Revenience - Daedalum
Sliptrick Records 2016
01 In a Landascape of Winter 02:38
02 Blown Away by the Wind 04:11
03 Shamble 04:00
04 Flail 05:21
05 Lone Island 04:00
06 A-Maze 05:22
07 Not My Choice 04:46
08 Revenant 02:38
09 Shadows and Silence 07:06
Debora Ceneri - Vocals
Michele Di Lauro - Guitars
Fausto De Bellis - Bass, Guitars
Pasquale Barile - Keyboards, Synths
Simone Spolzino - Drums, Harsh Vocals
Mixture Sophomore Progressive, Gothic, Symphonic Metal and also Electronic Music influences are present, all elements contributing to the rich Personality of their music basically with everything Perceive or Experience that stirs Emotions. perspektif kuat saat menikmati sajian musik Dimensional yang tidak sekedar menyentuh Perasaan, namun kompleksitas aransemen musisi dengan latar belakang genre musik berbeda beberapa kali mampu membuat atmosfir nyata bagaimana Band asal Italy ini mampu menterjemahkan lembut antara musik dan lirik menjadi sebuah personifikasi. aransemen musik yang mencoba mendobrak teknik bermusik Klise dan umum tentang " Eminor Galloping Symphonic metal band ", karena menurut mereka, " Daedalum " adalah materi yang sukses menggeser persepsi sederhana-nya tetap menjadi eksperimen menantang yang sukses. REVENIENCE terbentuk tahun 2014 dari beberapa member band dengan genre berbeda yang memprioritaskan sebuah Kualitas tetap sebagai Ide Dasar ketika tercetus ide pertama kali, dan salah satunya adalah Progressive Metal. menggodok materinya secara matang membuat Revenience tidak terlalu terburu-buru hingga awal januari 2016 label mereka, Sliptrick Records memperkenalkan single " Shamble ", yang menjadi bagian dari materi penuh pertama " Daedalum ". it’s only the beginning of a Great journey of Research and Momentary finding, as everything that matters in life. Symphonic/Gothic Metal dengan kemasan Modern lebih mampu menjawab penantian panjang antara band dan Fans menemukan edukasi dan Halusinasi baru menikmati sebuah keindahan musikal yang tertata begitu emosional antara lagu dan Liriknya. karakter vokal kuat female vokal Debora Ceneri memberi sentuhan sangat menawan ketika Harmoni vokal-nya mampu melebur disetiap Chord, lick serta Lyric, sehingga mendengarkannya seperti membawa perjalanan dalam Ilusi alam berkhayal menjadi sebuah kehidupan nyata hanya dengan Artikulasi Ritmik yang tepat. Despite a great deal of instrumental time, there is no showboating or Attention Grabbing performance among the other Musicians, all Choosing Economy and Texture over the more Traditional metal Principles of Excitement and Standalone riffs.
dibuka dengan Epic Intro " In a Landascape of Winter ", dari sini saja kita sudah mulai diajak memasuki Dimensi baru Revenience untuk bersama sama menjelajahi-nya. nuansa Orkestral memang masih menjadi Partisi kuat kebanyakan band-band dari Kultur Italian scene. lalu Track pertama " Blown Away by the Wind ", menjadi Opening yang sudah terasa memberi Atmosfir mencekam dengan Sentuhan Keyboard tajam-nya, dan ketika Part Vocal Debora Ceneri mulai bernyanyi, suasana mendadak berubah lebih hangat dengan kekuatan vokal-nya. permainan Atraktif semua member seperti sudah konsis membentuk karakter musikal band, dari permainan Dominan Blocking Keyboardis Pasquale Barile, Rythym Riff yang berat dari Michele Di Lauro dan Ketukan Drum Skilfull dari Simone Spolzino yang juga beberapa kali memberi Backing Vocal dengan Typical Harsh-nya tetap menjadi perpaduan Signifikan bagaimana Audience dapat lebih tertampar menikmati aransemen musikal. and some Darker Textures to build an Intricate, though very Memorable, Passage between vocal sections is surely the most Surprising Inclusion. Mendengar karakter Vokal yang lebih menjiwai banget, kalian bisa coba track berikutnya " Shamble ", yang tentu sudah tidak asing jika sudah mereka kenalkan sebelumnya. The music isn’t Primarily based around the guitar work, as they serve more to layer and Enhance the whole musical experience, but on the continuous interplay between the keyboards and the drumming. It is then Extremely difficult for me to transcend my made up reality and realize just how Nice Gothic elements these albums really are, Despite however, and that should be Stressed, their impact into the formative years of that scene. namun akan tampak berbeda lagi jika kalian respek mendengarkan lagu " Flail " yang memberi Warna yang menyentuh lagi, bagaimana Revenience mengemas-nya lebih dengan Ritme yang Catchy, dan yang pasti Gw suka Penampilan track ini seperti mendengar warna yang " Umum " dari kebanyakan band lainnya. Performa vokalis Debora Ceneri yang menguasai beberapa Range Vokal, sehingga tidak terlalu sulit disodori dengan beberapa Umpan Harmoni menantang dari beberapa instrumen. dan " Lone Island ", Akustik Track yang lebih memberikan kesempatan lebih panjang untuk kita menikmati setiap Tune vokal dan Instrumen lebih menjadi satu. it doesn’t sound less to us, just different. kembali sedikit membuat adrenalin kita terbangun lagi seperti track " Flail ", " A-Maze " It Condenses the very Essence of Powerful metal songs ! terus menjelajahi Dimensi yang membuat hidup kita terasa berbeda, " Not My Choice " masih menekankan Ritme Sound yang berat dan Kompleks. dari sini mungkin kalian akan dapat membuktikan sendiri bagaimana performa Vokalis Debora Ceneri dapat beradaptasi dengan semua powerfull vokal untuk disetiap Oktaf. mendinginkan suasana kembali dengan Akustik Track " Revenant ", rasanya Gw dibuat terus tenggelam dan Menikmati. sebagai Momen puncak, " Shadows and Silence " menjadi Closing Setlist Track yang sepertinya mencoba merangkum secara keseluruhan ide demi menyempurnakan konten " Daedalum ", dengan kata lain, " Shadows and Silence " menjadi perjalanan Terakhir dari penjelajahan dimensi ruang waktu dan kembali dalam Indahnya Dunia manusia tanpa melepas banyak Ilusi. Like an Display an Immensity of Different, and most of the time almost Congruent elements, that all stitch together into a mingled tapestry that is nearly Impossible to Categorize. From now on I’ll avert referring to this album Than Gothic/Symphonic metal, because that description ends up being a subversion of its True Nature with Complexity. " Daedalum " Specific Sub-genres it’s funny to Realize that they are just Experimental Musician and can’t be placed in one tiny spot. So if you’re feeling doubtful, just Archive it under “ Amazed ”. it's a more of a Melancholy related to " I'm bored and I have nothing to do today " than a Deep Sadness that you'd find in a Skepticism song. This allows for the music to become Inoffensive and fit for Easy listening. While nothing wrong with that, it's Antithetical to a good metal record. And I sure you will love the good material " Daedalum " then you should Totally get this Album Now !
Mixture Sophomore Progressive, Gothic, Symphonic Metal and Electronic Music Also influences are present, all elements contributing to the rich Personality of Reviews their music basically perceive or Experience with everything that stirs Emotions. Strong perspective while enjoying music offerings Dimensional are not just touching feeling, but the complexity of the arrangement background musicians with different musical genres several times able to create a real atmosphere of how the band from Italy is able to translate between the soft music and lyrics into a personification. musical arrangement that is attempting to break musical techniques and common cliché about " Galloping E-minor Symphonic metal band", because according to them, "Daedalum" is material that successfully shifted its simplistic perception remains a challenging experiment successful. REVENIENCE formed in 2014 from several members of the band with a different genre that prioritize a quality remains as Basic Idea when it sparked an idea first, and one of them is Progressive Metal. brewing material is carefully made Revenience not be too hasty to label them early January 2016, Sliptrick Records introduced the single "shamble", which became part of the first full material "Daedalum". it's only the beginning of a great journey of Research and momentary finding, as everything that matters in life. Symphonic/Gothic Metal with Modern packaging better able to answer the long wait between bands and fans discover new Hallucinations education and enjoy a musical beauty are arranged so emotional between songs and lyrics. Strong female vocals of Deborah Ceneri vocals give a touch very charming when her vocal harmony is able to melt every Chord, lick and Lyric, so listen to it as bringing travel in natural illusion fantasy into a real life only with proper Rhythmic articulation. Despite a great deal of instrumental time, there is no showboating or Attention Grabbing Among the other performances Musicians, all Choosing Economy and Texture metal over the more Traditional Principles of Excitement and Standalone riffs.
Opened with Epic Intro "In a landascape of Winter", from here only we had started to be invited to enter a new dimension Revenience to jointly explore her. orchestral nuance is still a strong Partitioning most bands of Italian culture scene. the first track "Blown Away by the Wind", being the Opening already seemed to give atmosphere tense with sharp touches his keyboard, and when Part Vocal Debora Ceneri starts singing, the atmosphere suddenly turned warmer with her vocal power. Attractive play all members as already konsis shape the character of the musical band, from the game Dominant Blocking keyboardist Pasquale Barile, Rythym Riff weight of Michele Di Lauro and Rap Drum skilfull of Simone Spolzino are also a couple of times to give Backing Vocal with Typical Harsh its fixed into a fusion significant how Audience can be slapped enjoy the musical arranger. and some Darker Textures to build an Intricate, though very Memorable, Passage between vocal sections is surely the most Surprising Inclusion. Hearing more vocal character animating really, you can try the next track "shamble", which would have been familiar if they've introduced before. The music is not Primarily based around the guitar work, as they serve more to layer and Enhance the whole musical experience, but on the continuous interplay between the keyboards and the drumming. It is then Extremely difficult, for me to transcend my made-up reality and Realize just how Nice Gothic elements Reviews These albums really are, Despite however, and that should be Stressed, Reviews their impact into the formative years of that scene. but it will look different if you respect listening to the song "Flail" which gives a color that is touched again, how Revenience pack her more with rhythms Catchy, and certainly I Like Appearance track is like hearing colors "General" from most other bands , Performance vocalist Deborah Ceneri which controls some Vocal Range, so it was not too hard was presented with several feed Harmony challenge of several instruments. and "Lone Island", Acoustic Track much longer provides an opportunity for us to enjoy every Tune vocal and more into a single instrument. it does not sound less to us, just different. back a little to make our adrenaline woke up again like track "Flail", "A-Maze" It Condenses the very Essence of Powerful metal songs! continue to explore the dimension that makes our lives feel different, "Not My Choice" is still stressed Rhythm Sound heavy and complex. from here maybe you will be able to prove yourself how the performance of vocalist Debora Ceneri can adapt to all the powerful vocals for each octave. cool the atmosphere back to the Acoustic Track "Revenant", I made continue to sink and Enjoy. as a moment of culmination, "Shadows and Silence" became Closing Setlist Track who seemed to try to summarize the whole idea of it to improve the content "Daedalum", in other words, "Shadows and Silence" became a trip last of exploration dimensions of space time and again in the beauty of human world without removing a lot of illusion. Like an an immensity of Different Display, and most of the time almost Congruent elements, that stitch all mingled together into a tapestry that is nearly Impossible to Categorize. From now on I'll AVERT referring to this album Than Gothic/Symphonic metal, Because that description ends up being a subversion of its True Nature with Complexity. "Daedalum" Specific Sub-genres it's funny to Realize that they are just Experimental Musician and can not be placed in one tiny spot. So if you're feeling doubtful, just Archive it under "Amazed". it's a more of a Melancholy related to "I'm bored and I have nothing to do today" than a Deep Sadness that you'd find in a Skepticism song. This Allows for the music to Become Inoffensive and fit for Easy listening. While nothing wrong with that, it's antithetical to a good metal record. And I sure you will love the good material "Daedalum" then you should Totally get this Album Now!
Revenience - Shamble Official Video