Decrepit Birth - Polarity CD 2010

Decrepit Birth - Polarity
Nuclear Blast Records 2010

01 (A Departure Of The Sun) Ignite The Tesla Coil       
02 Metatron       
03 The Resonance       
04 Polarity       
05 Solar Impulse       
06 Mirroring Dimensions       
07 A Brief Odyssey In Time       
08 The Quickening Of Time       
09 Sea Of Memories       
11.Darkness Embrace  

THE AMAZING !!!!!!!! ... Telah Menjadi sebuah Penantian 2 Tahun buat Brutal Technical Death Metal tersadis asal Santa Cruz, California ini pasca Merilis album mengagumkan " Diminishing Between Worlds " tahun 2008 yang menjadi album perpisahan mereka dengan Labelmath paling brutal dijagad, Unique Leader Records setelah mereka dipinang oleh Label Metal terbesar dengan skala Internasional. Album Ke-3 ini sejak pemberitaannya aja udah Heboh kala band memposting Lagu Barunya, masih seperti Penantian 2 album sebelumnya yang serba ditunggu, " Polarity " menjadi sebuah album yang siap menjadi album " Terdasyat " ditahun 2010 Bagi Kancah Death Metal. sebuah album yang terdengar banyak sekali menguras kemampuan serta talenta Member band. dan tentunya album ini tetep memiliki Kejutan2 yang luar Biasa dari progresi Musikal mereka dari album ke album yang terus " Berubah ", yach Berubah itu sebuah Pertanyaan Wajib setiap Metalhead yang mengenal nama Decrepit Birth sejak pertama kali terbentuk tahun 2001 oleh Frontman Matt Sotelo, Mantan Gitaris band Brutal Death Metal yang Udah meninggalkan Kenangan indah, Deprecated !! bersama Vokalis Bill Robinson ternyata masih terhitung member paing asli saat ini, walo kala itu ada nama Mike Turner ( Guitar ) yang cabut tahun tahun 2006 en ada Bassis Derek Boyer yang ternyata juga serekan Band dengan Matt di Deprecated harus meninggalkan band ini tahun 2003 karena kesibukannya di beberapa Jadwal Padat Tour Suffocation. ok kembali ke album ini, Progresi mengagumkan Mungkin akan elo rasakan dimateri kali ini, mungkin sebelumnya elo Masih terpesona dengan materi " Diminishing Between Worlds ", kali ini elo juga Bakalan lebih Terkagum kagum dengan Musikal mereka yang Dasyat abis !! Edaaan itulah kata yang tepat untuk melukiskan kata2 Gw itu hwe he he he .... sekedar Info aja kalo album ini dikerjakan dengan Formasi Bill Robinson - Vocals, Matt Sotelo - Guitar, Joel Horner - Bass, KC Howard - Drums en Dan Eggers - Guitar, namun Pasca album ini selesai direkam, Drummer Killer Berbakat KC Howard harus mengundurkan diri, walo terbilang album perpisahannya dengan Decrepit Birth, KC Howard telah mengkontribusikan permainan Kerennya untuk ke-2 kalinya setelah album " Diminishing ... " serta Gitaris Sejawat KC di Odious Mortem, Dan Eggers juga cabut dari band ini. menjadi suatu yang paling menyolok disini adalah Konsep Musik serta warna permainan Decrepit Birth disini seperti memadukan element Klasikal, Epic Hingga Atmospheric pada beberapa Struktur lagunya, sehingga Nuansa lagunya begitu " Hidup " dengan Goresan2 Lirik lagu yang begitu Menyatu dalam 1 Jiwa, wewww !!! Riff2 Gitar Matt Sotelo terasakan banyak sekali mengandung elemen2 Komposer Klasik macam Vivaldi, Bethoven, Bach,etc yang lebih ditanamkan dalam Pola Old school Death Metal yang Melodius, Cool !!! apalagi bertebarannya beberapa solo Gitar yang Harmonius en cantik kerap menghias Jeda en Pattern lagu bersama dengan sentuhan Synthesizer semakin menciptakan Atmosfir yang gelap !!!! lagu pertama " (A Departure Of The Sun) Ignite The Tesla Coil " pertama kali gw dengerin saat mereka mempostingnya di Official Myspace. kita seperti mendengarkan alunan Irama Musik klasik yang dimainkan dengan elektric Guitar mendayu dayu menjadi sebuah Introduction sebelum kita merasakan Gempuran Hypersnare Dasyat Mematikan. tetep seperti album ke-2, mungkin sesuatu yang paling disorot disini adalah permainan Gitar serta Drum, sementara Vokal sangat terabaikan sekali disini, apalagi Karakter Vokal Bill kali ini ga Powerfully dibanding sebelumnya, lebih bergaya Nyantai en Ringan memainkan suara tenggorokannya, wah seperti Kurang menghargai Member laen nich he he he, " Metatron " melanjutkan keganasan berikutnya, Riff2 Gitar Melodius serta Shreeding part menjadi sesuatu yang wajib dalam Struktur musiknya, solo2 Gitar Matt Sotelo lebih bergaya melodius ala James Murphy sekali. " The Resonance " terdengar Harmonius pada awal lagunya, Konsep musiknya gw rasakan seperti menjadi perpaduan Erat antara Gayanya Death, Cynic Hingga Suffocation dengan sentuhan2 Komposer Klasik. " Polarity " rasanya juga pantas dijadikan lagu jagian dialbum ini, karena disinilah elo bisa merasakan pertarungan nyata Talenta2 berbahaya dalam mengkomposisi Lagu, Duet Shreed Tremolo Gitar yang Kompak en Cantik !! walau mungkin terasa Melodius banget, Lagu ini sangat menyita Pikiran Juga Telinga gw untuk berulang ulang mendengarkannya sekedar untuk memahami struktur lagunya, Brilian !!!! " Solar Impulse " terdengar Middle tempo yang begitu mendominasi, en lagu ini terdengar lebih melunak Beat-nya, " Mirroring Dimensions " kembali mengagumkan, " A Brief Odyssey In Time " menjadi track paling pendek disini, coz digeber cuman durasi 01:03 menit. " The Quickening Of Time " awalnya sedikit mengajak gw buat Headbanging sejenak sebelum digempur dengan Blastbeat, balutan Synthesizer memang menciptakan sesuatu yang gelap en Atmospheric ! " Sea Of Memories " Pertarungan solo2 Gitar mematikan antara Matt Sotelo dan Dan Eggers bisa elo bandingkan Talenta-nya, en Kayaknya Vokalis Bill musti Rehat sejenak coz track ini adalah sebuah Track Instrumental aja. " Symbiosis " dan " Darkness Embrace " menjadi 2 Track Pamungkas dialbum ini yang Rupanya adalah Final pematangan talenta Band dalam menggarap Materi kali ini sebelum akhirnya sebagai Bonus Track-nya Mereka Membawakan ulang lagunya Death " See Through Dreams " dalam versi mereka, terdengar sangat Luar Biasa Dasyat ketimbang aslinya hwe he he he. en endingnya tangan dingin engineer serta produser album ini Zack Ohren ( yang telah Juga menggarap albumnya Suffocation,  Immolation, All Shall Perish, etc ) telah mempoles album ini semakin terdengar Perfect !! en Kayaknya Decrepit masih Langganan Menggunakan karya seni pelukis ternama Dan Sea Grave yang jasanya banyak dipakai oleh banyak Band2 Death metal era 90-an. Wuuiiiih Pokoknya untuk Komentar album ini ga ada mati nya dah, Keren Abis Polll Kalo elo penggemar Gaya bermain teknikal. Album ini WAJIB BANGET Hukumnya apalagi Decrepit Birth Fans !!! evolved version of what we did on Diminishing Between Worlds, BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!

THE AMAZING !!!!!!!! ... Has become a waiting 2 years for Technical Brutal Death Metal sadistic from Santa Cruz, California post-Releasing amazing album "Diminishing Between Worlds" in 2008 which became their farewell album with the most brutal Labelmath , Unique Leader Records after they sign by label biggest Metal with the International scale. This 3rd album from preaching at the time the band wrote Wild've posted his New song, still like waiting two previous albums of the all awaited, "Polarity" became an album that is ready to become the album "Terdasyat" in 2010 for Death Metal scene. an album that sounds a lot of ability and talent drain member band. and this album certainly has Surprised exceptional keep Ordinary of their musical progression from album to album that continues to "Changed", yach Changed it a compulsory question every metalhead who knew Decrepit Birth name since it was first formed in 2001 by Frontman Matt Sotelo, Former Guitarist Brutal Death Metal band that Udah leave beautiful memories, deprecated! with vocalist Bill Robinson was still considered the original Paing current member, no names at that time walo Mike Turner (Guitar) who pull in the year 2006 there en Bassist Derek Boyer who was also serekan deprecated Band with Matt at having to leave the band in 2003 because of his work in some Suffocation Tour Schedule Solid. ok back to this album, Progression awesome would probably feel material this time, perhaps before elo Still fascinated with the material "Diminishing Between Worlds", this time going more amazed also impressed with their musical terrible! crazy that's the right word to describe it my Words Hwe he he he .... just info album was done with the Formation Bill Robinson - Vocals, Matt Sotelo - guitar, Joel Horner - Bass, KC Howard - Drums en Dan Eggers - Guitar, but the post is finished recording the album, Killer Talented Drummer KC Howard to resign, walo fairly farewell album with Decrepit Birth, KC Howard has contributed cool game for the 2nd time after the album "Diminishing ..." and fellow guitarist KC on Odious Mortem, Dan Eggers also pull from this band. become a most striking here is the concept of music and color Decrepit Birth games here such as combining elements of classical, Epic Until Atmospheric Structure in some songs, so Feel so his song "Life" with lyrics song so Goresan2 Converge in 1 Soul, wewww! Riff2 Guitar Matt Sotelo felt a lot of kinds contain elemen2 Classical Composer Vivaldi, Bethoven, Bach, etc are more embedded in the pattern of Old School Death Metal melodic, Cool! moreover some guitar solos that often decorate beautiful Harmonius and Pause Pattern Synthesizer song together with a touch more to create a dark atmosphere!! The first song "(A Departure Of The Sun) Ignite The Tesla Coil" The first time I listened to when they post them on the Official Myspace. we like listening to the strains of classical music rhythms are played with Electric Guitar melodic become an Introduction before we feel terrible Deadly Hypersnare incursions. keep like the 2nd album, maybe something that is most highlighted here is the game guitar and drum, while the vocals are very neglected at all here, let alone Character Vocal ga Powerfully Bill this time than before, more stylish en nyantai Light plays throat sound, well like Less respect other Member he he he, "Metatron" resume next malignancy, and Shreeding Riff2 melodic guitar parts into something that is obligatory in the structure of his music, guitar Matt Sotelo solo2 more melodic style a la James Murphy once. "The Resonance" sounds Harmonius at the beginning of the song, The concept of the music I feel like a blend between style Closely Death, Cynic Until Suffocation by Composer Classical touchs. "Polarity" it's also used as a great song album deserve this, because this is where the real battle elo Talents can feel dangerous in composing songs, tremolo guitar duet Compact Shreed en Beautiful! although it may feel very melodic, this song is very consuming Ear Mind I also listen to over and over again just to understand the structure of the song, Brilliant!! "Solar Impulse" sounds so dominate the Middle tempo, this song sounds more en Beat softened her, "Mirroring of Dimensions' re awesome," A Brief Odyssey In Time "is the shortest track here, coz digeber cuman 01:03 minutes duration. "The Quickening Of Time" initially took a little while before I make headbanging battered by Blastbeat, dressing Synthesizer is creating something dark en Atmospheric! "Sea Of Memories" Guitar solos deadly battle between Matt Sotelo and Dan Eggers could elo compare his talent, I think singer Bill en moment coz got to break this track is an Instrumental Track aja. "Symbiosis" and "Embrace the Darkness" into ultimateTrack dialbum Apparently this is the Final maturation Band talent in capturing the material this time as a Bonus Track before his birthday song they Brings Death "See Through Dreams" in their version, sounds very Overseas Ordinary terrible than the original Hwe he he he. en ending the cold hand of engineer and producer Zack Ohren this album (which has also worked on the album Suffocation, Immolation, All Shall Perish, etc) has been increasingly audible making this album Perfect! en think Decrepit still Subscription Using artwork And Sea Grave famous painter of his services widely used by many Band2 Death metal era of the 90s. Anyway Wuuiiiih to comment this album dah ga her there dead, Fuckin Cool If you fans of technical playing style. This album is MANDATORY SO rulings concerning especially Decrepit Birth Fans! evolved version of what We did on Diminishing Between Worlds, BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!...

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