Nex Carnis - Obscure Visions Of Dark CD 2015

Nex Carnis - Obscure Visions Of Dark
Nightbreaker Productions CD 2015

01 Darkened Rites of Existence 05:23    
02 Cryptic Depths of Unlight 05:58    
03 Dissolution in Vortex of Sanity 04:41    
04 Descent into Ethereal Realms 06:41    
05 Abolishing Rancid Thrones of Deceit 04:23    
06 Murky Pits of Time 06:55

Incruent - Guitars
Asto Vidatu - Vocals
Jirka "Jurgen" Zajíc - Drums
Sam - Session Bass

Surely this is one of the Greatest moments in Iranian Death Metal! Fundamental, and so near perfection to my ears that its successors could help breed Glorification. meski tidak mengalami perkembangan music cadas yang pesat, Negara yang berada di Timur Tengah yang terletak di Asia Barat Daya. Meski di dalam negeri negara ini telah dikenal sebagai Iran sejak zaman kuno, hingga tahun 1935 Iran masih dipanggil " Persia " di dunia Barat. disamping itu Gw kurang mengikuti banyak Geliat dari Scene yang menjadi negara tua mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dalam kesenian, musik, puisi, filsafat, dan ideologi. memulai eksistensinya sejak 2012, Vocalis Asto Vidatu dan Gitaris Incruent mulai membentuk band Death Metal meski tanpa seorang pemain drum nyata, band ini berhasil menunjukkan taring pertamanya lewat Demo Independen " Death of the Flesh " tak lama setelah band terbentuk. mengusung konsep Death Metal yang gelap mencekam cukup mengingatkan dengan In the vein Morbid Angel, Incantation hingga Immolation, mampu terkolaborasi dengan skill mumpuni mereka melahirkan komposisi yang jahat ! mendapat respon yang hangat terus menambah Jam terbang Nex Carnis hingga mempertemukan mereka dengan Drummer Berbakat asli kebangsaan Czech Republic, Jirka "Jurgen" Zajíc yang sepak terjang-nya tentu udah teruji di band-band terkenal scene-nya seperti Ingrowing, Intervalle Bizzare, Heaving Earth dan masih banyak lagi. semakin memantapkan karir selanjutnya, Akhirnya Band berhasil dipinang oleh label orientalis genre cadas asal Italy, Nightbreaker Productions untuk melepas debut album pertama " Obscure Visions Of Dark " yang memuat 6 track selama 35 menit. dengan Progres permainan yang semakin matang, Nex Carnis mampu menunjukkan kelas berbahaya-nya untuk debut ini. dimana terbukanya gerbang kegelapan segera dimulai dengan sajian mencekam hebat Nex Carnis. sejak dibuka dengan track " Darkened Rites of Existence ", Kita langsung disuguhi dengan Bombblasting dengan sayatan Atmospheric Riff gelap memang langsung mengingatkan dengan keagungan The Mighty Morbid Angel dengan Jemari Hitam Immolation. spits forth frag grenades of concussion through the flange effect nestled into its earlier verse, and the Morbid death Hymns of the bridge. alasan yang sangat tepat ketika Nex Carnis menjatuhkan Opsi direkrut-nya drummer Jirka "Jurgen" Zajíc dengan skill ajaib-nya, telah membuat era semangat baru dari band melahirkan Komposisi yang megah dan Dasyat ! Unleash Hell through their Darkened guitar riffs, as the Crawl melodies haunt your mind meet Awesome Drummer being quite proficient. As everything progresses, it manages to create an epic feeling, despite the relative brevity of the song. perpindahan Licking Bar yang serba cepat dan Dinamis menonjolkan kekuatan hebat tersendiri bagi Nex Carnis, sehingga Aransemen Mantap meledak begitu saja. semakin memberikan yang kian mencekam ketika part awal track " Cryptic Depths of Unlight " mulai memberikan Atmosfir baru ketika kegelapan baru saja dimulai. Ketukan yang mampu mengingatkan kembali dengan Karakter lama Morbid Angel masih dipadukan dengan Immolation rasanya sulit terlepaskan dari Pummeling roll on Riff yang dikocok cepat dan hebat, sementara Ketukan Skill drum mampu melengkapi kesempurnaan selanjutnya. This song possesses a haunting atmosphere and serves well to bring such a monumental album to its conclusion. serangan yang serba cepat masih menghantui ketika " Dissolution in Vortex of Sanity " tersaji indah dengan balutan solo cantik yang mencekam. and the drumming is still uncompromisingly relentless !!! Teknik Harmonisasi riff yang kerap menciptakan Atmosfir gelap tanpa banyak melakukan Bending Type atau teknik-teknik rumit selain Kecepatan memegang kendali penuh. terus menghajar tanpa henti dengan tempo yang cepat dan sesekali dipadukan dengan Doomy Style " Descent into Ethereal Realms " masih begitu menghancurkan kehingan malam dengan Atmosfir jahat yang Nex Carnis suguhkan. No neat tricks, no extra frills, just downright friendly flattening of anything standing in the way with the ferocious speed, the way the tempo changes are accomplished, and the ruthless assaulting in selected parts of the album are all reference points in death metal 20 years later ! Pukulan yang ganas membabi buta sejak hitungan awal " Abolishing Rancid Thrones of Deceit " seperti mendengarkan kembali kekuatan Fresh Morbid Angel era " Altars of Madness " serasa Powerfull ! beberapa Teknik Riffing gitaris Incruent masih terus mampu melanjutkan Provokasi hitam-nya Bar demi Bar. dan Track Penghabisannya, " Murky Pits of Time " tetap menorehkan Pijar Api dalam Kegelapan menjadi semakin bernyawa dengan Agresi mencekam rasanya, sehingga Telinga ini seakan tiada berhenti untuk berdenging kecuali mendengarkan Sludgy/doom part sebagai Variasi Part yang naik dan Turun teratur. pengemasan Musikal yang makin memberikan angin segar bagi Perjalanan Karir band menjadi Mantap sangat terasakan sekali karisma-nya di " Obscure Visions Of Dark ". the Atmosphere has the Essential feel of Random Bruising in it, and that has only recently been fading from the Essence of Death Metal once becomes ordered and loses the Illogical flow that skips around Mutilating verses and Cramming Incompatible things together by force, it Ceases to be Death Metal.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry Use Google Translate)

Surely this is one of the Greatest moments in Iranian Death Metal! Fundamental, and so near perfection to my ears that its successors could help breed Glorification. although not experience rapid development of rock music, country located in the Middle East, located in Southwest Asia. Although in the country this country has been known as Iran since ancient times, until 1935 Iran was still called "Persian" in the Western world. besides that I less follow a lot of stretching of the Scene to be the old country has a long history in the arts, music, poetry, philosophy, and ideology. started its existence since 2012, vocalist and guitarist Asto Vidatu Incruent began forming Death Metal band, even without a real drum player, the band managed to show his first canine through Independent Demo "Death of the Flesh" shortly after the band was formed. brought the concept of dark Death Metal gripping quite reminiscent In the vein of Morbid Angel, Incantation andImmolation, capable terkolaborasi with qualified skills they bring forth the composition of evil! got a warm response continue to increase flying hours Nex Carnis to bring them together with drummer Talented original nationality Czech Republic, Jirka "Jurgen" Zajic who lunge its course already been tested in well-known bands scene was like Ingrowing, Intervalle Bizzare, Heaving Earth and many more. has established the next career, finally Band have the groom by the Orientalist genre label rock from Italy, Nightbreaker Productions to release the first album debut "Obscure Visions Of Dark" which contains 6 tracks for 35 minutes. Progress with the game increasingly mature, Nex carnis able to show his dangerous classes for this debut. wherein the opening of the gates of darkness immediately started with a dish of great gripping Nex Carnis. since it opened with the track "Darkened Rites of Existence", we immediately treated with incision Atmospheric Bombblasting with dark riff is directly reminiscent of the grandeur of The Mighty Fingers Black Morbid Angel with Immolation. spits forth frag grenades of concussion through the flange effect Earlier nestled into its verse, and the Morbid death Hymns of the bridge. reason very precise when Nex carnis dropped its options recruited drummer Jirka "Jurgen" Zajic with his magical skill, has made a new spirit of the band era gave birth to a magnificent composition and catastrophic! Unleash Hell Reviews their Darkened through guitar riffs, as the Crawl melodies haunt your mind meet Awesome Drummer being quite proficient. As everything progresses, it manages to create an epic feeling, despite the relative brevity of the song. Licking displacement Bar fast-paced and dynamic highlight the power of great pleasure for Nex carnis, so Lineup Settled just blew up. increasingly providing an increasingly tense when the initial part track "Cryptic Depths of unlight" started to give a new Atmosphere when darkness has just begun. Beats capable of recalling the old character combined with Morbid Angel still seems difficult Immolation's released from the pummeling riffs whipped roll on fast and powerful, while the knock Skill drum able to complete the next perfection. This song possesses a haunting atmosphere and serves well to bring such a monumental album to its conclusion. fast-paced attack still haunts when "Dissolution in vortex of Sanity" presented beautifully with a bandage solo pretty tense. and the drumming is still uncompromisingly Relentless !!! Harmonization Technique riffs that often create a dark atmosphere without much Bending Type or complex techniques in addition to speed in full control. continue to beat endlessly with a fast tempo and occasionally combined with doomy Style "Descent into Ethereal Realms" still devastating kehingan night with evil atmosphere that Nex carnis suguhkan. No neat tricks, no extra frills, just downright friendly flattening of anything standing in the way with the Ferocious speed, the way the tempo changes are accomplished, and the ruthless assaulting in selected parts of the album are all reference points in death metal 20 years later! Blindly vicious blow from the baseline count "Rancid abolishing Thrones of Deceit" like listening to regroup Fresh era Morbid Angel "Altars of Madness" seemed Powerful! some techniques are still dueling guitarists Incruent able to resume his black Provocation Bar Bar sake. and Track the last thing, "Murky Pits of Time" remains incised Fire Glow in the Dark became increasingly lifeless with gripping Aggression was great, so that's ears as if not stop ringing but listen to Sludgy / doom part as Part Variations are up and down regularly. Musical packaging increasingly provide fresh air for Career band be Steady very unfelt once his charisma in "Obscure Visions Of The Dark". the Atmosphere has the Essential feel of Random bruising in it, and that has only recently been fading from the Essence of Death Metal once Becomes ordered and loses the Illogical flow that skips around Mutilating verses and cramming Incompatible things together by force, it Ceases to Be Death Metal.

Check Nex Carnis - Darkened Rites of Existence

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