of character as in Malignancy , bassist Monty permaina Mukerji fairly compensate Style Free Style Jazzy Anthony with his betotan Fast Tapping , Tat tat ??tat ??! ! ! and " Ocular ... " This will drain our concentration to enjoy music compositions are complex . will be felt perhaps a little scent era Suffocation " Pierced From Within" entered the Track " Blueprint , characteristics Old School is thick indeed will be his main dish , filled with a steady beat , but not dominated by Fast parts , more with a touch of Strong Style New York Style in the Vein Suffocation ! " Mourning Euphoria " will be the adrenalin burn us to enjoy the next turn off . Condensed U.S. Technical riffing that his style is very pronounced here . Like the feeling back kedasyatan " Pierced From Within" which was never repeated by the Mighty Suffocation , seems to matter " The Blueprint for Blood Spatter " will be Pelepas thirst alone amid Desert cieeeeee .... let alone treat " Chloroform Induced Trance " , the sheer number of riffs , the drums busy as hell that never met a blast beat that it did not want to hang onto for a good minute and a half . the perfect culmination of all these elements of technical Prowess and structural adventurism is observed ! ! ! Mo. over other musical challenges feel more kick , try " Nocuous compulsions " , where emotional music masing2 its members are being contested Habis2 karakterter 's here with her ??own . roomates literally lives up to its name and presents a series of ingenious musical ideas all thrown together in such a matter that it challenges most of what has been done in the style . Although as a whole I growing niche to be partial to the demos , this particular song surpasses anything the band has done and Likely Will do . Though it might be a bit much to begin comparing this to more household names like Suffocation in terms of quality , this is definitely up there in terms of old school death metal albums that should be picked up . " deviants " such as do not know Surrender to the tired obsession shuffle their skills and talents to keep the shed in the composition of the next horrible . was indeed a matter which we feel is very mature for after 2005 , there are many deadly Matang Gloss harrowing ordeal that should be on this album , very mature bener2 her compositions . " jugular Gurgle " dominated by super fast Part2 increasingly become barbaric to treat otak2 weak though . the melodies that emerge are all found in the riffs , most of them are either chromatic or middle eastern Heavily influenced . torture and closing the album Perfect , " Altruistic Masochism " to treat wowed will remain brilliant composition of the New Jersey 's champions . although the strong impression that i caught this time in the album is " Pierced From Within" Suffocation her really , but this could be more wild composition for Suffocation should be able to match his wild Skill . Stunning indeed persembangan album is crazy for you music lovers dynamic . 8 year long wait for expensive paid dimateri this time . for over twenty years has astonished the Mortal Decay death metal community with their very unique style of technical and innovative song writing that sets them apart from others . Now this South Jersey powerhouse are poised to release their first album in over eight years! ' The Blueprint for Blood Spatter ' is a punishing release full of substance and musical composition that exceeds the standard without any limits . BUY OR DIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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