Bode Preto - Dark Knight EP 2010

Bode Preto - Dark Knight ' Ep
Satanica Productions 2010

01 Sweet Fever   
02 Verminoso   
03 Golden Darkness   
04 The Realm Of Satan

Vokalis/Gitaris Josh S band ini ngirim materi ep baru-nya ke Redaksi buat di Review, memang sepintas awalnya gw check imej band ini udah ketauan band Black/Death Metal, akhirnya gw coba mainkan band asal Teresina, PiauĂ­, Brazil yang terbentuk sejak 2009 dengan nama Soturnus Skullcrusher yang lalu Berganti menjadi Bode Preto. sebuah Ep perdana band dengan Muatan 4 lagu yang Unik serta berani memadukan beberapa karakter diluar Genre Metal dalam Hingar Bingar Musik cadas, penasaran ?? band ini mencoba memainkan Extreme Death Metal dengan sentuhan Black metal yang unik melalui perpaduan ga lazim yang penuh dengan eksperimental abis, tapi uniknya ga membosankan, alias masih bisa dicerna dari ga sekedar " Asbun " aja, track awal " Sweet Fever " terdengar ngebut dengan Riff2 yang Harmonius yang terpengaruh gayanya Trey Azagthoth-nya Morbid Angel abis era " Altars Of Madness " digeber dengan Rolling Pick yang Kenceng untuk menampilkan harmonisasi gelapnya, track ini lebih terdengar keren dan ngebut. lalu " Verminoso " juga ga kalah keren dengan trac pertama, semakin menampilkan Riff2 yang kelam khasnya Morbid Angel hingga karakter band sekampungnya, Raebalium. dan mulai terasa unik memasuki track ke-3 saat mengusung track berjudul " Golden Darkness ", Riff gitarnya mulai memainkan Part yang Unik dan aneh dan terdengar simple, seperti gaya2nya band Old school metal ala Venom hingga celtic Frost, digeber dengan Teknik simple, Beat2nya juga amat unik kalo elo dengerin secara cermat he he he, kayak lagu alternative di metalin gethoo hwa ha ha ha dan track akhir " The Realm Of Satan " kita seperti digiring ke suasana Morbid Angel Era " Abomination Desolation " dan Riff2 Unik ditracj ke-3 tadi sepertinya diulangi ditrack ini dengan sedikit penambahan variasi sehingga ga terlalu mirip abis, tapi jelas masih terasa Pattern nada-nya.     well 2 lagu awal dan 2 lagu seterusnya kayaknya masih belum menemukan Konsep yang jelas dalam band, tapi Ep ini setidaknya cukup menjadi Karya yang Unik buat elo coba simak, khususnya buat yang udah merasa bosan dengan yang itu itu aja. There's something strong, they move and bite.

Vocalist / guitarist Josh S band's new ep sending his material to the Editor for the Review, initially I did a cursory check this band already caught the image of the band Black / Death Metal, finally I try to play with the band from Teresina, PiauĂ­, Brazil formed since 2009 with the last name Skullcrusher Soturnus Switching into Bode Preto. a prime Ep 4 songs the band with a Unique Content and daring combine some characters outside the metal genre in the hue and cry over rock music, curious? This band tries to play Extreme Black Death Metal with a touch of metal through the unique blend that is full of common  experimental, but its unique not boring, still be able to digest than just "asshole" , early tracks "Sweet Fever" came speeding by Riff2 which Harmonius affected his style Trey Azagthoth era Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness" lauched with Rolling Pick a fast to display the harmonization of darkness, this track sounds more cool and speeding. then "Verminoso" not also lose cool with first trac, increasingly featuring his trademark dark Riffs which to characters band Morbid Angel , Raebalium. and began to enter the track was unique to time-3 carrying the track entitled "Golden Darkness", began playing his guitar Riff Part of Unique and strange and sounds simple, like styles Old school metal band Venom style to Celtic Frost, lauched with a simple technique, also Beats very unique if you do listen carefully he he he, like alternative music in metalian gethoo hwa ha ha ha and the final track "The Realm Of Satan" we were herded into the atmosphere such as Morbid Angel Era "Abomination Desolation" and Riffs Unique 3rd last track This seems to be repeated with slight increases ditrack variations so ga abis too similar, but obviously still feels his tone pattern. well first 2 songs and 2 songs so I think still have not found a clear concept in the band, but this Ep least enough to make a Unique Work elo try to see, especially for those who already feel bored with that one it wrote. There's something strong, They move and bite.

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