Mass Massacre - Repentance in Gangrene CD 2010

Mass Massacre - Repentance in Gangrene
Self Produce 2010

01 Drowning in to carnage
02 Psychotropic injection
03 Funeral office
04 Dehumanized
05 Hopeless civilization
06 Vomited society
07 Autophobia
08 Repentance in gangrene
09 Curse
10 Human-grill
11 Entrails on the railways (Zombie Train)
12 Invitation to grave
13 Dance of chainsaw
14 Torture time

Ukraine Scene menambah lagi keluarga Brutal band dengan kehadiran nama Mass Massacre yang terbentuk di daerah Rivne sejak tahun 2004. kalo memutar lagu lagu mereka gw rada ke ingat ya sama materi Incantation Era " Onward to Golgotha " ya ?? apalagi beberapa sentuhan elemen gelap dan kelap Immolation mereka masukkan dalam Konsep yang terasa kental banget elemen Grindcore. beberapa lagunya memang di geber selalu dengan tempo yang cepat in The vein Mortician. ada 14 lagu berdurasi 43.12 dan bagi gw koq lama lama cenderung bikin Boring, karena terlalu di siksa dengan Irama Monoton yang cenderung bergaya band goregrind !!, sebelumnya band ini juga sempat memperkenalkan diri dengan 2 demo dan khabar terakhir di Myspace mereka, kalo sekarang mereka baru sepakat kerja bareng Coyote records. well pokoknya ada 14 lagu berdarah darah karena sebuah penyiksaan sadis. bagi yang demen dengan gaya bermain music Mortician dengan sentuhan Riff gelap ala Immolation dan Incantation Era " Onward to Golgotha ", sepertinya CD ini akan menggambarkan karakter seperti itu dalam 14 lagunya. Uaaaarrrgghhhhhh !!!

Ukraine Scene Brutal add another family band with the presence of a Mass Massacre formed in Rivne region since 2004. play their songs If Me Almost to remember it the same material Era Incantation "Onward to Golgotha" yes? let alone a touch of dark elements and fairy Immolation they enter in the concept that feels really thick Grindcore elements. some songs are in Geber, always with a fast tempo in the vein Mortician. there are 14 tracks duration gw koq 43.12 and for a long time tend to make Boring, because too in torment with a monotonous rhythm that tend style goregrind band!, before the band was also briefly introduce ourselves to 2 demo and latest khabar on their Myspace, if they now Coyote agreed to work with my new records. well basically there are 14 tracks of blood bloody because of a sadistic torture. for that Amendment Mortician style of playing music with a touch of dark Riff Era la Immolation and Incantation "Onward to Golgotha", this CD seems like it would describe the characters in 14 songs. Uaaaarrrgghhhhhh!...

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