Grot - Grot EP

Grot - Grot EP
Self Released EP 2016

01 Denying Complexity 02:42    
02 Impending Dystopia 02:54    
03 Imposed Doctrine 02:34    
04 Eradicate the Virtuous 03:08

Eoin Broughal - Vocals
John Roche - Guitars, Bass    
Kevin Talley - Drums

Fucking Grinding to the core! It’s true that a group, started only by passion and love for the music, is the most genuine thing but this one did a true fucking heavy and inspired album that surely won’t be forgotten, Yeahh GRIND ON !!! Kayaknya surprise banget kalo debutan Mini Independen band asal Kilkenny, Ireland ini bikin prediksi yang Keliru, Kenapa? karena pada EP sebelumnya " I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream " tahun 2012, GROT lebih menawarkan Gaya Death/Grind dengan sentuhan kuat NYDM styles ! apalagi diperkuat dengan hadirnya Drummer Potensial Kevin Talley dengan Segudang Proyeknya, kali ini Grot tidak mengusung warna tersebut, karena materi kali ini More Faster than Faster, lebih gelap seperti Gw mendengarkan Agresi-nya Marduk, Dark Funeral atau Belphegor rasanya, Black Metal Typical disaster ! Lunatic schizophrenic riffage Attack and Blastbeat Detected, Arrrrrghhhhh !!! ... ya semacam kaget banget aja dengan Perubahan Signifikan Konsep yang diusung sekarang, meski Karakteristik Death Metal sound masih kental terasakan sejak ledakan Track pertama " Denying Complexity ", Grot sudah langsung pada Inti tanpa Proses pemanasan, sehingga Kontan aja seisi Kamar Gw dibikin pecah berantakan dengan rentetan Blastbeat Snare Rapat Kevin Talley yang masih Super Crushing dan Powerfully, Karakter Vokal yang Growling sudah tidak terdengar, lebih merasakan banget Raungan Raw Vocal yang High Pitch, Scary Screams that sometimes go very High in Tonality !!! Komposisi-nya seperti terus menghantamkan Fast Part terus menerus tanpa henti seperti mengingatkan juga dengan Gempuran Grind Barbar awal Rotten Sound, this is pure brutality looking always to the past ! sedikit agak keheranan jika Persepsi awal Gw bakal mendengar sajian Ajib-ajib yang sempat bikin Gw memorable lewat EP " I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream ", Meski rada Skeptis, Gw tetep penasaran untuk melanjutkan Track selanjutnya, " Impending Dystopia ", yang ternyata masih Grinding Tempo mencekam tanpa henti. From start to finish, this disc is just a Totally Cacophonous, Outrageous, Blasting Demonstration of how Death/Grind should be done. Eoin Broughal masih kekeuh dengan Raw Pitchin Vokill-nya, Going from a Subsonic rumble to a piercing Shriek instantly and Maintaining this intensity throughout the whole of the Track. Selain Pummeling Roll on Riffin, beberapa sentuhan Atmospheric-nya kerasa banget menambah Redup gelap Aroma tercium. Sedikit memberi Sentuhan berani pada Track ke-3 " Imposed Doctrine ", Gitaris John Roche juga menambah Solo gitar diantara Thundering Dark Riffin-nya. It's just Crushing, that's the only way I know how to Describe it. hingga pada Track terakhir " Eradicate the Virtuous ", Aroma Barbar tempo masih menjadi Mimpi Buruk yang menyerang tanpa ampun, so jangan terlalu berharap banyak Grot akan merubah tempo menjadi Lebih Manis, Karena Siksaan Bomblaster seakan jadi Diorama pembantaian musikal panjang yang sengaja mereka suguhkan. Atau mungkin kalian ini mendengar Skill Kevin Talley yang terkenal kaya memiliki Lick Drumming Ajib, bakalan kecewa akan materi ini, karena Kevin disini hanya dituntut lebih Konsentrasi dengan Power-nya saja, sehingga menjadi sedikit Sulit bagi Kevin Memainkan Skill yang Dinamis. Each snappy firework emits all the colors you’d imagine from a group featuring Several well-rounded Musicians: rapid riffs that constantly shift Appearance, and Pestering Gargoyle mating calls. Well, Mungkin kalimat yang pas untuk menggambarkan Materi ini adalah " Blackened Grinding Mayhem ! " Arrrrrrghhhh !!!!!!!!!!

ENGLISH (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

Fucking Grinding to the core! It's true that a group, started only by passion and love for the music, is the most genuine thing but this one did a true fucking heavy and inspired album that surely will not be forgotten, Yeahh GRIND ON !!! I think if really surprise debutant Mini Independent band from Kilkenny, Ireland is making predictions Wrong, Why? because in the previous EP "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" in 2012, GROT more offers Style Death / Grind with a strong touch of NYDM styles! especially enhanced by the presence of Drummer Potential Kevin Talley with Myriad His project, this time Grot not carry these colors, because the matter this time More Faster than Faster, darker as I listen Aggression her Marduk, Dark Funeral or Belphegor tastes, Black Metal Typical disaster! Lunatic schizophrenic and Blastbeat riffage Attack Detected, Arrrrrghhhhh !!! ... Yes really just sort of shocked by the Significant Change Concept promoted now, though Characteristics Death Metal sound is still strong unfelt since the explosion of the first Track "Denying Complexity", Grot already directly on the core without heating process, so that Cash wrote the whole room broke contrived Gw mess with a barrage Blastbeat Meeting Snare Kevin Talley is still Super Crushing and Powerfully, Character Vocal Growling had not heard, more feel really roar Raw the High Vocal Pitch, Scary Screams that sometimes go very high in tonality !!! Her compositions such as continued ramming Fast Part continuously without stopping like to remind also with the early barbarian incursions Grind Rotten Sound, this is pure brutality always looking to the past! a little bit astonished if the initial perception I will hear a Nice presentation who had time to make my memorable through the EP "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" Although rada Skeptical, I'm still curious to continue the next track, "Impending Dystopia", which turned out Tempo Grinding still gripping endlessly. From start to finish, this disc is just a Totally cacophonous, Outrageous, Blasting Demonstration of how Death / Grind should be done. Eoin Broughal still kekeuh with its Raw Pitchin Vokill, Going from a subsonic rumble to a piercing Shriek instantly and Maintaining this intensity throughout the whole of the Track. Besides pummeling Roll on Riffin, some of its fixed and Atmospheric touches really add aroma wafted dark Dim. Few gave touch of daring on Track to-3 "imposed Doctrine", guitarist John Roche also add guitar solos among his Thundering Dark Riffin. It's just Crushing, that's the only way I know how to Describe it. until the last track "Eradicate the Virtuous", Aroma Barbar tempo is still a nightmare that attacked mercilessly, so do not expect too much change tempo Grot will be more sweet, because torture Bomblaster seemed so long musical Diorama deliberate carnage they contributed. Or maybe you have heard of the famous Skill Kevin Talley rich have nice Drumming Lick, this material is going to be disappointed, because Kevin here simply demanded more concentration to Power its course, so that it becomes a little is hard for Kevin Playing Dynamic Skill. Each snappy firework emits all the colors you'd imagine from a group featuring Several well-rounded Musicians: rapid riffs that constantly shift Appearance, and pestering Gargoyle mating calls. Well, Maybe a sentence that describes this material is "Blackened Grinding Mayhem!" Arrrrrrghhhh !!!!!!!!!!

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