Hemotoxin - Biological Enslavement 2016

Hemotoxin - Biological Enslavement
Unspeakable Axe Records 2016

01 Decadence 02:10    
02 Regression 04:39    
03 Minus Human 03:20    
04 Not of This World 02:52    
05 Forgotten Faces 04:16    
06 The Alchemist 03:57    
07 Bleak Prognosis 04:13    
08 A Journey Through Dreams 06:20
09 Transparent Eyes 03:25

Michael Chavez - Guitar/Vocals
Michael Rohwer - Guitar
Nathan Fruth - Bass
Brandon Wilcox - Drums

Branding of Death metal mixed with Thrash, Their songs cover a very wide Spectrum from Straightforward Aggressive Thrash and Heavy hitting metal to more Complex Ideas. And I Think this album remains as one of the most convincing works of the band and a big stepforward for their own Style consolidation. sepertinya Gw merasakan kembali keindahan Musik metal diawal Gw sedang begitu mengenal dan Menikmatinya sekali era " Spiritual Healing " nya Death yang di Blend lagi dengan era " Elements of Anger " nya Sadus serta beberapa kali Warna Melodius Raw diera-nya Dismember, dan kali ini Hemotoxin mengusungnya dengan Konsep yang memasuki era Modern dan Kerennya, Hemotoxin masih begitu Kuat mempertahankan Sound Klasik dan Vintage seperti di era 2 album tersebut. both vivid Expressions of the much Difficult Methodology of the group, Clearly guitar-based and including Polished Arrangements and Competent Progression. Riffs take control from the beginning, starting with an introducing main line that is soon Modified to lead vocals and rhythm section through the Numerous Distinct Sequences during the tunes. Mixture kompleks antara elemen Thrash, Death, Black metal, hingga Progressive Rock menjadi warna yang sangat menantang untuk Michael Chavez Cs Racik menjadi Musikal menggoda konsentrasi. memantapkan konsep yang mereka bangun sejak 2010 silam, Progressive Death/Thrash Metal asal Pittsburg, California HEMOTOXIN terhitung rajin berkarya dengan 3 Demo, 2 EP, 1 Live Album dan 2 Full album sekarang. namanya sendiri berangkat dan Terangkat sejak Album pertama " Between Forever... and the End " tahun 2013 secara Independen, Band ini telah mengusik Metalhead untuk menikmati setiap Progres Musikal cerdas-nya. berangkat dari Pematangan Skill, rupanya materi gress " Biological Enslavement " ini menjadi Langkah mantap Hemotoxin semakin solid Mengembangkan Ide-ide Fantastis-nya membawa kembali Kenangan terbaik Metal dari era 90-an banget. It's also the result of a necessary preceding professional composition writing process, culminating totally on the epic title number which is the most immaculately arranged, advanced and intricate. It features the elemental characteristics of each other track (Rhythm Modifications, Several riffs & hooks of different Nature and tone, Lengthy instrumental Passages, Expressive Shrieking vocals), but executed with Bigger Pretension and Excellence.

Dimulai dengan Instrumental Track " Decadence ", Hemotoxin sengaja memberi Foreplay penting sebelum melebur dengan Agresifitas Musikal yang mereka tawarkan sebenarnya. Pemilihan Sound yang masih terdengar klasik di era-nya James Murphy di Death Era " Spiritual Healing " seperti sudah menancap dalam sekali pada persepsi awal ini, meskipun ketukan drumming menambah Atmosfir yang lebih intens jika dibandingkan sendiri pada masa itu, mungkin ketukan mantap skill drummer Brandon Wilcox paling memberi Tamparan Straightforward kekuatan baru band. penyajian aransemen musik yang sudah tertata sangat rapi kayaknya makin bikin Gw Falling in love menikmati setiap Lick dan Bar komposisi Hemotoxin. kemudian " Regression " yang akan menggiring kita sebenarnya kedalam Kenangan Paling Indah itu, ketika Part awal adalah part melodius yang cukup mengingatkan sekali dengan Typical Dismember era " Like an Everflowing Stream " untuk beberapa Melodic Part-nya, kemudian kolaborasi Death era " Spiritual Healing " serta " The Sound of Perseverance ", rasanya seperti terror yang menyerang Hebat berikutnya. Gaya bernyanyi Vocalis/Gitars Michael Chavez memang membawa Pesona kuat Chuck Schuldiner sebagai dasar utama. duet kompaknya bareng Michael Rohwer adalah Konspirasi yang solid ketika menciptakan Lick dan Bar tajam saling mengisi, sehingga ketika kita terlalu dalam menikmatinya, Akan terasa Kekuatan kekuatan Jahat seperti tengah menguasai. in particular, the Most Autenthic Dynamic attempt of the whole pack Demonstrate Remarkable talent and Sophisticate skills, now they Concentrate on direction, Difficulty and Versatility of the music and not only on Velocity and Bestiality. selamat ! pengalaman baru bagi kalian yang mungkin ingin lebih mengenal lebih jauh Kejayaan Extreme Metal dari era 90-an, " Biological Enslavement " telah menjadi Pilihan terbaik saat ini. terus menjelejahi Musikal yang semakin mempesona dengan Ritme dan Pola bermain Dinamis, " Minus Human ", menghipnotis dengan Skill Harmoni terbaik Hemotoxin, dan Disini terasa sekali Elemen Progresif yang beberapa kemudian akan mengingatkan Bagaimana Track Enerjik seperti " Defensive Personalities " atau " Living Monstrosity " nya Death telah bangkit kembali ! terus menghanyutkan lagi lewat enerji powerfull berikutnya, Hemotoxin menampilkan Skema permainan yang makin menghipnotis bawah sadar kita. melaju cepat Track " Not of This World " dan " Forgotten Faces " mungkin akan lebih merasakan kita dengan Kekuatan Dasyat Skill Musik Konsep ala Obscura lengkap dengan beberapa Blastbeat Snare mempesona. Sehingga akan terlalu dini Jika Gw akan memberi statemen jika materi ini seutuhnya sangat Kompleks dan membawa kekuatan Hebat era 90 an yang di Mixture dengan Modern Skilled. perlahan namun mematikan beberapa sentuhan Indah di " The Alchemist " dan " Bleak Prognosis " mampu membuat Klimaks Adrenalin kita menikmati Skillfull menarik didalamnya. which turned from an Amusingly Outrageous amateur band to an Amazingly Progressive Sub-genre Assault. karena bakal semakin banyak pengalaman menyenangkan yang kita dapat selama mendengarkan sendiri untuk materi baru ini, belum kejutan Konsep dari talenta dasyat Hemotoxin. dan semakin ingin lebih menikmati secara Detail Komposisi-nya, Hemotoxin memberi kesempatan bagus untuk menikmati Instrumental Track " A Journey Through Dreams ", ketika Skill dan Ego member memiliki Ruang bergerak luas dan bebas. Capable of Conceiving and Executing such musical concept with Stunning precision and Competence. There weren’t many groups around by that time that could play that Dynamic fast, that could compose such Energetic Crazy tunes and give them sense and direction the way these guys did, having the necessary technical potential to avoid the Fragility, Clumsiness attempting to play as fast as Possible without Feel control, Exhibition Branching out from "just another Death Metal" band to the DM band who is Changing the face of Death Metal. dan Track Pamungkas, " Transparent Eyes " harus mengakhiri perjumpaan Fantastis ini masih terus memukau dengan Technical Riffing yang semakin Menggila sekali pembawaannya, Damn !

Really get the most out of it and Recognizing that way back in 1990, the production quality wasn't as good Obviously plus Death was still getting established with their sound lineups with each Succeeding Record. and Overall, " Biological Enslavement " is a Good place to go without Sacrificing all the other Necessary elements of the genre. Menciptakan kekaguman tersendiri ketika Modern Style beberapa diantaranya sudah terdengar sangat membosankan, inilah angin segar yang mungkin dapat menjadi Solusi berarti ketika yang kita Impikan sudah menjadi bagian dari Kenyataan. Hemotoxin selangkah memang semakin membuat daya magnet hebat untuk " Biological Enslavement " ini. So buat kalian yang sangat merindukan kembali Warna karakteristik dari era 90-an banget (Meski beberapa Style masih akan membawa kita dengan Reformasi Konsep sekarang .ed), era Klasik Death, Sadus, Dismember coba menjalin kekuatan cerdas baru dengan Obscura atau Necrophagist. Bersiap banget " Biological Enslavement " akan menjadi Sebuah Kebahagiaan tak ternilai Harganya ! is mandatory listening for any fan of Progressive Death/Thrash Metal. It Represents a Pivotal time in the Growth of a genre that would Spawn into something massive.


Branding of Death Metal mixed with Thrash, Their songs cover a very wide spectrum from Straightforward Aggressive Thrash and Heavy hitting metal to more Complex Ideas. And I Think this album remains as one of the most convincing works of the band and a big stepforward for Reviews their own Style consolidation. seems Gw felt again the beauty of metal music in early I being so familiar and Enjoy it once the era of "Spiritual Healing" Her Death in Blend again with the era of "Elements of Anger" it Sadus and several times Color Raw melodic era of his Dismember, and this time Hemotoxin the concept that carried him to enter the era of Modern and Cool, Hemotoxin still so strong retains Classic and Vintage Sound like in the era of the second album. both vivid Expressions of the much Difficult Methodology of the group, Cleary guitar-based and Including Polished Arrangements and Competent Progression. Riffs take control from the beginning, starting with an introducing main line that is soon Modified to lead vocals and rhythm section through the Numerous Distinct Sequences during the tunes. Mixture complex between elements of Thrash, Death, Black Metal, Progressive Rock to be a color that is very challenging to Michael Chavez Cs compose be tempting Musical concentration. solidify the concept that they have built since 2010 ago, Progressive Death / Thrash Metal origin Pittsburg, California HEMOTOXIN commencing work diligently with 3 Demo, 2 EPs, one live album and two full-length album now. leaving his own name and surges since the first album "Between Forever ... and the End" in 2013 as an Independent, this band has been bothering Metalhead to enjoy every intelligent Musical Progress her. Maturation departing from Skill, apparently New material "Biological Enslavement" is becoming increasingly solid Hemotoxin steady Step Develop ideas Fantastic her brought back memories of the best Metal of the 90s really. It's also the result of a preceding Necessary professional composition writing process, culminating totally on the epic title number the which is the most immaculately arranged, advanced and intricate. It features the elemental characteristics of each of the tracks (Rhythm Modifications, Several different riffs and hooks of Nature and tone, Lengthy instrumental Passages, Expressive Shrieking vocals), but executed with Bigger Pretension and Excellence.

Starting with Instrumental Track "Decadence", Hemotoxin deliberately gave Foreplay is important before fused with musical aggressiveness that they offer true. Selection of Sound that still sounds a classic in its era James Murphy of Death Era "Spiritual Healing" as it's been stuck in once the initial perception of this, although the beats drumming adds atmosphere is more intense than his own at that time, maybe knock steady skill drummer Brandon Wilcox gave slap Straightforward most new power band. presentation of musical arrangements have been arranged very neatly think more and make me Falling in love enjoying every Lick and Bar Hemotoxin composition. then "Regression" that would lead us in fact into the memory of the Most Beautiful, when Part beginning are part of melodic enough to remind once with Typical Dismember era "Like an everflowing Stream" for some Melodic Part of his, then collaboration Death era "Spiritual Healing" and "the Sound of Perseverance", it feels like the next Great terror attack. Style of singing vocalist / Gitars Michael Chavez does carry a powerful charm Chuck Schuldiner as the main basic. compact duet with Michael Rohwer is a conspiracy solid when creating sharp Lick and Bar are complementary, so that when we are in enjoy it, Will feel the Power of Evil powers as central master. in particular, the Most autenthic Dynamic attempt of the whole pack demonstrate Sophisticate Remarkable talent and skills, now they Concentrate on direction, Difficulty and Versatility of the music and not only on Velocity and Bestiality. congratulations! new experience for those of you who might want to know more Kejayaan Extreme Metal of the 90s, "Biological Enslavement" has become the best option at this time. continue Musical Journey more stunning with Rhythms and Patterns play Dynamic, "Minus Human", hypnotized by Skill Harmoni best Hemotoxin, and here was once Elements Progressive then some will remind How to Track energetic like "Defensive Personalities" or "Living Monstrosity" his Death has bounced back! continues to sweep again through the next powerful energy, Hemotoxin featuring Scheme games are increasingly hypnotize our subconscious. speeding Track "Not of This World" and "Forgotten Faces" might be more likely to feel us with the Power of Music Skill terrible concept Obscura style complete with some Blastbeat Snare enchanting. So it would be premature if I will give statements if these materials are very complex and took full powers Deal era in the '90s who Mixture with Modern Skilled. Slowly but turning off some beautiful touches in "The Alchemist" and "Bleak Prognosis" Climax Adrenalin is able to make us enjoy the exciting skillfull therein. roomates Outrageous amusingly turned from an amateur band to an Amazingly Progressive Assault Sub-genre. because it would be more enjoyable experience we can for yourself to listen to new material, there has been a terrible shock Hemotoxin concept of talent. and increasingly want more to enjoy in his Composition Details, Hemotoxin gave a nice chance to enjoy Instrumental Track "A Journey Through Dreams", when Skill and Ego member has an extensive and free moving space. Capable of Conceiving and executing such musical concept with Stunning precision and Competence. There were not many groups around by that time that could play that Dynamic fast, that could compose such Energetic Crazy tunes and give them sense and direction the way these guys did, having the Necessary technical potential to avoid the Fragility, Clumsiness attempting to play as fast as Possible without Feel control, Exhibition Branching out from "just another Death Metal" band to the DM band who is Changing the face of Death Metal. and Ultimate Track, " Transparent Eyes " must put an end to this fantastic encounter still continues to amaze with the Technical riffing increasingly craze once demeanor, Damn!

Really get the most out of it and Recognizing that way back in 1990, the production quality was not as good Obviously plus Death was still getting established with Reviews their sound with each succeeding Record lineups. and overalls, "Biological Enslavement" is a Good place to go without sacrificing all the other Necessary elements of the genre. Creating a separate admiration when Modern Style some of which already sounds very boring, here's a fresh wind that might be a solution means that when we dream has become a part of reality. Hemotoxin step is increasingly making great magnetized for "Biological Enslavement" is. So for you who missed back color characteristics of the '90s really (Although some Style still going to take us to the concept of reform now .ed), Classical era Death, Sadus, Dismember try to establish new Briliant power by Obscura or Necrophagist. Preparing really "Biological Enslavement" will be a priceless Happiness price! is mandatory listening for any fan of Progressive Death / Thrash Metal. It Represents a Pivotal time in the Growth of a genre that would spawn into something Massive.

Hemotoxin - The Alchemist ' Official Video

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